
Defines functions crudTableServer .tableButton

Documented in crudTableServer

.tableButton <- function(action, id, title, icon, session) {
    ns <- session$ns
    paste0('<button ',
           'class="btn btn-sm" ',
           'data-toggle="tooltip" ',
           'data-placement="top" ',
           'style="margin: 0" ',
           'title="', title, '" ',
           'onClick="Shiny.setInputValue(\'', ns(action), '\', ', id, ', { priority: \'event\' });">',
           '<i class="fa fa-', icon, '"></i>',

#' Server-part of the CRUD table module
#' This is the server-part of the module. It handles all the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
#' operations on data. For new or existing data input, a modal dialog is opened that is defined by
#' the \code{formUI} and \code{formServer} arguments. The underlying data table is accessed via the
#' \code{\link{dao}} object.
#' @param id The ID of the module
#' @param dao Data Access Object (\code{\link{dao}}) that provides the data storage operations, see
#'   e.g. \code{\link{sqlDao}} or \code{\link{dataFrameDao}}.
#' @param formUI A function that creates the edit form for the user's data input. Typically, it
#'   is a function based on \code{\link{formUI}}. See examples below.
#' @param formServer A server-side function dual to the \code{formUI} argument that handles the
#'   actions performed in the edit form. Typically, it is a function created with the
#'   \code{\link{formServerFactory}}. See examples below.
#' @return Returns a reactive object that triggers on any data change within the CRUD table.
#' @seealso \code{\link{crudTableUI}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(shiny)
#' library(crudtable)
#' # Create Data Access Object
#' dao <- dataFrameDao(CO2)
#' # Create edit form dialog
#' myFormUI <- function(id) {
#'     ns <- NS(id)
#'     formUI(id,
#'             selectInput(ns('Plant'), 'Plant', choices = levels(CO2$Plant)),
#'             selectInput(ns('Type'), 'Type', choices = levels(CO2$Type)),
#'             selectInput(ns('Treatment'), 'Treatment', choices = levels(CO2$Treatment)),
#'             numericInput(ns('conc'), 'Ambient CO2 concentration [ml/L]',
#'                          value = 100, min = 50, max = 1000),
#'             numericInput(ns('uptake'), 'CO2 uptake rates [umol/m2 sec]',
#'                          value = 0, min = 0, max = 100),
#'     )
#' }
#' # Create edit form dialog handler
#' myFormServer <- formServerFactory(dao)
#' # User Interface
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'     crudTableUI('crud')
#' )
#' # Server-side
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'     crudTableServer('crud', dao, myFormUI, myFormServer)
#' }
#' # Run the shiny app
#' shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
#' }
crudTableServer <- function(id,
                            formUI = simpleFormUIFactory(dao),
                            formServer = formServerFactory(dao)) {

    moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
        ns <- session$ns
        dataChangedTrigger <- reactiveVal(0)

        # ---- delete record ---------------------------------------

        observeEvent(input$deleteId, {
            id <- input$deleteId
                modalDialog('Are you sure you want to delete the record?',
                            footer = list(
                                actionButton(ns('deleteAction'), 'Delete')

        observeEvent(input$deleteAction, {
            dataChangedTrigger(dataChangedTrigger() + 1)

        # ---- new record ------------------------------------------

        newForm <- callModule(formServer, 'newForm')

        observeEvent(input$newButton, {
            newForm$loadTrigger(newForm$loadTrigger() + 1)

        observeEvent(newForm$saveTrigger(), ignoreInit = TRUE, {
            dataChangedTrigger(dataChangedTrigger() + 1)

        # ---- edit record -----------------------------------------

        editForm <- callModule(formServer, 'editForm')

        observeEvent(input$editId, {
            id <- input$editId
            editForm$loadTrigger(editForm$loadTrigger() + 1)

        observeEvent(editForm$saveTrigger(), ignoreInit = TRUE, {
            dao$update(input$editId, editForm$record())
            dataChangedTrigger(dataChangedTrigger() + 1)

        # ---- outputs ---------------------------------------------

        data <- reactive({

        output$table <- DT::renderDataTable({
            d <- data()
            actions <- purrr::map_chr(d$id, function(id_) {
                paste0('<div class="btn-group" style="width: 75px;" role="group">',
                       .tableButton('editId', id_, 'Edit', 'edit', session),
                       .tableButton('deleteId', id_, 'Delete', 'trash-o', session),
            d <- cbind(data.frame(' ' = actions, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                          rownames = FALSE,
                          selection = 'none',
                          escape = -1)  # escape HTML everywhere except the first column

beerda/crudtable documentation built on July 13, 2020, 2:16 p.m.