Man pages for barefootbiology/heyexr
Import, Transform and Visualize Optical Coherence Tomography Volumes in R

add_undefinedAdd a column specifying if the values in the segmentation are...
anonymize_datesAnonymize dates in a volume object.
anonymize_identityAnonymize identity in a volume object.
anonymize_image_idAnonymize the image ID in a volume object.
anonymize_volumeAnonymize volume objects.
construct_bscanConstruct a ggplot2 object containing the data for a given...
construct_sloConstruct a ggplot2 object containing the data for an SLO
delist_singletonsRemove singleton lists of a list.
downsample_mappingDownsample a sequence of numbers.
downsample_volDownsample B-scans in a volume object.
filter_segmentation_xmlFilter surfaces from an XML segmentation file
flip_regionFlip grid region for a table of thickness values
get_bscanParse the b-scan data from an OCT list object
get_central_segmentationGet the segmentation data from the central scan
get_segmentationGet the segmentation data from an OCT object
get_sloGet the SLO data from an OCT object
grid_regionsCorresponding grid regions for right (OD) and left (OS) eyes.
heyexrheyexr: Import Heidelberg Spectralis OCT VOL Files
import_thickness_csvImport the CSV produced by "Thickness Analysis" in OCT...
layer_infoMetadata on retinal layers identified by the Iowa Reference...
list_to_onerowConvert a list to a single-row tibble.
max_floatValue used to indicate missing data (NA).
pad_raw'pad_raw' adds null bytes to the end of a raw vector to give...
promote_elementsConvert a list to a wide tibble.
read_bscan_headerRead b-scan header information from a connection to a VOL...
read_center_xmlRead "grid center" XML file generated by the Iowa Reference...
read_floatRead a float from a binary connection
read_float_vectorRead an vector of floats from a binary connection
read_niftiRead OCTExplorer-ready NIFTI file
read_oct_filesRead files related to one OCT image
read_segmentation_xmlRead layer segmentation output from Iowa Reference...
read_ssoct_filesRead OCT volume, angiography, segmentation, and grid center.
read_volRead a Heidelberg Spectralis VOL file
read_vol_headerRead the VOL header
read_vol_sloRead the VOL SLO image
spline_correctionCorrect contrast
strsplit_nthSplit a string and retain the nth value
theme_nudeRender a ggplot2 plot with only the data.
vol_fit_splineA spline fit to the PNG exported from Heidelberg Explorer.
write_bscan_headerWrite b-scan header information to a file connection
write_volWrite the data in a volume object to a VOL file.
write_vol_headerWrite a VOL header to a file connection.
write_vol_sloWrite the VOL SLO image
barefootbiology/heyexr documentation built on July 9, 2022, 3:35 a.m.