guided_filter: Edge-Preserving Guided Filter for Volumetric Images

View source: R/spat_filter.R

guided_filterR Documentation

Edge-Preserving Guided Filter for Volumetric Images


This function applies a guided filter to a volumetric image (3D brain MRI data) to perform edge-preserving smoothing. The guided filter smooths the image while preserving edges, providing a balance between noise reduction and structural preservation.


guided_filter(vol, radius = 4, epsilon = 0.7^2)



A NeuroVol object representing the image volume to be filtered.


An integer specifying the spatial radius of the filter. Default is 4.


A numeric value specifying the regularization parameter. It controls the degree of smoothing and edge preservation. Default is 0.49 (0.7^2).


The guided filter operates by computing local linear models between the guidance image (which is the same as the input image in this implementation) and the output. The 'radius' parameter determines the size of the local neighborhood, while 'epsilon' controls the smoothness of the filter.

The implementation uses box blur operations for efficiency, which approximates the behavior of the original guided filter algorithm.


A NeuroVol object representing the filtered image.


He, K., Sun, J., & Tang, X. (2013). Guided Image Filtering. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 35(6), 1397-1409.

See Also

gaussian_blur, bilateral_filter, NeuroVol-class


# Load an example brain volume
brain_vol <- read_vol(system.file("extdata", "global_mask_v4.nii", package = "neuroim2"))

# Apply guided filtering to the brain volume

filtered_vol <- guided_filter(brain_vol, radius = 4, epsilon = 0.49)

# Visualize a slice of the original and filtered volumes
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
image(brain_vol[,,12], main = "Original")
image(filtered_vol[,,12], main = "Filtered")

bbuchsbaum/neuroim2 documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 3:49 p.m.