
Defines functions set_panel_size

Documented in set_panel_size

#' set_panel_size
#' @description Set the panel width/height of a ggplot to a fixed value.
#' @param p ggplot2
#' @param g gtable
#' @param file optional output filename
#' @param margin grid unit
#' @param width grid unit, requested panel width
#' @param height grid unit, requested panel height
#' @importFrom grid unit convertWidth convertHeight grobWidth grobHeight textGrob gpar
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplotGrob ggsave
#' @return gtable with fixed panel sizes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' p1 <- qplot(mpg, wt, data=mtcars, colour=cyl)
#' p2 <- p1 + facet_wrap(~carb, nrow=1)
#' grid.arrange(grobs=lapply(list(p1,p2), set_panel_size))
set_panel_size <- function(p = NULL, g = ggplot2::ggplotGrob(p), file = NULL, margin = unit(1, 
    "mm"), width = unit(4, "cm"), height = unit(4, "cm")) {
    panels <- grep("panel", g$layout$name)
    panel_index_w <- unique(g$layout$l[panels])
    panel_index_h <- unique(g$layout$t[panels])
    nw <- length(panel_index_w)
    nh <- length(panel_index_h)
    g$widths[panel_index_w] <- rep(width, nw)
    g$heights[panel_index_h] <- rep(height, nh)
    if (!is.null(file)) {
        ggplot2::ggsave(file, g, width = grid::convertWidth(sum(g$widths) + margin, unitTo = "in", 
            valueOnly = TRUE), height = grid::convertHeight(sum(g$heights) + margin, unitTo = "in", 
            valueOnly = TRUE))
baptiste/egg documentation built on May 30, 2021, 1:24 a.m.