
Defines functions getReanalysisColor getReanalysesColors darkenColor lightenColor colMax colMin

Documented in colMax colMin darkenColor getReanalysesColors getReanalysisColor lightenColor

#' Build a dataframe with the predefined color per reanalysis
#' Build a dataframe with the predefined color per reanalysis based on "The 
#' S-RIP colour definitions for reanalysis datasets"
#' https://s-rip.ees.hokudai.ac.jp/mediawiki/index.php/Notes_for_Authors
#' @return The colors dataframe.
#' @note 
#' The S-RIP colour definitions for reanalysis datasets
#' https://s-rip.ees.hokudai.ac.jp/mediawiki/index.php/Notes_for_Authors
#' Reanalyses	R, G, B	Hexadecimal	Notes
#' MERRA-2	226, 31, 38	#E21F26	
#' MERRA	246, 153, 153	#F69999	
#' ERA-Interim	41, 95, 138	#295F8A	
#' ERA5	95, 152, 198	#5F98C6	
#' ERA-40	175, 203, 227	#AFCBE3	
#' JRA-55	114, 59, 122	#723B7A	
#' JRA-55C, JRA-55AMIP	173, 113, 181	#AD71B5	
#' JRA-25	214, 184, 218	#D6B8DA	
#' NCEP-NCAR R1	245, 126, 32	#F57E20	
#' NCEP-DOE R2	253, 191, 110	#FDBF6E	
#' 20CR v2c	236, 0, 140	#EC008C	
#' 20CR v2	247, 153, 209	#F799D1	
#' CERA-20C	0, 174, 239	#00AEEF	
#' ERA-20C	96, 200, 232	#60C8E8	
#' CFSR	52, 160, 72	#34A048	
#' REM	179, 91, 40	#B35B28	reanalysis ensemble mean
#' Other	255, 215, 0	#FFD700	
#' Observations	0, 0, 0	#000000	observations - black
#' Other observations	119, 119, 119	#777777	observations - grey
#' @export
reanalysis.colors <- data.frame(
  id = c(   "NR-1",    "NR-2",    "ERA-INT", "CFSR",    "JRA-55",  "JRA-55C", "20CR-2c", "ERA-20C", "MERRA-2", "CERA-20C", "ERA5"),
  color = c("#F57E20", "#FDBF6E", "#295F8A", "#34A048", "#723B7A", "#AD71B5", "#EC008C", "#60C8E8", "#E21F26", "#00AEEF",  "#5F98C6")

#' Get the reference color for a given reanalysis.
#' Get the reference color for a given reanalysis.
#' @param reanalysis The name of the reanalysis.
#' @return The hex color code
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' col <- atmoswing::getReanalysisColor('CFSR')
#' }
#' @export
getReanalysisColor <- function(reanalysis) {
  if(reanalysis == "NR-1") {
  } else if (reanalysis == "NR-2") {
  } else if (reanalysis == "ERA-INT") {
  } else if (reanalysis == "CFSR") {
  } else if (reanalysis == "JRA-55") {
  } else if (reanalysis == "JRA-55C") {
  } else if (reanalysis == "20CR-2c") {
  } else if (reanalysis == "ERA-20C") {
  } else if (reanalysis == "MERRA-2") {
  } else if (reanalysis == "CERA-20C") {
  } else if (reanalysis == "ERA5") {
  } else {
    message("Reanalysis not found")

#' Get the reference colors for multiple reanalyses.
#' Get the reference colors for multiple reanalyses.
#' @param reanalyses A vector with the names of the reanalysis.
#' @return A vector with the hex color codes
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' colors <- atmoswing::getReanalysesColors(c('CFSR', 'NR-1', 'JRA-55'))
#' }
#' @export
getReanalysesColors <- function(reanalyses) {
  colors <- vector()
  for (reanalysis in reanalyses) {
    colors <- c(colors, atmoswing::getReanalysisColor(reanalysis))

#' Darken a given color.
#' Darken a given color by a given factor.
#' @param color The color to darken
#' @param factor The factor used for darkening
#' @return The darkened color
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' color <- atmoswing::darkenColor("#AD71B5", 1.5)
#' }
#' @export
darkenColor <- function(color, factor=1.4){
  col <- col2rgb(color)
  col <- col/factor
  col <- rgb(t(col), maxColorValue=255)

#' Lighten a given color.
#' Lighten a given color by a given factor.
#' @param color The color to lighten
#' @param factor The factor used for lightening
#' @return The lightened color
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' color <- atmoswing::lightenColor("#AD71B5", 1.5)
#' }
#' @export
lightenColor <- function(color, factor=1.4){
  col <- col2rgb(color)
  col <- col*factor
  col <- rgb(t(col), maxColorValue=255)

#' Get the column max value.
#' Get the column max value.
#' @param data The matrix to extract values from.
#' @return The maximum value found in the column
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' max <- atmoswing::colMax(data)
#' }
#' @export
colMax <- function(data) sapply(data, max, na.rm = TRUE)

#' Get the column min value.
#' Get the column min value.
#' @param data The matrix to extract values from.
#' @return The minimum value found in the column
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' min <- atmoswing::colMin(data)
#' }
#' @export
colMin <- function(data) sapply(data, min, na.rm = TRUE)
atmoswing/R-toolbox documentation built on Nov. 8, 2019, 3:49 p.m.