define_input_multiple_electrodes <- function(inputId, label = 'Electrodes'){
quo = rlang::quo({
definition = textInput(!!inputId, !!label, value = "", placeholder = '1-5,8,11-20'),
init_args = c('label', 'value'),
init_expr = {
electrodes = preload_info$electrodes
last_input = cache_input(!!inputId, val = as.character(electrodes[1]))
e = rave::parse_selections(last_input)
e = e[e %in% electrodes]
e = electrodes[1]
value = rave::deparse_selections(e)
label = 'Electrodes (' %&% rave::deparse_selections(electrodes) %&% ')'
parent_frame = parent.frame()
rave::eval_dirty(quo, env = parent_frame)
define_input_single_electrode <- function(inputId, label = 'Electrode'){
quo = rlang::quo({
definition = selectInput(!!inputId, !!label, choices = '', selected = NULL, multiple = FALSE),
init_args = c('choices', 'selected'),
init_expr = {
electrodes = preload_info$electrodes
choices = as.character(electrodes)
selected = cache_input(!!inputId, val = electrodes[1])
selected = as.character(selected)
if(length(selected) != 1 || !selected %in% choices){
selected = choices[1]
parent_frame = parent.frame()
rave::eval_dirty(quo, env = parent_frame)
define_input_frequency <- function(inputId, label = 'Frequency', is_range = TRUE, round = -1, initial_value = NULL){
quo = rlang::quo({
definition = sliderInput(!!inputId, !!label, min = 1, max = 200, value = c(1,200), round = !!round),
init_args = c('min', 'max', 'value'),
init_expr = {
freq_range = range(preload_info$frequencies)
min = floor(freq_range[1])
max = ceiling(freq_range[2])
initial_value = !!initial_value
initial_value %?<-% c(min, max)
initial_value %?<-% min
value = cache_input(!!inputId, initial_value)
parent_frame = parent.frame()
rave::eval_dirty(quo, env = parent_frame)
define_input_time <- function(inputId, label = 'Time Range', is_range = TRUE, round = -2, initial_value = NULL){
quo = rlang::quo({
definition = sliderInput(!!inputId, !!label, min = 0, max = 1, value = c(0,1), step = 0.01, round = !!round),
init_args = c('min', 'max', 'value'),
init_expr = {
time_range = range(preload_info$time_points)
min = min(time_range[1])
max = max(time_range[2])
initial_value = !!initial_value
initial_value %?<-% c(min, max)
initial_value %?<-% min
value = cache_input(!!inputId, initial_value)
parent_frame = parent.frame()
rave::eval_dirty(quo, env = parent_frame)
define_input_condition_groups <- function(inputId, label = 'Group', initial_groups = 1){
quo = rlang::quo({
definition = compoundInput(
inputId = !!inputId, prefix= !!label, inital_ncomp = !!initial_groups, components = {
textInput('group_name', 'Name', value = '', placeholder = 'Condition Name')
selectInput('group_conditions', ' ', choices = '', multiple = TRUE)
init_args = c('initialize', 'value'),
init_expr = {
cond = unique(preload_info$condition)
initialize = list(
group_conditions = list(
choices = cond
value = cache_input(!!inputId, list(
group_name = 'All Conditions',
group_conditions = list(cond)
parent_frame = parent.frame()
rave::eval_dirty(quo, env = parent_frame)
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