FileBackedNeuroVec: Create a File-Backed Neuroimaging Vector

View source: R/filebacked_neurovec.R

FileBackedNeuroVecR Documentation

Create a File-Backed Neuroimaging Vector


Constructs a FileBackedNeuroVec instance, which represents a file-backed neuroimaging vector object. This constructor provides memory-efficient access to large neuroimaging datasets by keeping the data on disk until needed.


FileBackedNeuroVec(file_name, label = basename(file_name))



A character string specifying the path to the neuroimaging file. Supported formats include NIFTI (.nii) and ANALYZE (.hdr/.img).


Optional character string providing a label for the vector


Create a FileBackedNeuroVec Object

The function performs the following operations:

  • Reads the header information from the specified file

  • Validates the dimensionality (must be 4D data)

  • Creates a NeuroSpace object with appropriate metadata

  • Initializes the file-backed vector with minimal memory footprint


A new instance of class FileBackedNeuroVec.

See Also

NeuroSpace for spatial metadata management, read_header for header information extraction, sub_vector for data access methods


# Create a file-backed vector from a NIFTI file
fbvec <- FileBackedNeuroVec(system.file("extdata", "global_mask_v4.nii", package = "neuroim2"))

# Access specific volumes without loading entire dataset
first_vol <- sub_vector(fbvec, 1)

bbuchsbaum/neuroim2 documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 3:49 p.m.