
Defines functions lagData

Documented in lagData

#' Convert many-obs-per case data into lagged matrices
#' lagData creates two matrix variables: one with the lagged covariates,
#' and a second with the indices used in the smooth term from mgcv.
#' Assumes that lagData have already been aggregated to the appropriate resolution.
#' Assumes that lagData and response have and are sorted by columns named year and Location
#' lagData should have \code{nrows(response)*nUnits - startUnit} *not true.
#' @param lagData data.frame or tibble containing the predictor variables to be created as lags. Must be sorted by Location, year, month.
#' @param response data.frame or tibble with the response and one-per-case covariates
#' @param unit character string variable name in lagData by which to lag
#' @param startUnit integer representing which month (or other time unit) to start the lagging
#' @param nUnits integer representing how many time units to lag backwards from startUnit
#' @param measure character string name of column in lagData to convert to matrices
#' @return returns a dataframe or tibble with as many rows as response, and two
#' new matrix columns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' test <- lagData(env_data, response_data, unit = "month", 6, 24, "envVar")
#' dim(test$envVar_6_24)
#' test$envVar_6_24[1:5,1:5]

lagData <- function(lagData, response, unit, startUnit, nUnits, measure){
  period <- max(lagData[,unit])
  N <- nrow(response)
  byMatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = nUnits+1)
  for (row in 1:N){
    # find the starting point
    startYear <- response[row, "year", drop = TRUE] # year and Location
    startLocation <- response[row, "Location", drop = TRUE]
    endYear <- startYear - ceiling(nUnits/period) # endYear always at least 1 less than startYear
    # logical vector to pull out the right part of envData
    pick <- with(lagData, year %in% startYear:endYear & Location == startLocation)
    # Our window is inside this subset
    nvSubset <- lagData[pick, measure, drop = TRUE]
    startRow <- length(nvSubset) - (period - startUnit)
    endRow <- startRow - nUnits
    byMatrix[row, ] <- nvSubset[startRow:endRow]
  byMatName <- paste(measure, startUnit, nUnits, sep = "_")
  lagMatName <- paste("lag", startUnit, nUnits, sep = "_")
  response[,byMatName] <- byMatrix
  response[,lagMatName] <- matrix(0:nUnits, nrow = N, ncol = nUnits + 1, byrow = TRUE)
  return(response) #return(datag)

#' Convert many-obs-per case data into lagged matrices
#' lagData2 creates two matrix variables: one with the lagged covariates,
#' and a second with the indices used in the smooth term from mgcv.
#' Assumes that lagData have already been aggregated to the appropriate resolution.
#' lagData should have \code{nrows(response)*nUnits - startUnit} *not true.
#' matchon should break response down to one row per combination.
#' @param response data.frame or tibble with the response and one-per-case covariates
#' @param lagData data.frame or tibble containing the predictor variables to be created as lags.
#' @param matchon a named character vector of variables to join by. For example, matchon = c("a" = "b") will match response.a to lagData.b.
#' @param matchtimes a named character vector of variables to join times.
#' @param nUnits integer how many rows of the smaller time variable to lag backwards
#' @return returns a dataframe or tibble with as many rows as response, and two
#' new matrix columns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' test <- lagData(env_data, response_data, unit = "month", 6, 24, "envVar")
#' dim(test$envVar_6_24)
#' test$lag_6_24[1:5,1:5]

# lagData2 <- function(response, lagData, matchon, matchtime, nUnits){
#   foo = response # not sure what's going on here.
#   if (length(matchtime) != 2) stop("matchtime must have two time units")
#   matchonvars <- dplyr:::common_by(by = matchon, response, lagData)
#   matchtimevars <- dplyr:::common_by(by = matchtime, response, lagData)
#   period <- max(lagData[,matchtimevars$y[2]])
#   N <- nrow(response)
#   # build the time table
#   startUnit <- response[1,matchtimevars$x[2], drop = TRUE] # assume they are all the same - # better: check!
#   Unit2 <- unique(lagData[, matchtimevars$y[2]])
#   Unit1 <- unique(lagData[, matchtimevars$y[1]])
#   difUnits2 <- rep(startUnit, times = nUnits + 1) - 0:nUnits
#   tmptable <- response[,c(matchonvars$x, matchtimevars$x)]
#   tmptable <- cbind(tmptable, matrix(difUnits2, nrow = N, ncol = nUnits + 1, byrow = TRUE))
#   tmptable <- tidyr::gather(tmptable, key = "key", value = "difUnit2", (length(c(matchonvars$x, matchtimevars$x))+1):ncol(tmptable))
#   tmptable[,"laggedUnit1"] <- tmptable[,matchtimevars$x[1]] + (tmptable[,"difUnit2"] - 1) %/% period
#   tmptable[,"laggedUnit2"] <- tmptable[,"difUnit2"] %% period
#   tmptable[,"laggedUnit2"][tmptable[,"laggedUnit2"] == 0] <- period
#   # this next will fail if the matching variable names are not the same in the
#   # two data frames
#   allby <- c(matchonvars$x, matchtimevars$x)
#   names(allby) <- c(matchonvars$x, "laggedUnit1", "laggedUnit2")
#   tmptable <- dplyr::left_join(tmptable, lagData, by = allby)
#   # spread to get the bymatrix
#   # FIX: get the name of the environment variable somehow
#   tmptable <- dplyr::select(tmptable, matchonvars$x, matchtimevars$x, key, envVar)
#   bymatrix <- tidyr::spread(tmptable, key = key, value = envVar)
#   id_length <- length(allby)
#   num_names <- as.numeric(names(bymatrix)[(id_length+1):ncol(bymatrix)])
#   bymatrix[,"byVar"] <- as.matrix(bymatrix[, order(num_names) + id_length])
#   return(bymatrix)
# }
atyre2/flmtools documentation built on Oct. 21, 2020, 5:26 a.m.