RAVE: Rreproducible Analysis and Visualization of intracranial Electroencephalography

For all RAVE info, including installation instructions, visit

RAVE contains multiple R & Python packages, pipeline modules, and analysis snippets.

Package Builder Status

All packages are hosted on CRAN and/or r-universe. Please follow the instructions to install them instead of installing them individually.

Low-level documentations are available for developers.

|Source Package (Github)|CI/CD Build Version|Description & Documentation| |:--|:--|:--| |ravemanager|r-universe|Dependence manager| |rave|r-universe|Main package| |ravedash|r-universe|Front-end dashboard| |ravetools|r-universe|Signal processing| |raveio|r-universe|File system support| |filearray|r-universe|Out-of-memory analysis| |threeBrain|r-universe|3D viewer engine| |rpymat|r-universe|Python manager & interface| |rpyANTs|r-universe|Interface to ANTs| |dipsaus|r-universe|Utility functions| |readNSx|r-universe|BlackRock NEV/NSx reader|

beauchamplab/rave documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 7:20 a.m.