
#' Given a spatial object, calculate the UTM zone of the centroid
#' For a line or polygon, the UTM zone of the centroid is given, after 
#' reprojecting the object into WGS-84.
#' Based on the code on gis.stackexchange.com at http://bit.ly/17SdcuN.
#' @export utm_zone
#' @import methods
#' @param x a longitude (with western hemisphere longitudes negative), or a 
#' \code{Spatial} object
#' @param y a latitude (with southern hemisphere latitudes negative), or 
#' missing (if x is a \code{Spatial} object)
#' @param proj4string if FALSE (default) return the UTM zone as a string (for 
#' example "34S" for UTM Zone 34 South). If TRUE, return a proj4string using 
#' the EPSG code as an initialization string.
#' @examples
#' utm_zone(45, 10)
#' utm_zone(45, -10)
#' utm_zone(45, 10, proj4string=TRUE)
setGeneric("utm_zone", function(x, y, proj4string=FALSE) {

utm_zone_calc <- function(x, y, proj4string) {
    if (x < -180 || x > 180) {
        stop("longitude must be between -180 and 180")
    if (y < -90 || y > 90) {
        stop("latitude must be between -90 and 90")

    zone_num <- floor((x + 180)/6) + 1
    if (y >= 56.0 && y < 64.0 && x >= 3.0 && x < 12.0) {
        zone_num <- 32

    # Special zone_nums for Svalbard
    if (y >= 72.0 && y < 84.0) {
        if (x >= 0.0 && x < 9.0) {
            zone_num <- 31
        } else if (x >= 9.0 && x < 21.0) {
            zone_num <- 33
        } else if (x >= 21.0 && x < 33.0) {
            zone_num <- 35
        } else if (x >= 33.0 && x < 42.0) {
            zone_num <- 37

    if (y >= 0) {
        ns <- 'N'
    } else {
        ns <- 'S'

    if (proj4string) {
        if (ns == 'N') {
            return(paste0('+init=epsg:326', sprintf('%02i', zone_num)))
        } else {
            return(paste0('+init=epsg:327', sprintf('%02i', zone_num)))
    } else {
        return(paste0(zone_num, ns))

#' @rdname utm_zone
#' @aliases utm_zone,numeric,numeric,logical-method
setMethod("utm_zone", signature("numeric", "numeric"),
    function(x, y, proj4string) {
        return(utm_zone_calc(x, y, proj4string))

#' @rdname utm_zone
#' @importFrom rgeos gCentroid
#' @importFrom sp Spatial coordinates spTransform
#' @aliases utm_zone,Spatial,missing,logical-method
setMethod("utm_zone", signature(x='Spatial', y='missing'),
    function(x, proj4string) {
        x <- spTransform(x, CRS('+init=epsg:4236'))
        centroid <- coordinates(gCentroid(x))
        return(utm_zone_calc(centroid[1], centroid[2], proj4string))
azvoleff/teamlucc documentation built on May 11, 2019, 5:19 p.m.