

dtiSliceType <- setSingleEnum("dtiSlice", levels = c("Axial"))
dtiAtlasName <- setSingleEnum("dtiAtlas", levels = c("Pediatric_168labels_12atlases_V1", "Adult_168labels_8atlases_V1"))

#' DTI Data Payload Class
#' This class is used to create an object payload for DTI mapping processing.
#' @import objectProperties
#' @export
#' @export DtiSegData
#' @field processingServer processing server to use on backend
#' @field dataZip zip payload filename.  The zip file must contain the following files with indicated naming convention :
#'   1)	b0 image (subjectname_b0.img, subjectname_b0.hdr)
#'  2)	Mean diffusion weighted images (subjectname_dwi.img, subjectname_dwi.hdr)
#'  3)	Tensor file (subjectname_tensor.dat), which is a raw matrix with 6xD1xD2xD3)
#' @field sliceType "Axial"
#' @field atlas  "Pediatric_168labels_12atlases_V1", "Adult_168labels_8atlases_V1". Defaults to "Adult_168labels_8atlases_V1".
#' @field description Any description of the dataset (OPTIONAL)

DtiSegData <- setRefClass("DtiSegData",
                            fields = list(
                              dataZip = "character",
                              processingServer = "character",
                              sliceType = "dtiSliceSingleEnum",
                              atlas = "dtiAtlasSingleEnum",
                              description = "character")),
                              representation = list(sliceType="SingleEnum", atlas="SingleEnum"),
                              prototype = list(sliceType = dtiSliceType("Axial"),
                                           atlas = dtiAtlasName("Adult_168labels_8atlases_V1")))
bcaffo/mricloudR documentation built on Dec. 5, 2019, 2:12 p.m.