Man pages for bbolker/fitsir
SIR fitting tools

bombayBombay data set
coef-fitsir-methodExtract parameter of a fit
dispersionS4 method for finding a dispersion parameter
dispersion-fitsir-methodFind dispersion parameter
EvalS4 generic for evaluate an object
Eval-loglik.fitsir-methodEvaluate log likelihood model
fitsirfitting function
fitsir-classClass "fitsir". Result of SIR model fitting based on Maximum...
gradS4 generic for computing a gradient
grad-loglik.fitsir-methodEvaluate the gradient of a model
harbin1912 Harbin plague data set
hessianS4 generic for computing a hessian
hessian-loglik.fitsir-methodEvaluate the hessian of a model
initialize_hessianinitialize the hessian model
initialize-loglik.fitsir-methodthe initializer for loglik.fitsir
loglik.fitsir-classClass representing log-likelihood models used to fit the SIR...
mledspMaximum likelihood estimate of negative binomial dispersion...
phila19181918 Philadelphia flu data set
plot-fitsir-missing-methodPlot a fitsir object
predict-fitsir-methodForecast from an SIR fit and find confidence interval
residuals-fitsir-methodFind residuals between the fit and the data
select_modelSelect likelihood model
show-summary.fitsir-methodShow summary of a fit
SIR.detsimdeterministic trajectory of SIR
SIR.detsim.hessianintegrate second order sensitivities
SIR.gradgradient function (solves with S,log(I) for stability)
SIR.hessianfind Hessian
SIR.logLikLog-likelihood for SIR trajectory
SIR.sensitivityGradient of negative log likelihood with respect to each...
smooth.spline2Fit a spline to an epidemic data
startfunStarting function
summarize.parsSummarize parameters
summary.fitsir-classClass "summary.fitsir". Summary of SIR model fit
summary-fitsir-methodSummarize the fit
TransformS4 generic for transforming an object
Transform-loglik.fitsir-methodTransform the model
trans.parstransform parameters
bbolker/fitsir documentation built on June 4, 2019, 8:28 a.m.