
#' @title Summarizing a CLV data object
#' @param object A CLV data object containing transactional data and potentially also contextual factors.
#' @param Id A character vector of customer ids for which the transaction data is summarized. Defaults to
#' \code{NULL} for all customers.
#' @description
#' Summary method for objects of class \code{} that provides information about the estimation and
#' possible holdout sample, and descriptive statistics of the transaction data.
#' @details
#' If applicable, the summary statistics are provided separately for the estimation and holdout period as well as
#' for the overall time period (estimation + holdout). By using the \code{Id} argument, the summary statistics can
#' be limited to a subset of customers.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{Number of customers}}{Count of individual customers.}
#' \item{\code{First Transaction in period}}{Time point of the first transaction occurring in the indicated period.}
#' \item{\code{Last Transaction in period}}{Time point of the last transaction occurring in the indicated period.}
#' \item{\code{Total # Transactions}}{Count of transactions occurring in the indicated period.}
#' \item{\code{Mean # Transactions per cust}}{Average transactions per customer in the indicated period,
#' including standard deviation (SD).}
#' \item{\code{Mean Spending per Transaction}}{Average spending per customer in the indicated period, including
#' standard deviation (SD). Spending statistics are only available if spending data was provided when creating the object.}
#' \item{\code{Total Spending}}{Sum of customer spending during the indicated period.}
#' \item{\code{Total # zero repeaters}}{Number of customers who purchased only once during the estimation period.}
#' \item{\code{Percentage of zero repeaters}}{Percentage of customers who purchased only once during the estimation period.}
#' \item{\code{Mean Interpurchase time}}{Average time (in number of periods) between two transactions of the same customer,
#' including standard deviation (SD).}
#' }
#' @return This function computes and returns summary statistics of the
#' transactional and covariates data given in \code{object}. This is a list of
#' class \code{} and contains the elements:
#' \item{name}{Human readable description of the type of data.}
#' \item{summary.clv.time}{Summary information about the stored \code{clv.time} object.}
#' \item{descriptives.transactions}{A \code{data.table} with summary statistics of
#' the transactions overall and in the estimation and holdout sample.}
#' \item{selected.ids}{Ids for which the transaction data was summarized. \code{NULL} if all Ids were used.}
#' For static covariates data, the list additionally is of class \code{}
#' and further contains the elements:
#' \item{}{Names of the covariates for the Transaction process.}
#' \item{}{Names of the covariates for the Lifetime process.}
#' @seealso \code{\link[]{plot}} for how to plot a clv data object
#' @seealso \code{\link[CLVTools:clvdata]{clvdata}} for how to create a clv data object
#' @seealso \code{\link[CLVTools:SetStaticCovariates]{SetStaticCovariates}} for how to add static covariates
#' @seealso \code{\link[CLVTools:SetDynamicCovariates]{SetDynamicCovariates}} for how to add dynamic covariates
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("apparelTrans")
#' <- clvdata(apparelTrans, date.format = "ymd",
#'                             time.unit = "w",
#'                             estimation.split = 40)
#' # summary of transaction data and split
#' summary(
#' # transaction summary of customer "1219"
#' summary(, Id="1219")
#' # transaction summary of customers "1", "10", "100", and "1000"
#' summary(, Id=c("1", "10", "100", "1000"))
#' # add contextual factors
#' data("apparelStaticCov")
#' <-
#'  SetStaticCovariates(,
#'             = apparelStaticCov,
#'             = "Gender",
#'                      data.cov.trans = apparelStaticCov,
#'                      names.cov.trans = "Gender")
#' # additional info about the covariates
#' summary(
#' }
bachmannpatrick/CLVTools documentation built on Oct. 29, 2023, 2:16 p.m.