#' New brew
#' `brew()` is the first function in the `ipa` workflow .
#' Brewing a great beer is not that different from imputing
#' missing data. Once a brew is started, you can add spices
#' (set primary parameters; see [spice]) and then mash the mixture
#' (fitting imputation models; see [mash]). To finish the brew, add
#' yeast (new data; see [ferment]), and then bottle it up (see
#' [bottle]) as a `tibble` or `matrix`.
#' `brew()` includes an input variable called `flavor` that determines
#' how data will be imputed. `brew_nbrs()` and `brew_soft()` are
#' convenience functions, e.g. `brew_nbrs()` is a
#' shortcut for calling `brew(flavor = 'kneighbors')`.
#' @param data a data frame with missing values.
#' @param outcome column name(s) of outcomes. These values can be
#' provided as symbols (e.g., outcome = c(a,b,c) for multiple outcomes
#' or outcome = a for one outcome) or character values (e.g., outcome =
#' c('a','b','c') for multiple outcomes or outcome = 'a' for a single
#' outcome).
#' @param bind_miss (`TRUE` / `FALSE`). If `TRUE`, a set of additional
#' indicator columns (one for each non-outcome column) are added
#' to `data`. The indicator columns take values of 0 and 1, with
#' 0 indicating that this variable is not missing for this row
#' and 1 indicating that this variable is missing for this row.
#' If `FALSE`, no additional columns are added to `data`.
#' @param flavor the computational approach that will be used to
#' impute missing data. Valid options are 'kneighbors' and 'softImpute'.
#' These values should be input as characters (e.g., 'kneighbors').
#' @return an `ipa_brew` object with your specified `flavor`
#' @section **Neighbor's brew**: an adaptation of Max Kuhn's
#' nearest neighbor imputation functions in the [recipes][recipes::recipes]
#' and `caret` packages. It also uses the [gower][gower::gower_topn]
#' package to implement algorithms that compute Gower's distance.
#' What makes this type of nearest neighbor imputation
#' different is its flexibility in the number of neighbors used
#' to impute missing values and the aggregation function applied.
#' For example, to create 10 imputed datasets that use 1, 2, ..., 10
#' neighbors to impute missing values would require fitting
#' 10 separate nearest neighbors models using conventional functions.
#' The `ipa` package lets a user create all of these imputed sets
#' with just one fitting of a nearest neighbor model. Additionally,
#' for users who want to use nearest neighbors for multiple imputation,
#' `ipa` gives the option to sample 1 neighbor value at random from
#' a neighborhood, rather than aggregate values into a summary.
#' @section **Soft brew**: The `softImpute` algorithm is used to impute
#' missing values with this `brew`. For more details on this strategy
#' to handle missing values, please see
#' [softImpute][softImpute::softImpute()].
#' @note Gower (1971) originally defined a similarity measure (s, say) with
#' values ranging from 0 (completely dissimilar) to 1 (completely similar).
#' The distance returned here equals 1-s.
#' @references Gower, John C. "A general coefficient of similarity
#' and some of its properties." Biometrics (1971): 857-871.
#' Rahul Mazumder, Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani (2010)
#' Spectral Regularization Algorithms for Learning Large Incomplete
#' Matrices, http://www.stanford.edu/~hastie/Papers/mazumder10a.pdf
#' *Journal of Machine Learning Research* 11 (2010) 2287-2322
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- data.frame(
#' x1 = 1:10,
#' x2 = 10:1,
#' x3 = 1:10,
#' outcome = 11 + runif(10)
#' )
#' data[1:2, 1:2] = NA
#' knn_brew <- brew(data, outcome = outcome, flavor = 'kneighbors')
#' sft_brew <- brew(data, outcome = outcome, flavor = 'softImpute')
#' knn_brew <- brew_nbrs(data, outcome = outcome)
#' sft_brew <- brew_soft(data, outcome = outcome)
#' print(knn_brew)
brew <- function(
bind_miss = FALSE
) {
stop("data is a function. \nDid you remember to name",
" the object you intended to brew 'data'?", call. = FALSE)
# Check outcome and transform to simple character value
outcome <- names(data) %>%
tidyselect::vars_select(!!rlang::enquo(outcome)) %>%
# check flavor input
check_l1_stop(flavor, label = 'flavor')
check_chr(flavor, label = 'flavor', options = c('kneighbors', 'softImpute'))
# convert to data.table (be careful not to modify by ref)
DT <- as.data.table(data)
DT <- copy(data)
if (any(is.na(DT[, ..outcome]))) stop(glue::glue(
"missing values in outcome columns ",
"({list_things(outcome)}) are not allowed."),
call. = FALSE)
check_var_types(DT, c('numeric', 'integer', 'factor'))
miss_indx <- mindx(DT, drop_empty = FALSE)
# drop outcome from miss_indx
miss_indx[outcome] <- NULL
# check for missing rows/columns
check_missingness(miss_indx, N = nrow(DT),
P = ncol(DT), label = 'brew data')
# drop empty cols from miss_indx
miss_indx[sapply(miss_indx, is_empty)] <- NULL
# outcomes should be removed prior to imputation
outcome_DT <- DT[, ..outcome]
# remove all outcomes from DT
DT <- DT[, (outcome) := NULL]
if(bind_miss) DT <- .bind_miss(DT, miss_indx = miss_indx)
# Initiate the brew
.Data = list(
data = list(training = DT),
miss = list(training = miss_indx),
pars = list(),
wort = NULL
class = c('ipa_brew', paste(flavor, 'brew', sep = '_')),
lims = get_par_bounds(DT, flavor),
flavor = flavor,
bind_miss = bind_miss,
outcome = list(training = outcome_DT),
verbose = 0,
spiced = FALSE,
mashed = FALSE,
stirred = FALSE,
fermented = FALSE,
bottled = FALSE
#' @rdname brew
#' @export
brew_nbrs <- function(data, outcome, bind_miss = FALSE){
stop("data is a function. \nDid you remember to name",
" the object you intended to brew 'data'?", call. = FALSE)
outcome <- names(data) %>%
tidyselect::vars_select(!!rlang::enquo(outcome)) %>%
brew(data = data, outcome = outcome,
bind_miss = bind_miss, flavor = 'kneighbors')
#' @rdname brew
#' @export
brew_soft <- function(data, outcome, bind_miss = FALSE){
stop("data is a function. \nDid you remember to name",
" the object you intended to brew 'data'?", call. = FALSE)
outcome <- names(data) %>%
tidyselect::vars_select(!!rlang::enquo(outcome)) %>%
brew(data = data, outcome = outcome,
bind_miss = bind_miss, flavor = 'softImpute')
#' Print a brew
#' Sometimes you need to check the brew.
#' @param x an `ipa_brew` object.
#' @param ... additional arguments (currently not used)
#' @export
print.ipa_brew <- function(x, ...){
flavor_expand <- switch(
attr(x, 'flavor'),
'kneighbors' = 'k-nearest-neighbors',
'softImpute' = 'soft imputation'
brew_symbol <- if(interactive()) "\U1F37A" else "brew"
"A {brew_symbol} to handle missing data using {flavor_expand}. \n\n"
print(x$wort, class = TRUE, nrows = 10)
} else {
"A {brew_symbol} to handle missing data using {flavor_expand}. \n",
"Data used for imputation (outcomes are wittheld): \n\n"
print(x$data$training, class = TRUE, nrows = 10)
# helpers for working with brew attributes
get_lims <- function(brew) attr(brew, 'lims')
get_flavor <- function(brew) attr(brew, 'flavor')
get_bind_miss <- function(brew) attr(brew, 'bind_miss')
get_outcome <- function(brew) attr(brew, 'outcome')
get_outcome_name <- function(brew) names(attr(brew, 'outcome')$training)
get_outcome_trn <- function(brew) attr(brew, 'outcome')$training
get_outcome_tst <- function(brew) attr(brew, 'outcome')$testing
get_composition <- function(brew) attr(brew, 'composition')
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