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speciesgeocodeR v. 2.0-10

NOTE: With the changes imminent to r-spatial, speciesgeocoder will be defunct and will be archived end of September 2023. All coordinate cleaning functions have been moved to the CoordinateCleaner package!

An R-package for the preparation for geographic point occurrence data in biogeographic analyses. A major focus is on securing data quality and providing ready to use output for biogeographic software. The main functions include:


Short instructions are given below, see the wiki pages for more information and detailed tutorials. For comments, questions and bug reports, please use speciesgeocodeRatgooglegroups.


Stable from CRAN


Developemental using devtools



Point to Polygon classification

```{r, evaluate = F} sp.class <- SpGeoCod(lemurs, mdg_biomes, areanames = "name")

summary(sp.class) plot(sp.class) plot(sp.class, type = "speciesrichness") WriteOut(sp.class, type = "nexus")

## Distibution range estimation

data(lemurs) rang <- CalcRange(lemurs) plotHull(rang)

## Species Richness maps

```{r, evaluate = F}
sp.ras <- RichnessGrid(lemurs, reso = 1)

Range size calculation

On a local to regional scale speciesgeocodeR can calculate species range size as a alpha hull based on a data.frame of point occurrences. The CalcRange function can return range polygons for each species in the dataset, or calculate range sizes in sqkm (Extent of Occurrence and Area of Occupancy). The output can be used to calculate a species richness grid based on the range sizes using the RangeRichness function.

```{r, evaluate = F} data(lemurs) rang <- CalcRange(lemurs)

## Species richness from ranges

data(lemurs) rang <- CalcRange(lemurs) <- RangeRichness(rang, reso = 0.1) plot(

## Calculate range size

data(lemurs) rang <- CalcRangeSize(lemurs, method = "eoo_pseudospherical") head(rang)

## Input for the Pyrates DES 

```{r, evaluate = F}
#simulate the input data
fos <- data.frame(scientificName = rep(letters[1:4],25),
                  earliestAge = runif(100, min = 60, max = 100),
                  latestAge = runif(100, min = 0, max = 60),
                  higherGeography = sort(rep(c("A", "B"), 50)))

rec <- data.frame(scientificName = c(letters[1:4], letters[1:2]),
                  higherGeography = c(rep("A",4), rep("B", 2)))

#create DES input object
exp1 <- DESin(fos, rec, bin.size = 2, reps = 3)

#explore data

#write data to disk for use in pyrate
write.DESin(exp1, file = "Example1_DES_in")

Automated conservation assessment

occ.exmpl<- data.frame(species = sample(letters, size = 250, replace = TRUE),
                       decimallongitude = runif(n = 250, min = 42, max = 51),
                       decimallatitude = runif(n = 250, min = -26, max = -11))

rang <- CalcRange(occ.exmpl, method = 'pseudospherical', terrestrial = FALSE)


Other versions of speciesgeocodeR include: 1. A web interface that allows the analysis of data online: 2. A equivalent python package written by Mats Töpel


Töpel M, Zizka A, Calió MF, Scharn R, Silvestro D, Antonelli A (2016) SpeciesGeoCoder: Fast Categorisation of Species Occurrences for Analyses of Biodiversity, Biogeography, Ecology and Evolution. Systematic Biology.

azizka/speciesgeocodeR documentation built on Sept. 5, 2023, 3:45 a.m.