
#' @title <%=name_model_full %>: Log-Likelihood functions
#' @param vLogparams vector with the <%=name_model_full %> model parameters at log scale. See Details.
#' @param vParams vector with the parameters for the <%=name_model_full %> model at log scale and the static covariates at original scale. See Details.
#' @description
#' Calculates the Log-Likelihood values for the <%=name_model_full %> model with and without covariates.
#' The function \code{<%=name_model_short%>_nocov_LL_ind} calculates the individual log-likelihood
#' values for each customer for the given parameters.
#' The function \code{<%=name_model_short%>_nocov_LL_sum} calculates the log-likelihood value summed
#' across customers for the given parameters.
#' The function \code{<%=name_model_short%>_staticcov_LL_ind} calculates the individual log-likelihood
#' values for each customer for the given parameters and covariates.
#' The function \code{<%=name_model_short%>_staticcov_LL_sum} calculates the individual log-likelihood values summed
#' across customers.
#' @details \code{vLogparams} is a vector with model parameters \code{<%=model_params_ordered%>} at log-scale, in this order.
#' @details \code{vParams} is vector with the <%=name_model_full %> model parameters at log scale,
#' followed by the parameters for the lifetime covariates at original scale and then
#' followed by the parameters for the transaction covariates at original scale
#' @return
#'  Returns the respective Log-Likelihood value(s) for the <%=name_model_full %> model
#'  with or without covariates.
bachmannpatrick/CLVTools documentation built on Oct. 29, 2023, 2:16 p.m.