
## reclass
##' Reclassify given values of a vector by new values. Note that all values
##' need not to be documented, only the ones that need to be modified.
##' @title Reclassify the values of a vector.
##' @param x A character or numeric vector.
##' @param from A vector describing the values to change from, or a matrix
##' of reclassification with two columns (from, to).
##' @param to A vector describing the values to change to, or nothing if
##' \code{from} is a matrix.
##' @param factor Logical, whether to return a factor (default is
##' \code{FALSE}).
##' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{factor}.
##' @return A vector with the same length as \code{x}.
##' @author Mathieu Basille \email{basille@@ufl.edu}
##' @export
##' @examples
##' (bla <- rep(1:5, 3))
##' reclass(bla, c(3, 4), c(7, 3))
##' reclass(bla, c(3, 4), c("a", "b"))
##' ## Conversion as a factor
##' reclass(bla, c(3, 4), c("a", "b"), factor = TRUE)
##' (bli <- rep(letters[1:5], 3))
##' reclass(bli, c("b", "d"), c(1, 2))
##' ## With a matrix of reclassification
##' (mat <- matrix(c("b", "d", 1, 2), ncol = 2))
##' reclass(bli, mat)
##' ## Fast computation time on large vectors
##' blu <- rpois(1e6, 10)
##' system.time(reclass(blu, c(3, 4), c(7, 3)))
reclass <- function(x, from, to = NULL, factor = FALSE, ...)
    ## Check that x is a vector
    if (!is.vector(x))
        stop("`x` must be a vector (numeric or character).")
    ## If to is not provided, to is the second column of the matrix, while
    ## from is the first
    if (is.null(to)) {
        if (ncol(from) != 2)
            stop("`from` must have two columns.")
        to <- from[, 2]
        from <- from[, 1]
    ## If to provided, check that from and to have same length
    else if (length(from) != length(to))
        stop("`from` and `to` must have the same length.")
    ## Reclassify values, return NA if not in values of 'from'
    x <- ifelse(x %in% from,
        unlist(sapply(x, function(i) {
            ## Handles cases when x == NA
            if (is.na(i))
            else to[from == i]
        })), NA)
    ## If factor requested, return a factor
    if (factor)
        return(factor(x, ...))
    else return(x)
basille/basr documentation built on May 11, 2019, 8:32 p.m.