

test_that("files are loaded into the right env", {
  renv <- new.env(parent=environment())
  genv <- new.env(parent=environment())

  loadSupport("../test-helpers/app1-standard", renv=renv, globalrenv=genv)
  expect_equal(get("helper1", renv, inherits=FALSE), 123)
  expect_equal(get("helper2", renv, inherits=FALSE), "abc")

  expect_equal(get("global", genv, inherits=FALSE), "ABC")

test_that("Can suppress sourcing global.R", {
  # Confirm that things blow up if we source global.R

  # Shouldn't see an error now that we're suppressing global sourcing.
  renv <- loadSupport(test_path("../test-helpers/app3-badglobal"), globalrenv=NULL)

  # But other helpers are still sourced
  expect_true(exists("helper1", envir=renv))

test_that("nested helpers are not loaded", {
  loadSupport("../test-helpers/app2-nested", renv=environment(), globalrenv=NULL)
  expect_equal(helper1, 456)

test_that("app with both r/ and R/ prefers R/", {
  ## App 4 already has a lower-case r/ directory. Try to create an upper.
           warning=function(w){testthat::skip("File system is not case-sensitive")})
  writeLines("upperHelper <- 'abc'", file.path("../test-helpers/app4-both/R", "upper.R"))

  renv <- loadSupport("../test-helpers/app4-both")

  expect_false(exists("lowerHelper", envir=renv))
  expect_equal(get("upperHelper", envir=renv), "abc")

test_that("With ui/server.R, global.R is loaded before R/ helpers and into the right envs", {
  calls <- list()
  sourceStub <- function(...){
    calls[[length(calls)+1]] <<- list(...)

  # Temporarily opt-in to R/ file autoloading
  orig <- getOption("shiny.autoload.r", NULL)
  on.exit({options(shiny.autoload.r=orig)}, add=TRUE)

  # + shinyAppDir_serverR
  # +--- sourceUTF8
  # +--+ loadSupport
  # |  +--- sourceUTF8
  loadSpy <- rewire(loadSupport, sourceUTF8 = sourceStub)
  sad <- rewire(shinyAppDir_serverR, sourceUTF8 = sourceStub, loadSupport = loadSpy)

  sa <- sad(normalizePath("../test-helpers/app1-standard"))
  sa$onStop() # Close down to free up resources

  # Should have seen three calls -- first to global then to the helpers
  expect_length(calls, 3)
  expect_match(calls[[1]][[1]], "/global\\.R$", perl=TRUE)
  expect_match(calls[[2]][[1]], "/helperCap\\.R$", perl=TRUE)
  expect_match(calls[[3]][[1]], "/helperLower\\.r$", perl=TRUE)

  # Check environments
  # global.R loaded into the global env
  gEnv <- calls[[1]]$envir
  expect_identical(gEnv, globalenv())

  # helpers are loaded into a child of the global env
  helperEnv1 <- calls[[2]]$envir
  helperEnv2 <- calls[[3]]$envir
  expect_identical(helperEnv1, helperEnv2)
  expect_identical(parent.env(helperEnv1), globalenv())

  calls <- NULL
  # Source the server
  expect_length(calls, 1)
  # server.R is sourced into a child environment of the helpers
  expect_match(calls[[1]][[1]], "/server\\.R$")
  expect_identical(parent.env(calls[[1]]$envir), helperEnv1)

  calls <- NULL
  # Invoke the UI by simulating a request
  expect_length(calls, 1)
  # ui.R is sourced into a child environment of the helpers
  expect_match(calls[[1]][[1]], "/ui\\.R$")
  expect_identical(parent.env(calls[[1]]$envir), helperEnv1)

test_that("Loading supporting R fils is opt-in", {
  calls <- list()
  sourceStub <- function(...){
    calls[[length(calls)+1]] <<- list(...)

  # Temporarily unset autoloading option
  orig <- getOption("shiny.autoload.r", NULL)
  on.exit({options(shiny.autoload.r=orig)}, add=TRUE)

  # + shinyAppDir_serverR
  # +--- sourceUTF8
  # +--+ loadSupport
  # |  +--- sourceUTF8
  loadSpy <- rewire(loadSupport, sourceUTF8 = sourceStub)
  sad <- rewire(shinyAppDir_serverR, sourceUTF8 = sourceStub, loadSupport = loadSpy)

  sa <- sad(normalizePath("../test-helpers/app1-standard"))
  sa$onStop() # Close down to free up resources

  # Should have seen one call from global.R -- helpers are disabled
  expect_length(calls, 1)
  expect_match(calls[[1]][[1]], "/global\\.R$", perl=TRUE)

test_that("app.R is loaded after R/ helpers and into the right envs", {
  calls <- list()
  sourceSpy <- function(...){
    calls[[length(calls)+1]] <<- list(...)
    do.call(sourceUTF8, list(...))

  # Temporarily opt-in to R/ file autoloading
  orig <- getOption("shiny.autoload.r", FALSE)
  on.exit({options(shiny.autoload.r=orig)}, add=TRUE)

  # + shinyAppDir_serverR
  # +--- sourceUTF8
  # +--+ loadSupport
  # |  +--- sourceUTF8
  loadSpy <- rewire(loadSupport, sourceUTF8 = sourceSpy)
  sad <- rewire(shinyAppDir_appR, sourceUTF8 = sourceSpy, loadSupport = loadSpy)

  sa <- sad("app.R", normalizePath("../test-helpers/app2-nested"))
  sa$onStop() # Close down to free up resources

  # Should have seen three calls -- first to two helpers then to app.R
  expect_length(calls, 2)
  expect_match(calls[[1]][[1]], "/helper\\.R$", perl=TRUE)
  expect_match(calls[[2]][[1]], "/app\\.R$", perl=TRUE)

  # Check environments
  # helpers are loaded into a child of the global env
  helperEnv1 <- calls[[1]]$envir
  expect_identical(parent.env(helperEnv1), globalenv())

  # app.R is sourced into a child environment of the helpers
  expect_identical(parent.env(calls[[2]]$envir), helperEnv1)
austin3087/https-github.com-rstudio-shiny documentation built on Nov. 3, 2019, 2:01 p.m.