add_opt_params: Optimization Parameters

View source: R/tmb.R

add_opt_paramsR Documentation

Optimization Parameters


Add or update parameters to be optimized/calibrated in a flexmodel object.


add_opt_params(model, ...)

update_opt_params(model, ...)



update_opt_tv_params(model, tv_type = valid_tv_types, ...)

add_opt_tv_params(model, tv_type = valid_tv_types, ...)



flexmodel object


a list of formulas for describing what parameters should be optimized, whether/how they should be transformed before being passed to the objective function, and what prior distribution (or regularization function should be used – see the section on the formula syntax for more details.


type of time-variation for time-varying parameters, which can be one of 'abs', 'rel_orig', 'rel_prev', 'rel_orig_logit', 'rel_orig_prev'


updated flexmodel object

Formula Syntax

The left-hand-side of the formula describes the parameters and how they should be transformed, and the right-hand-side describes the associated prior distribution.

The simplest approach is to specify one parameter at a time with the following syntax:

trans_param ~ trans_prior(hyperparameters ...)

On the left-hand-side the optional transformation, trans, is separated by an underscore from the parameter name, param. For example one might optimize the transmission rate, beta, on the log scale by specifying the left-hand-side as log_beta. To optimize beta on the untransformed scale the left-hand-side would be simply be beta. The currently available transformations are log, log10, logit, cloglog, inverse.

On the right-hand-side the optional transformation, trans, is separated from the name of the prior family by an underscore. This transformation defines the scale on which the prior distribution is over. Currently the transformation scale passed to the objective function (on the left-hand-side) must match the transformation scale of the priot (on the right-hand-side) – perhaps this restriction will be lifted one day. The currently available prior families are flat (for no regularization) and normal. These families are expressed as functions of hyperparameters where the first argument is a location parameter, which also defines the starting point of the optimizer.


the 'peak' of a flat function – important because it sets the initial value of the optimizer.


mean of the normal distribution, also used as the initial value of the optimizer

standard deviation

standard deviation of the normal distribution

bbolker/McMasterPandemic documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 6:35 p.m.