calibrate_flexmodel: Calibrate Flexmodel

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calibrate_flexmodelR Documentation

Calibrate Flexmodel


Calibrate Flexmodel


  .optimizer_wrapper = c("bbmle", "nlminb", "optim"),



flexmodel_to_calibrate object, which is a flexmodel object that contains observed data added either throught the data argument in flexmodel or with the update_observed function


name of a valid optimizer – currently bbmle is recommended (see details for more information about the choices)


additional arguments to pass on to the optimizer


Currently there are the following three optimizer wrappers.


Wraps the mle2 function in the bbmle package. This is the recommended optimizer because it provides the ability to create ensemble forecasts through simulate_ensemble. Such forecasts are possible because of the functionality provided in bbmle to generate from the sampling distribution of the parameters. The variation induced by this sampling distribution is used to create a distribution of simulation trajectories and therefore confidence envelopes around forecasts or fits. The main limitation of bbmle_flexmodel is that it doesn't make use of the Hessian matrix that is provided by TMB through auto-differentiation, although it does make use of the gradient.


Wraps the nlminb_flexmodel function. The main advantage of this optimizer is that it allows one to make use of the Hessian matrix (contrast with bbmle_flexmodel). The main disadvantage is that nlminb_flexmodel does not allow generating samples from the sampling distribution of the parameters, and therefore does not allow for ensemble simulation.


Wraps the standard optimizer in R, but neither allows the use of Hessians nor ensemble forecasts.


flexmodel_calibrated object

See Also

bbmle_flexmodel, nlminb_flexmodel, optim_flexmodel

bbolker/McMasterPandemic documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 6:35 p.m.