
#' @title Wilcox Power Simulation
#' @description Computes the empirical powers for the Mann-Whitney and t-tests for the
#' two sample problem.   Delta is the shift in location.   The hypotheses are H0: Delta =0
#' versus H1: Delta not equal to 0.   The computed power is at the input parameter Delta.
#' Sampling is over contaminated normal distributions at specified proportion of
#' contamination and the value of the variance of the contaminated part.
#' nsims simulations are performed. 
#' See section 10.4.4 on page 605 of the book.
#' @param n1 Sample size 1.
#' @param n2 Sample size 2. This value must be divisible by the number of
#' elements in vector Delta.
#' @param nsims Number of iterations (simulations).
#' @param eps Contamination rate (epsilon).
#' @param vc Standard deviation of contaminated part.
#' @param Delta is the specfied alternative.
#' @param alpha Level of significance of the test.
#' @return Vector containing empirical power of MWW test and t-test.
#' @references Hogg, R. McKean, J. Craig, A (2018) Introduction to
#' Mathematical Statistics, 8th Ed. Boston: Pearson
#' @examples
#' # Example where variables are initialized
#' # then passed into function.
#' n1 <- 30
#' n2 <- 30
#' nsims <- 100
#' eps <- 0.2
#' vc <- 10
#' Delta <- 3
#' alpha <- 0.05
#' results <- wil2powsim(n1, n2, nsims, eps, vc, Delta, alpha)
#' # Example where values are passed directly
#' # into function, along with a default param
#' # override for the Delta param.
#' results <- wil2powsim(30, 30, 100, 0.20, 10, c(-3, 3, 1), 0.25)
#' @export wil2powsim
#' @importFrom checkmate makeAssertCollection reportAssertions

wil2powsim <- function(n1, n2, nsims, eps, vc, Delta = 0, alpha = 0.05) {
  errors <- makeAssertCollection()
  # argument 1: n1
  errors$push(has_nonan(n1, 1))
  errors$push(is_oneelement(n1, 1))
  errors$push(is_numeric(n1, 1))
  errors$push(is_nonzero(n1, 1))
  errors$push(is_positive(n1, 1))
  errors$push(has_noinf(n1, 1))
  # argument 2: n2
  errors$push(has_nonan(n2, 2))
  errors$push(is_oneelement(n2, 2))
  errors$push(is_numeric(n2, 2))
  errors$push(is_nonzero(n2, 2))
  errors$push(is_positive(n2, 2))
  errors$push(has_noinf(n2, 2))
  # argument 3: nsims
  errors$push(has_nonan(nsims, 3))
  errors$push(is_oneelement(nsims, 3))
  errors$push(is_numeric(nsims, 3))
  errors$push(is_nonzero(nsims, 3))
  errors$push(is_positive(nsims, 3))
  errors$push(has_noinf(nsims, 3))
  # argument 4: eps
  errors$push(has_nonan(eps, 4))
  errors$push(is_oneelement(eps, 4))
  errors$push(is_numeric(eps, 4))
  errors$push(is_nonzero(eps, 4))
  errors$push(is_positive(eps, 4))
  errors$push(has_noinf(eps, 4))
  # argument 5: vc
  errors$push(has_nonan(vc, 5))
  errors$push(is_oneelement(vc, 5))
  errors$push(is_numeric(vc, 5))
  errors$push(is_nonzero(vc, 5))
  errors$push(is_positive(vc, 5))
  errors$push(has_noinf(vc, 5))
  # argument 6: Delta
  errors$push(has_nonan(Delta, 6))
  errors$push(is_numeric(Delta, 6))
  # errors$push(is_integer(n2 / length(Delta), 6, 'argument 6 length
  # must divide argument 2'))
  errors$push(has_noinf(Delta, 6))
  # argument 1: alpha
  errors$push(has_nonan(alpha, 7))
  errors$push(is_oneelement(alpha, 7))
  errors$push(is_numeric(alpha, 7))
  errors$push(is_nonzero(alpha, 7))
  errors$push(is_positive(alpha, 7))
  errors$push(has_noinf(alpha, 7))
  # Initialize local variables
  indwil <- 0
  indt <- 0
  for (i in 1:nsims) {
    x <- rcn(n1, eps, vc)
    y <- rcn(n2, eps, vc) + Delta
    # $p.value is a column in the return from wilcox.test()
    if (wilcox.test(y, x)$p.value <= alpha) {
      indwil <- indwil + 1
    # $p.value is a column in the return from t.test()
    if (t.test(y, x, var.equal = TRUE)$p.value <= alpha) {
      indt <- indt + 1
  powwil <- sum(indwil)/nsims
  powt <- sum(indt)/nsims
  return(c(powwil, powt))
austinragotzy/mathstat documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:30 a.m.