
##  Script to run GLM fit on colonization/extinction probabilities
##  Uses simple lm call
##  Author:      Andrew Tredennick
##  Email:
##  Last Update: 9-29-2015

####  Set some file paths, etc.
datapath <- "/Users/atredenn/Dropbox/sageAbundance_data/"

####  Get data
fullD <- read.csv(paste0(datapath,"wy_sagecover_subset_noNA.csv"))
if(length(which($Cover))) > 0) stop("data contains NA values")

# Get data structure right
growD <- subset(fullD, Year>1984) # get rid of NA lagcover years
growD$Cover <- round(growD$Cover,0) # round for count-like data
growD$CoverLag <- round(growD$CoverLag,0) # round for count-like data

####  Fit colonization logistic ------------------------------------------------
colD <- growD[which(growD$CoverLag == 0), ]
colD$colonizes <- ifelse(colD$Cover==0, 0, 1) <- glm(colonizes ~ 1, data=colD, family = "binomial")
col.intercept <- as.numeric(coef(

####  Test the fit for probability of colonization -----------------------------
antilogit <- function(x) { exp(x) / (1 + exp(x) ) }
# rbinom(100,1,antilogit(col.intercept)) <- round(mean(colD[which(colD$Cover>0),"Cover"]),0)
atredennick/sageAbundance documentation built on May 10, 2019, 2:11 p.m.