
Defines functions celsius_to_kelvin calc_esat SpecHumidity2Rel Rel2SpecHumidity VPD2RelHum ChangeUnits

Documented in calc_esat celsius_to_kelvin ChangeUnits Rel2SpecHumidity VPD2RelHum

# Conversions.R
# Functions for units changes
# author: Anna Ukkola UNSW 2017

#' Converts units from original Fluxnet to target ALMA units
#' @return datain
#' @export
ChangeUnits <- function(datain, varnames, site_log){
  #Loop through variables. If original and target units do not match,
  #convert (or return error if conversion between units not known)
  #Retrieve original and target units
  flx_units  <- datain$units$original_units
  alma_units <- datain$units$target_units
  #Save timestep size (in seconds):
  tstep <- datain$timestepsize
  #track if variable converted or not
  #used if a conversion relies on several variables
  #which may or may not have been converted already
  converted <- rep(FALSE, length(flx_units))
  for(k in 1:length(flx_units)){
    #Check if units match, convert if not
    if(flx_units[k] != alma_units[k]){
      #Recognises original FLUXNET2015 and LaThuile variable names
      ## Air temperature (C to K)
      if(datain$vars[k] %in% varnames$tair & flx_units[k]=="C" & alma_units[k]=="K"){
        datain$data[[k]] <- celsius_to_kelvin(datain$data[[k]])
      ## CO2: different but equivalent units, do nothing
      } else if(datain$vars[k] %in% varnames$co2 & flx_units[k]=="umolCO2/mol" & alma_units[k]=="ppm"){
      ## Rainfall (mm/timestep to mm/s)
      } else if(datain$vars[k] %in% varnames$precip & flx_units[k]=="mm" & alma_units[k]=="kg/m2/s"){
        datain$data[[k]] <- datain$data[[k]] / tstep
      ## Air pressure (kPa to Pa) (Not in La Thuile dataset)
      } else if(datain$vars[k] %in% varnames$airpressure & flx_units[k]=="kPa" & alma_units[k]=="Pa"){  
        datain$data[[k]] <- datain$data[[k]] * 1000
      ## Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) to SWdown
      } else if(datain$vars[k] %in% varnames$par & flx_units[k]=="umol/m2/s" & alma_units[k]=="W/m2"){  
        #Conversion following Monteith & Unsworth (1990), Principles of Environmental Physics
        datain$data[[k]] <- datain$data[[k]] * (1 / 2.3)
        #Negative PAR values present, set these to PAR = 5 umol m-2 s-1, converted to SWdown
        datain$data[[k]][datain$data[[k]] < 0] <- 5 * (1 / 2.3)
      ## Specific humidity from relative humidity or VPD (in kg/kg, calculate from tair, rel humidity/VPD and psurf)
      } else if(datain$vars[k] %in% c(varnames$relhumidity, varnames$vpd) & 
                flx_units[k] %in% c("hPa","%") & alma_units[k]=="kg/kg"){  

        #Find Tair and PSurf units
        psurf_units <- flx_units[names(flx_units) %in% varnames$airpressure]
        tair_units  <- flx_units[names(flx_units) %in% varnames$tair]
        #If already converted, reset units to new converted units
        if(converted[which(datain$vars %in% varnames$airpressure)]) {
          psurf_units <- alma_units[names(alma_units) %in% varnames$airpressure]         
        if (converted[which(datain$vars %in% varnames$tair)]){
          tair_units <- alma_units[names(alma_units) %in% varnames$tair]

        #Find index for Tair
        tair_ind <- which(colnames(datain$data) %in% varnames$tair)
        #Calculate relative humidity
        if (datain$vars[k] %in% varnames$vpd) {
          #Find index for VPD
          vpd_ind  <- which(colnames(datain$data) %in% varnames$vpd)
          #Calculate relative humidity from VPD
          temp_relhumidity <- VPD2RelHum(VPD=datain$data[,vpd_ind],  
                                         vpd_units=flx_units[colnames(datain$data) %in% varnames$vpd], #names(flx_units) %in% varnames$vpd], replacing because sometimes finds multiple cases in units
        #If converting from RH
        } else {
          #Else take relative humidity data
          temp_relhumidity <- datain$data[,colnames(datain$data) %in% varnames$relhumidity]
        #Then calculate specific humidity from relative humidity
        datain$data[[k]] <- Rel2SpecHumidity(relHum=temp_relhumidity, 
                                             airtemp=datain$data[,colnames(datain$data) %in% varnames$tair], 
                                             pressure=datain$data[,colnames(datain$data) %in% varnames$airpressure], 
        # Fix QC flag. In this case, will use QC flags for VPD and Tair to determine Qair quality
        # Psurf not used as it is less critical for calculation. Taking the worse flag out of VPD
        # and Tair (e.g. if VPD observed but Tair gap-filled, will label Qair gap-filled as well)
        # Create Qair qc flag 
        # Get indices for VPD and Tair qc flags
        # Not ideal, hard-codes output variable name as "qc". Cannot work out a way round this
        if (datain$vars[k] %in% varnames$vpd) { #VPD
          humidity_qc_ind  <- which(datain$out_vars == paste0(datain$out_vars[vpd_ind], "_qc"))
        } else if(datain$vars[k] %in% varnames$relhumidity) { #relative humidity
          rh_ind  <- which(colnames(datain$data) %in% varnames$relhumidity)
          humidity_qc_ind  <- which(datain$out_vars == paste0(datain$out_vars[rh_ind], "_qc"))

        tair_qc_ind <- which(datain$out_vars == paste0(datain$out_vars[tair_ind], "_qc"))
        if (any(c(length(humidity_qc_ind), length(tair_qc_ind)) == 0)) {
          stop("Cannot find VPD/RH or Tair QC flag in unit conversions")
        # Find index for Qair qc flag
        # Not ideal, hard-codes output variable name as "qc"
        # Cannot work out a way round this
        qair_qc_ind <- which(datain$out_vars == paste0(datain$out_vars[k], "_qc"))
        # Replace data with new adjusted qc flag
        # Take the pairwise maximum of each element
        # FIX Koen Hufkens: When the Qair_qc column does not exist, create it.
        # I do not know how to trace this back to its origin due
        # to the complexity of the code but somewhere the Qair_qc
        # columns does not get generated
        if(length(qair_qc_ind) == 0 ){
          datain$data$Qair_qc <- pmax(datain$data[[humidity_qc_ind]], datain$data[[tair_qc_ind]])
        } else {
          datain$data[[qair_qc_ind]] <- pmax(datain$data[[humidity_qc_ind]], datain$data[[tair_qc_ind]])  
      ## VPD from kPa to hPa
      } else if(datain$vars[k] %in% varnames$vpd & flx_units[k]=="kPa" & alma_units[k]=="hPa"){
        datain$data[[k]] <- datain$data[[k]] * 10
      ###--- Template for adding a new conversion ---###
      #Use the Fluxnet variable name and unit, and output unit as specified in data/Output_variables_xxx.csv
#       } else if(datain$vars[k]=="Fluxnet variable name" & flx_units[k]=="Fluxnet variable unit" & 
#                   alma_units[k]=="Output variable unit"){  
#         datain$data[[k]] <- datain$data[[k]] * [your conversion]
      ## If cannot find conversion, abort  
      } else {
        error <- paste0("Unknown unit conversion. cannot convert between original ", 
                       "Fluxnet and required units, check variable: ", datain$vars[k], 
                       ". Available conversions: air temp C to K, rainfall mm to kg/m2/s, ",
                       "air pressure kPa to Pa, humidity from relative (%) to specific (kg/kg), ",
                       "VPD from kPa to hPa and PAR (umol/m2/s) to shortwave radiation (W/m2)")
        stop_and_log(error, site_log)
      #Set to TRUE after converting variable  
      converted[k] <- TRUE
  } #variables


#' Converts VPD (hPa) to relative humidity (percentage)
#' @return relative humidity as percentage
VPD2RelHum <- function(VPD, airtemp, vpd_units, tair_units, site_log){

  #Check that VPD in Pascals
  if(any(vpd_units != "hPa")){
    error <- paste("Cannot convert VPD to relative humidity. VPD units not recognised,",
                   "expecting VPD in hectopascals [ function:", match.call()[[1]], "]")
    stop_and_log(error, site_log)
  #Check that temperature in Celcius. Convert if not
    airtemp <- airtemp - 273.15
  #Hectopascal to Pascal
  hPa_2_Pa <- 100
  #Saturation vapour pressure (Pa).
  esat <- calc_esat(airtemp) 
  #Relative humidity (%)
  RelHum <- 100 * (1 - ((VPD * hPa_2_Pa) / esat))
  #Make sure RH is within [0,100]
  RelHum[RelHum < 0]   <- 0.01
  RelHum[RelHum > 100] <- 100


#' Converts relative humidity to specific humidity.
#' @return specific humidity in kg/kg
Rel2SpecHumidity <- function(relHum, airtemp, tair_units, 
                             pressure, psurf_units, site_log){
  # required units: airtemp - temp in C; pressure in Pa; relHum as %
  #Check that temperature in Celcius. Convert if not
    airtemp <- airtemp - 273.15
  } else if(tair_units != "C"){
    error <- paste("Unknown air temperature units, cannot convert", 
                   "relative to specific humidity. Accepts air temperature in K or C", 
                   "[ function:", match.call()[[1]], "]")
    stop_and_log(error, site_log)
  #Check that PSurf is in Pa. Convert if not
    pressure <- pressure * 1000
  } else if(psurf_units != "Pa"){
    error <- paste("Unknown air pressure units, cannot convert", 
                   "relative to specific humidity. Accepts air pressure",
                   "in kPa or Pa", match.call()[[1]], "]")
    stop_and_log(error, site_log)
  # Sat vapour pressure in Pa (reference as above)
  esat <- calc_esat(airtemp)
  # Then specific humidity at saturation:
  ws <- 0.622*esat/(pressure - esat)
  # Then specific humidity:
  specHum <- (relHum/100) * ws


SpecHumidity2Rel <- function(
  # required units: airtemp - temp in C; pressure in Pa; relHum as %
  #Check that temperature in Celcius. Convert if not
    airtemp <- airtemp - 273.15
  } else if(tair_units != "C"){
    error <- paste("Unknown air temperature units, cannot convert",
                   "relative to specific humidity. Accepts air temperature in K or C")
  #Check that PSurf is in Pa. Convert if not
    pressure <- pressure * 1000
  } else if(psurf_units != "Pa"){
    error <- paste("Unknown air pressure units, cannot convert",
                   "relative to specific humidity. Accepts air pressure",
                   "in kPa or Pa")
  # Sat vapour pressure in Pa (reference as above)
  esat <- calc_esat(airtemp)
  # Then specific humidity at saturation:
  ws <- 0.622*esat / (pressure - esat)
  # Re-ordering this equation to get RH:
  #specHum <- (relHum/100) * ws
  relHum <- 100 * (specHum / ws)


#' Calculates saturation vapour pressure
#' @return saturation vapour pressure
calc_esat <- function(airtemp){
  #Tair in degrees C
  #From Jones (1992), Plants and microclimate: A quantitative approach 
  #to environmental plant physiology, p110
  esat <- 613.75 * exp(17.502 * airtemp / (240.97+airtemp))


#' Convert air temperature from Celsius to Kelvin
celsius_to_kelvin <- function(data){
  data <- data + 273.15
aukkola/FluxnetLSM documentation built on July 4, 2023, 12:04 p.m.