
Defines functions TAGGITontology

Documented in TAGGITontology

## Sven Nelson              ##
## 9/15/2014                ##
## Function: TAGGITontology ##

# Original TAGGIT paper: (Carrera et al., 2007)
# This function is hardcoded for use with Arabidopsis ATH1 microarray data
# To use with data from another organism, you will need make a few edits.

### Requires myAnnot to exist
# require(ath1121501.db)
# myAnnot <- data.frame(ACCNUM=sapply(contents(ath1121501ACCNUM), paste, collapse=", "), SYMBOL=sapply(contents(ath1121501SYMBOL), paste, collapse=", "), DESC=sapply(contents(ath1121501GENENAME), paste, collapse=", "), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# myAnnot[x, ]

# For testing, can use: GOI1_ATs
# [1] "AT4G25420" "AT5G51810" "AT5G07200" "AT1G30040" "AT1G15550" "AT5G15230" "AT4G36930"
# [8] "AT4G18350" "AT4G19170" "AT3G24220" "AT1G78390" "AT4G19230" "AT2G29090" "AT5G45340"

### I set up another dataset for testing using example genesets (see end of file)

#' TAGGITontology
#' Original TAGGIT paper: (Carrera et al., 2007)
#' This function is hardcoded for use with Arabidopsis ATH1 microarray data
#' To use with data from another organism, you will need make a few edits.

#' @param geneList A vector of genes as AGI identiers or Affymetrix probe_ids.
#' @param useSearchTerms Set to \code{FALSE} to prevent search term searches in gene descriptions (faster, but results will be based only on genes specified in \code{taggitAGIs} file)
#' @param outputFileName Path to output excel file containing lists of hits with descriptions.  File is output into the current working directory as \code{"TAGGITontologyHits.xlsx"} by default.  Set to \code{"none"} for no output.
#' @param annotationFile Use default unless you wish to provide your own updated \code{myAnnot} file. See description for instructions for creating this file.
#' @param taggitAGIs Generally use default.  Can also pass the path of your own taggitAGIs.tsv (tab-separated) file defining specific AGI identifiers for each TAGGIT term.
#' @param taggitSearchTerms Generally use default.  Can also pass the path of your own taggitSearchTerms.tsv (tab-separated) file defining TAGGIT term-specific search terms to search for within gene descriptions.
#' @return A dataframe containing lists of hits for each TAGGIT term.  Also can save an excel spreadsheet containing these hits with descriptions separated by TAGGIT term.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Example data is provided, use the following code to load it
#' data("GeneSetdata") # loads GeneSet_UP and GeneSet_DOWN objects which contain example data.
#' ## Make a list containing two vectors: 1) up-regulated genes, and 2) down-regulated gene
#' GeneSet <- list()
#' GeneSet$UP <- GeneSet_UP # A vector of upregulated genes
#' GeneSet$DN <- GeneSet_DOWN # A vector of down-regulated genes
#' ## Create TAGGITontology objects
#' # (may take a few minutes, but the built-in progress bar will keep you informed on the progress)
#' # Returns dataframe for plotting and outputs an excel sheet of hits to the working directory.
#' GeneSet_TAGGIT_UP <- TAGGITontology(GeneSet$UP, outputFileName = "TAGGITontologyHits_UP.xlsx")
#' GeneSet_TAGGIT_DN <- TAGGITontology(GeneSet$DN, outputFileName = "TAGGITontologyHits_DN.xlsx")
#' ## Plot the results of the TAGGIT analysis using ggplot2 via the TAGGITplot function
#' # Comparing UP and DOWN regulated genesets
#' TAGGITplot(GeneSet$UP, GeneSet$DN, GeneSet_TAGGIT_UP, GeneSet_TAGGIT_DN, title = "")
#' ## Export the image: for best results export in EPS (vector) format
#' ## For output like Figure 4 in the publication, export at 400x511 resolution
TAGGITontology <- function(geneList, useSearchTerms = TRUE, outputFileName = "TAGGITontologyHits.xlsx", annotationFile = "default", taggitAGIs = "default", taggitSearchTerms = "default") { # geneList is a list of AT numbers
  # geneList can also be a list of probe_ids (or even *experimental* a list of short names)
  # outputFileName = "none" to prevent saving excel spreadsheet of hits (faster)
  # initial version will take a geneList of differentially expressed genes and return a dataframe with number of hits per TAGGIT ontology term for easy plotting

  ## Check to see if myAnnot exists
  ## myAnnot is a data frame that allows quick mapping between:
  ## a) probe_id, b) gene name (AT number), c) symbol (abbreviation), and d) description
  ## probe_ids are the rownames and columns are: ACCNUM, SYMBOL, and DESC
  ## ACCNUM = gene name, SYMBOL = abbreviated name, DESC = description

  ## Load myAnnot ##
  if (annotationFile == "default") {
    #load(file = "myAnnot.RData")
  } else {
    myAnnot = annotationFile

  # Create and populate a dataframe with the AT num, symbol, and description
  geneFrame <- myAnnot[getProbeID(geneList),] # see below for example of organization

  #              ACCNUM        SYMBOL  DESC
  #248961_at     AT5G45650     NA      subtilase family protein

  # getProbeIDs gives warnings about multiple probe_ids per AT #.
  # Should be fine, but to get rid of the warnings could just pass probe_ids directly.

  if(taggitAGIs == "default") {
  } else {
    TAGGITguideAGIs <- read.table(taggitAGIs, header=TRUE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors = F)
  if(!exists("TAGGITguideAGIs")) {
    writeLines("\nUnable to locate 'TAGGITguideAGIs' file.")

  if(taggitSearchTerms == "default") {
  } else {
    TAGGITguideSearchTerms <- read.table(taggitSearchTerms, header=TRUE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors = F) # Strings, not factors
  if(!exists("TAGGITguideSearchTerms")) {
    writeLines("\nUnable to locate 'TAGGITguideSearchTerms' file.")

  # Create progress bar:
  total <- length(TAGGITguideAGIs[1,])
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total, style = 3)

  # How many: overlap between TAGGITguideAGI[column i] and geneFrame$ACCNUM
  # Order matters only for intersect (Larger dataset must be first)
  # I tested this recently and it seems like this has been fixed so order doesn't matter.
  ontologyCounts <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 27))
  colnames(ontologyCounts) <- colnames(TAGGITguideAGIs)
  for(i in 1:length(TAGGITguideAGIs[1,])) { # 1 to 27
    #if (length(BUP)>length(AUP)) {
    searchTermHits <- 0
    AGImatches <- c()
    searchResultProbes <- c()

    # for progress bar
    # update progress bar
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    if (length(TAGGITguideAGIs[,i][gdata::startsWith(TAGGITguideAGIs[,i], pattern = "A")])>length(geneFrame$ACCNUM)) { #requires gdata for startsWith()
      AGImatches <- intersect(TAGGITguideAGIs[,i], geneFrame$ACCNUM)
    } else {
      AGImatches <- intersect(geneFrame$ACCNUM, TAGGITguideAGIs[,i])
    AGIremaining <- setdiff(geneFrame$ACCNUM, AGImatches)
    newFrame <- geneFrame[getProbeID(AGIremaining),]

    # make this into a number of hits
    if (useSearchTerms) {

      searchTerms <- NULL
      if (!(is.na(TAGGITguideSearchTerms[1,i]) | TAGGITguideSearchTerms[1,i]=="")) {
        searchTerms <- TAGGITguideSearchTerms[!(is.na(TAGGITguideSearchTerms[,i]) | TAGGITguideSearchTerms[,i]==""),i]

      if (!is.null(searchTerms)) {
        # newFrame is geneFrame of those not already categorized based on AGI match
        # rowname is probe_id, then ACCNUM, SYMBOL, DESC
        # searchTermHits <- searchDesc(newFrame, searchTerms) # returns searchTermHits
        if (i==27) {
          ## SPECIAL CASE FOR "Unnanotated" must exactly equal search term
          if (outputFileName != "none") {
            searchResultProbes <- c(row.names(newFrame[newFrame$DESC=="expressed protein",]), row.names(newFrame[newFrame$DESC=="hypothetical protein",]), row.names(newFrame[newFrame$DESC=="unknown protein",]))
          } else {
            searchTermHits <- sum(newFrame$DESC == "expressed protein") + sum(newFrame$DESC == "hypothetical protein") + sum(newFrame$DESC == "unknown protein")
        } else if (i!=27) {
          if (class(newFrame[,3])=="character" & class(searchTerms)=="character") {
            if (outputFileName != "none") {
              searchResults <- searchDescReturnHits(newFrame[,3], searchTerms) # C++ function with Rcpp
              #searchResultAGIs <- newFrame[searchResults,1]
              searchResultProbes <- row.names(newFrame[searchResults + 1,]) # + 1 because C++ counts from index 0, whereas R counts from index 1
            } else {
              # Source searchTermHits here?
              searchTermHits <- searchDesc(newFrame[,3], searchTerms) # C++ function with Rcpp
              #searchTermHits <- searchDesc(tolower(newFrame[,3]), tolower(searchTerms)) # C++ function with Rcpp
          } else {
            writeLines("\nERROR: Please ensure that searchTerms and newFrame[,3] are character vectors.  Skipping search term query in descriptions.")


    ## Return Hits ##
    if (outputFileName != "none") {
      listOfHits <- c(getProbeID(AGImatches), searchResultProbes)
      listOfHits <- listOfHits[!is.na(listOfHits)]
      if (i == 1) {
        Dormancy.related <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 2) {
        Germination.related <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 3) {
        ABA <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 4) {
        Auxin <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 5) {
        Brassinosteroid <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 6) {
        Cytokinin <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 7) {
        Ethylene <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 8) {
        Gibberellin <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 9) {
        Jasmonic.acid <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 10) {
        Seed.storage.proteins.LEAs <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 11) {
        Inhibition.protein.degrad <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 12) {
        Protein.degradation <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 13) {
        Heat.Shock <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 14) {
        Cell.wall.modification <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 15) {
        Cell.cycle.related <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 16) {
        Cytoskeleton <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 17) {
        Translation.associated <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 18) {
        DNA.repair <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 19) {
        Respiration <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 20) {
        Electron.Transport <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 21) {
        Pentose.phosphate.pathway <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 22) {
        Glycolysis.and.gluconeogenesis <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 23) {
        Krebs.cycle <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 24) {
        Beta.oxidation <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 25) {
        Stress <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 26) {
        Photosynthesis.chloroplast <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      } else if (i == 27) {
        Unannotated <- myAnnot[listOfHits,]
      ontologyCounts[,i] <- length(AGImatches) + length(searchResultProbes)
    } else {
      ontologyCounts[,i] <- length(AGImatches) + searchTermHits
    if (exists("AGImatches")) {
    if (exists("searchResultProbes")) {
  close(pb) # Progress bar complete
  if (outputFileName != "none") {
    if(!WriteXLS::testPerl()) {
      writeLines(sprintf("Cannot write file '%s' due to a problem with your perl installation. This package outputs an excel file using the WriteXLS package which relies on perl.  Please make sure you have perl installed with the required modules.  For more information, check out the WriteXLS help file by typing ?WriteXLS in the R interpreter.", outputFileName))
    } else {
      newFile = TRUE
      if (file.exists(outputFileName)) {
        writeLines(sprintf("A file named '%s' already exists.  Overwriting file '%s'...", outputFileName, outputFileName))
        newFile = FALSE
      # Write to a multisheet excel file.  Each data frame will make one sheet.
      WriteXLS::WriteXLS(c("Dormancy.related", "Germination.related", "ABA", "Auxin", "Brassinosteroid", "Cytokinin", "Ethylene", "Gibberellin", "Jasmonic.acid", "Seed.storage.proteins.LEAs", "Inhibition.protein.degrad", "Protein.degradation", "Heat.Shock", "Cell.wall.modification", "Cell.cycle.related", "Cytoskeleton", "Translation.associated", "DNA.repair", "Respiration", "Electron.Transport", "Pentose.phosphate.pathway", "Glycolysis.and.gluconeogenesis", "Krebs.cycle", "Beta.oxidation", "Stress", "Photosynthesis.chloroplast", "Unannotated"), ExcelFileName=outputFileName, row.names=FALSE)
      if (newFile) {
        if (file.exists(outputFileName)) {
          writeLines(sprintf("Full results were output to the excel file: '%s'", outputFileName)) # outputFileName can include the path
        } else {
          writeLines(sprintf("The file '%s' was not written due to unknown circumstances.  Please ensure that your working directory is writable.", outputFileName))
    writeLines("Analysis complete.")
  # returns a data.frame of counts for each TAGGIT category

### I set up another dataset for testing using example genesets (see end of file)
# rm(GeneSet)
# rm(GeneSet_UP)
# rm(GeneSet_DOWN)
# GeneSet_UP <- ARvsD12hset$UP[1:200]
# GeneSet_DOWN <- ARvsD12hset$DN[1:200]
# #save(x, y, file = "xy.RData")
# save(GeneSet_UP, GeneSet_DOWN, file = "GeneSetdata.RData")

# ## To use:
# data("GeneSetdata") # loads GeneSet_UP and GeneSet_DOWN objects which contain example data.
# # Make a list containing two lists: 1) up-regulated genes, and 2) down-regulated genes
# GeneSet <- list()
# GeneSet$UP <- GeneSet_UP # A list of upregulated genes
# GeneSet$DN <- GeneSet_DOWN # A list of down-regulated genes
# ## Create TAGGITontology objects and save it to a variable
# #  This step may take a long time especially with list of more than 1000 genes
# GeneSet_TAGGIT_UP <- TAGGITontology(GeneSet$UP) # ignore any warning messages
# GeneSet_TAGGIT_DN <- TAGGITontology(GeneSet$DN) # ignore any warning messages
# ## Plot the results of the TAGGIT analysis using ggplot2 via the TAGGITplot function
# # Comparing UP and DOWN regulated genesets
# TAGGITplot(GeneSet$UP, GeneSet$DN, GeneSet_TAGGIT_UP, GeneSet_TAGGIT_DN, title = "")
# ## Export the image: for best results export in EPS (vector) format
# ## For output like Figure 4, export at 400x511 resolution
# TAGGITguideAGIs <- read.table("/Users/sven/Dropbox/00. Code files/TAGGITguideAGIs.tsv", header=TRUE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors = F)
# TAGGITguideSearchTerms <- read.table("/Users/sven/Dropbox/00. Code files/TAGGITguideSearchTerms.tsv", header=TRUE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors = F) # Strings, not factors
# #save(x, y, file = "xy.RData")
# save(TAGGITguideAGIs, file = "taggitAGIs.RData")
# save(TAGGITguideSearchTerms, file = "taggitSearchTerms.RData")
bakuhatsu/microarrayTools documentation built on March 26, 2024, 8:53 p.m.