#' Chug a brew
#' @param brew an `ipa_brew` object.
#' @inheritParams scrimp_mdl
#' @return an `ipa_brew` object with a column added to the `wort`
#' containing the output from [scrimp_mdl].
#' @export
chug <- function(brew, .fun = NULL, .fun_args = NULL){
check_brew(brew, expected_stage = 'chug')
brew$wort$model_score <- purrr::map2(
.x = brew$wort$training,
.y = brew$wort$testing,
.f = scrimp_mdl,
outcome = get_outcome_name(brew),
.fun_args = .fun_args,
.fun = .fun
attr(brew, 'chugged') <- TRUE
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