
Defines functions set_non_detects tidy_wq_data tidy_ec_data tidy_ems_data

Documented in set_non_detects tidy_ec_data tidy_ems_data

#' Tidy EMS Data
#' Tidies water quality data downloaded from EMS database using the bcgov/rems package.
#' It retains and renames required columns and sets the timezone to PST.
#' It sets values that are flagged as being less than the detection limit to zero.
#' It does not alter values that are flagged as being greater than the detection limit -
#' that is left up to the user.
#' @param x The data to tidy.
#' @param cols additional columns from the EMS data to retain specified as a
#' character vector of column names that exist in the data.
#' The dafault columns retained are:
#' * "EMS_ID"
#' * "MONITORING_LOCATION" (Renamed to "Station")
#' * "COLLECTION_START" (Renamed to "DateTime")
#' * "PARAMETER" (Renamed to "Variable")
#' * "PARAMETER_CODE" (Renamed to "Code")
#' * "RESULT" (Renamed to "Value")
#' * "UNIT" (Renamed to "Units")
#' * "METHOD_DETECTION_LIMIT" (Renamed to "DetectionLimit")
#' * "RESULT_LETTER" (Renamed to "ResultLetter")
#' @param mdl_action What to do with values below the detection limit. Options
#' are `"zero"` (set the value to `0`; the default), #' `"half"` (set the value
#' to half the MDL), `"mdl"` (set the value to equal to the MDL), or `"na"` (set
#' the value to `NA`). Can also be set to `"none"` to leave as is.
#' @return A tibble of the tidied rems data.
#' @export
tidy_ems_data <- function(x, cols = character(0),
                          mdl_action = c("zero", "mdl", "half", "na", "none")) {
  mdl_action <- match.arg(mdl_action)
  cols <- c("EMS_ID",
    "Station" = "MONITORING_LOCATION",
    "DateTime" = "COLLECTION_START",
    "Variable" = "PARAMETER",
    "Code" = "PARAMETER_CODE",
    "Value" = "RESULT",
    "Units" = "UNIT",
    "DetectionLimit" = "METHOD_DETECTION_LIMIT",
    "ResultLetter" = "RESULT_LETTER",

  x <- tidy_wq_data(x, cols, mdl_action, dt_fun = lubridate::ymd_hms)

  structure(x, class = c("ems_tidy", "wq", class(x)))

#' Tidy Environment Canada Data
#' Tidies water quality data downloaded from Environment Canada website. It
#' is recommended to obtain the data via [canwqdata::wq_site_data()] or
#' [canwqdata::wq_basin_data()]
#' It retains and renames required columns and sets the timezone to PST.
#' @param cols additional columns from the EMS data to retain specified as a
#' character vector of column names that exist in the data.
#' The dafault columns retained are:
#' * "SITE_NO"
#' * "DATE_TIME_HEURE" (Renamed to "DateTime")
#' * "VARIABLE" (Renamed to "Variable")
#' * "VMV_CODE" (Renamed to "Code")
#' * "VALUE_VALEUR" (Renamed to "Value")
#' * "UNIT_UNITE" (Renamed to "Units")
#' * "DSL_LDE" (Renamed to "DetectionLimit")
#' * "FLAG_MARQUEUR" (Renamed to "ResultLetter")
#' @inheritParams tidy_ems_data
#' @return A tibble of the tidied rems data.
#' @export
tidy_ec_data <- function(x, cols = character(0),
                         mdl_action = c("zero", "mdl", "half", "na", "none")) {
  mdl_action <- match.arg(mdl_action)
  cols <- c("SITE_NO",
    "DateTime" = "DATE_TIME_HEURE",
    "Variable" = "VARIABLE",
    "Code" = "VMV_CODE",
    "Value" = "VALUE_VALEUR",
    "Units" = "UNIT_UNITE",
    "DetectionLimit" = "SDL_LDE",
    "ResultLetter" = "FLAG_MARQUEUR",

  x <- tidy_wq_data(x, cols, mdl_action, dt_fun = lubridate::ymd_hm)

  structure(x, class = c("ec_tidy", "wq", class(x)))

tidy_wq_data <- function(x, cols, mdl_action, dt_fun) {
  check_names(x, unname(cols))
  cols <- rlang::syms(cols)
  x <- dplyr::select(x, !!!cols)
  x <- dplyr::distinct(x)

  if (inherits(x$DateTime, "POSIXt")) {
    x$DateTime <- lubridate::force_tz(x$DateTime, tzone = "Etc/GMT+8")
  } else {
    x$DateTime <- dt_fun(x$DateTime, tz = "Etc/GMT+8")

  if (mdl_action != "none") {
    x$Value <- set_non_detects(
      value = x$Value,
      mdl_flag = x$ResultLetter,
      mdl_action = mdl_action

#' Set value for 'non-detects'
#' Set a value where the actual value of a measurement
#' is less than the method detection limit (MDL)
#' @param value a numeric vector of measured values
#' @param mdl_flag a character vector the same length as `value` that has a
#' "flag" (assumed to be `"<"`) for values that are below the MDL
#' @param mdl_value a numeric vector the same length as `value` that contains
#' the MDL values.
#' @param mdl_action What to do with values below the detection limit. Options
#' are `"zero"` (set the value to `0`; the default), #' `"half"` (set the value
#' to half the MDL), `"mdl"` (set the value to equal to the MDL), or `"na"` (set
#' the value to `NA`).
#' @details You must supply either `mdl_flag` or `mdl_value`, or both. When only
#'   `mdl_flag` is supplied, it is assumed that the original `value` has been
#'   set to the MDL, and will be adjusted according to the `mdl_action`. When
#'   only `mdl_value` is supplied then any `value` less than that will be
#'   adjusted appropriately using the corresponding `mdl_value`. When both
#'   `mdl_flag` and `mdl_value` are supplied, any `value` with a corresponding
#'   `<` in the `mdl_flag` vector will be adjusted appropriately using the
#'   corresponding `mdl_value`.
#' @return a numeric vector the same length as value with non-detects adjusted accordingly
#' @export
set_non_detects <- function(value, mdl_flag = NULL, mdl_value = NULL,
                            mdl_action = c("zero", "mdl", "half", "na")) {
  mdl_action <- match.arg(mdl_action)

  if (!is.null(mdl_flag)) {
    if (length(value) != length(mdl_flag)) {
      stop("value and mdl_flag must be the same length")

    replace_these <- !is.na(mdl_flag) & mdl_flag == "<"

    if (!is.null(mdl_value)) {
      if (length(value) != length(mdl_value)) {
        stop("value and mdl_value must be the same length")
      ## If both mdl_flag and mdl_value are supplied, then use the
      ## mdl_values to replace the values which have a mdl_flag
      replacements <- mdl_value
    } else {
      ## Otherwise just use the values
      replacements <- value
  } else if (!is.null(mdl_value)) {
    if (length(value) != length(mdl_value)) {
      stop("value and mdl_value must be the same length")

    replace_these <- !is.na(value) & !is.na(mdl_value) & value <= mdl_value
    replacements <- mdl_value
  } else {
    stop("You must supply either a mdl_value vector, or a mdl_flag vector (with
         or without a mdl_value vector")

  if (mdl_action == "zero") {
    value[replace_these] <- 0
  } else if (mdl_action == "na") {
    value[replace_these] <- NA
  } else {
    multiplier <- ifelse(mdl_action == "half", 0.5, 1)

    if (!is.null(mdl_flag)) {
      value[replace_these] <- replacements[replace_these] * multiplier
    } else {
      value[replace_these] <- replacements[replace_these] * multiplier

bcgov/wqbc documentation built on Feb. 11, 2023, 11:15 p.m.