NeuroSlice-class: NeuroSlice Class

NeuroSlice-classR Documentation

NeuroSlice Class


Represents a two-dimensional brain image slice. This class extends both the array class for data storage and the NeuroObj class for spatial information.


NeuroSlice objects are typically used to represent individual slices of 3D brain volumes or 2D projections of 3D data. They inherit the spatial properties from NeuroObj and the data storage capabilities from array.

See Also

NeuroObj-class, NeuroVol-class


# Create a simple 2D brain slice
slice_data <- matrix(rnorm(64*64), 64, 64)
slice_space <- NeuroSpace(dim=c(64L, 64L), origin=c(0, 0), spacing=c(1, 1))
brain_slice <- new("NeuroSlice", .Data=slice_data, space=slice_space)

bbuchsbaum/neuroim2 documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 3:49 p.m.