embed_kernel-methods: Generic function to position kernel in a position in image...

embed_kernelR Documentation

Generic function to position kernel in a position in image space


Generic function to position kernel in a position in image space


embed_kernel(x, sp, center_voxel, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'Kernel,NeuroSpace,numeric'
embed_kernel(x, sp, center_voxel, weight = 1)



the kernel object


the space to embed the kernel


the voxel marking the center of the kernel in the embedded space


extra args


multiply kernel weights by this value


An object representing the embedded kernel in the specified space.


# Create a 3D Gaussian kernel with dimensions 3x3x3 and voxel size 1x1x1
kern <- Kernel(kerndim = c(3,3,3), vdim = c(1,1,1), FUN = dnorm, sd = 1)

# Create a NeuroSpace object to embed the kernel in
space <- NeuroSpace(c(10,10,10), c(1,1,1))

# Embed the kernel at the center of the space (position 5,5,5)
embedded_kern <- embed_kernel(kern, space, c(5,5,5))

# The result is a SparseNeuroVol with kernel weights centered at (5,5,5)
# We can also scale the kernel weights by using the weight parameter
embedded_kern_scaled <- embed_kernel(kern, space, c(5,5,5), weight = 2)

# The scaled kernel has weights twice as large as the original
max(values(embedded_kern_scaled)) == 2 * max(values(embedded_kern))

bbuchsbaum/neuroim2 documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 3:49 p.m.