
dbdir <- tempdir()
op <- options(rems.historic.path = dbdir, rems.cache.dir = dbdir)

cleanup <- function() {
  unlink(dbdir, recursive = TRUE)

cache_test_files <- function(which = c("2yr", "4yr")) {
  for (w in which) {
    # set cache date to future so we never run into an interactive prompt to update during tests
    path <- "."
    if (interactive()) path <- "tests/testthat"
    file_to_cache(file.path(path, "test_current.csv"), which = w, cache_date = Sys.time() + 1)

write_test_db <- function() {
  path <- "."
  if (interactive()) path <- "tests/testthat"
  create_rems_duckdb(file.path(path, "test_historic.csv"),
                     write_db_path(), cache_date = Sys.time() + 1)

# re-write cache in tempdir with options

# Create cache with mock 2yr and 4-yr data

# Get back to original state when finished
withr::defer(cleanup(), envir = teardown_env())
bcgov/rems documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 3:04 a.m.