
Defines functions adinar predict.adinar summary.adinar

Documented in adinar predict.adinar summary.adinar

# adinar.R

#' AdINAR model training
#' @description Computes the posterior distribution for the DP-INAR family using a Gibbs sampler.
#' @param time_series A univariate time series.
#' @param prior List of prior hyperparameters where:
	#' \describe{
	#'  \item{a_alpha}{Hyperparameters of the thinning component.}
	#'  \item{a_lambda, b_lambda}{Hyperparameters of the Gamma prior for the Poisson innovation rate.}
	#'  \item{a_theta, b_theta}{Hyperparameters of the Beta prior for the Geometric parameter.}
	#'  \item{a_w, b_w}{Hyperparameter of the Beta prior for the Geometric-Poisson weight mixture.}
	#' }
#' @param burn_in Number of iterations for the "burn-in" period which are discarded in the chain.
#' @param chain_length Number of iterations of the chain.
#' @param random_seed Value of the random seed generator.
#' @param verbose  If \code{TRUE} log info is provided.
#' @return adinar returns an object of class "adinar".
#' @export
adinar <- function(time_series,
                   p = 1,
                   prior = list(a_alpha = NULL,
                                a_lambda = NULL, 
								b_lambda = NULL,
							    a_theta = NULL, 
								b_theta = NULL, 
								a_w = NULL, 
								b_w = NULL),
                   burn_in = 10^3,
                   chain_length = 10^4,
                   random_seed = 1761,
                   verbose = TRUE)
    if (any(time_series %% 1 != 0)) stop("Time series must have only counts.")
	if (any(time_series < 0)) stop("Time series must have only positive counts.")
	if (!length(time_series) > 0) stop("Time series must have positive length.")
    if (length(time_series) <= p) stop("Time series length must be bigger than p.")
    if (!burn_in >= 0) stop("Burn-in must be positive.")
    if (!chain_length >= 0) stop("Chain length must be positive.")
    if (!random_seed >= 0) stop("Random seed must be positive.")
    if (!is.logical(verbose)) stop("Verbose parameter must be TRUE or FALSE.")
    begin <- proc.time()
	if (is.null(prior[["a_alpha"]])) prior[["a_alpha"]] <- rep(1, p)
    if (is.null(prior[["a_lambda"]]) || is.null(prior[["b_lambda"]])) {
        prior[["a_lambda"]] <- 1
        prior[["b_lambda"]] <- 0.1

	if (is.null(prior[["a_theta"]]) || is.null(prior[["b_theta"]])) {
        prior[["a_theta"]] <- 1
        prior[["b_theta"]] <- 1
	if (is.null(prior[["a_w"]]) || is.null(prior[["b_w"]])) {
        prior[["a_w"]] <- 1
        prior[["b_w"]] <- 1
    post <- .posterior_adinar(time_series,
                       prior[c("a_alpha", "a_lambda", "b_lambda", 
							   "a_theta", "b_theta", "a_w", "b_w")],
    model <- list(time_series = time_series,
                  p = p,
                  prior = prior[c("a_alpha", "a_lambda", "b_lambda",
								 "a_theta", "b_theta", "a_w", "b_w")],
                  burn_in = list(length = burn_in,
                                 alpha = post$burn_in$alpha,
                                 lambda = post$burn_in$lambda,
								 theta = post$burn_in$theta,
								 w = post$burn_in$w),
                  chain = list(length = chain_length,
                               alpha = post$chain$alpha,
                               lambda = post$chain$lambda,
							   theta = post$chain$theta,
							   w = post$chain$w),
                  est = list(alpha = apply(post$chain$alpha, 2, mean),
                             lambda = mean(post$chain$lambda),
							 theta = mean(post$chain$theta),
							 w = mean(post$chain$w)),
                  elapsed = proc.time() - begin)
    class(model) <- "adinar"

#' Predict Method for AdINAR models
#' @description Obtains predictions and predictive distribution from a trained AdINAR model object.
#' @param model A trained object of class inheriting from "adinar".
#' @param h Number of steps ahead to be predicted. 
#' @param replications Number of replications to each posterior sample.
#' @return A list with the following elements: 
#' \describe{
#'  \item{est}{The \code{h}-steps-ahead prediction.}
#'  \item{distr}{The \code{h}-steps-ahead predictive distribution.}
#' }
predict.adinar <- function(model, h = 1, replications = 10^4) {
    pred <- .predictive_distribution_adinar(model, h, replications)
    list(est = .generalized_median(pred), distr = pred)

#' AdINAR model summaries
#' Summarizes the fitted AdINAR model
#' @return A summary
#' @export
summary.adinar <- function(model) {
    printf <- function(...) cat(sprintf(...))
    printf("AdINAR(%d) Model Summary\n", model$p)
    printf("Time series length: %d\n", length(model$time_series))
    printf("Prior parameters:\n")
    printf("  a_lambda = %.2f, b_lambda = %.2f\n", model$prior[["a_lambda"]], model$prior[["b_lambda"]])
	printf("  a_theta = %.2f, b_theta = %.2f\n", model$prior[["a_theta"]], model$prior[["b_theta"]])	
	printf("  a_w = %.2f, b_w = %.2f\n", model$prior[["a_w"]], model$prior[["b_w"]])	
    cat("  ")
    for (i in 1:model$p) {
        printf("a_%d = %.2f", i, model$prior[["a_alpha"]][i])
        if (i < model$p) cat(", ")
        else cat("\n")
    printf("Effective Markov chains length: %d (%d burn-in)\n", model$chain$length, model$burn_in$length)
    printf("Some posterior means with 95%% credible intervals:\n")
    for (i in 1:model$p) {
        post_qs <- unname(quantile(model$chain$alpha[, i], probs = c(0.025, 0.975)))
        printf("  alpha_%d = %.2f  [ %.2f ; %.2f ]\n", i, mean(model$chain$alpha[, i]), post_qs[1], post_qs[2])
    post_qs_lambda <- unname(quantile(model$chain$lambda, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)))
	post_qs_theta <- unname(quantile(model$chain$theta, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)))
	post_qs_w <- unname(quantile(model$chain$w, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)))
	printf("  lambda = %.2f  [ %.2f ; %.2f ]\n", mean(model$chain$lambda), post_qs_lambda[1], post_qs_lambda[2])
	printf("  theta = %.2f  [ %.2f ; %.2f ]\n", mean(model$chain$theta), post_qs_theta[1], post_qs_theta[2])		
	printf("  w = %.2f  [ %.2f ; %.2f ]\n", mean(model$chain$w), post_qs_w[1], post_qs_w[2])		
    printf("Total simulation time: %.2f seconds\n\n", round(model$elapsed[3]))
bayesianfactory/BayesINAR documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 12:38 a.m.