reorient-methods: Remap the grid-to-world coordinates mapping of an image.

reorientR Documentation

Remap the grid-to-world coordinates mapping of an image.


Remap the grid-to-world coordinates mapping of an image.


reorient(x, orient)

## S4 method for signature 'NeuroSpace,character'
reorient(x, orient)



the object


the orientation code indicating the "remapped" axes.


When x is a NeuroSpace object, the orient argument should be a character vector of length 3 specifying the desired anatomical orientation using single-letter codes. Each letter represents an anatomical direction:

  • First position: "R" (Right) or "L" (Left)

  • Second position: "A" (Anterior) or "P" (Posterior)

  • Third position: "S" (Superior) or "I" (Inferior)

For example, c("R", "A", "S") specifies Right-Anterior-Superior orientation, while c("L", "P", "I") specifies Left-Posterior-Inferior orientation. The orientation codes determine how the voxel grid coordinates map to real-world anatomical space.


A reoriented version of x.


# Create a NeuroSpace object in LPI (Left-Posterior-Inferior) orientation
space <- NeuroSpace(c(64, 64, 40), c(2, 2, 2))

# Reorient to RAS (Right-Anterior-Superior) orientation
# Use individual axis codes: "R" for Right, "A" for Anterior, "S" for Superior
space_ras <- reorient(space, c("R", "A", "S"))

# The transformation matrix will be updated to reflect the new orientation
# Original and reoriented spaces will have different coordinate mappings
coords <- c(32, 32, 20)
orig_world <- grid_to_coord(space, coords)
new_world <- grid_to_coord(space_ras, coords)

bbuchsbaum/neuroim2 documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 3:49 p.m.