
Defines functions is.ctx5bilat is.ctx5 is.ctx3bilat is.ctx3 as.ctx5bilat.default as.ctx5bilat.ctx5 as.ctx5bilat.ctx3bilat as.ctx5bilat.ctx3 as.ctx5bilat as.ctx5.default as.ctx5.ctx5bilat as.ctx5.ctx3bilat as.ctx5.ctx3 as.ctx5 as.ctx3bilat.default as.ctx3bilat.ctx5bilat as.ctx3bilat.ctx5 as.ctx3bilat.ctx3 as.ctx3bilat as.ctx3.default as.ctx3.ctx5bilat as.ctx3.ctx5 as.ctx3.ctx3bilat as.ctx3 ctx5bilat ctx5 ctx3bilat ctx3

Documented in as.ctx3 as.ctx3bilat as.ctx3bilat.ctx3 as.ctx3bilat.ctx5 as.ctx3bilat.ctx5bilat as.ctx3bilat.default as.ctx3.ctx3bilat as.ctx3.ctx5 as.ctx3.ctx5bilat as.ctx3.default as.ctx5 as.ctx5bilat as.ctx5bilat.ctx3 as.ctx5bilat.ctx3bilat as.ctx5bilat.ctx5 as.ctx5bilat.default as.ctx5.ctx3 as.ctx5.ctx3bilat as.ctx5.ctx5bilat as.ctx5.default ctx3 ctx3bilat ctx5 ctx5bilat is.ctx3 is.ctx3bilat is.ctx5 is.ctx5bilat

#' Context for linguistic expressions
#' A context describes a range of allowed values for a data column.
#' A context describes a range of allowed values for a data column. For that,
#' only the borders of the interval, i.e. minimum and maximum, are usually
#' needed, but we use contexts to hold more additional information that is
#' crucial for the construction of linguistic expressions.
#' Currently, four different contexts are supported that determine the types of
#' possible linguistic expressions, as constructed with [lingexpr()].
#' Unilateral or bilateral context is allowed in the variants of trichotomy or
#' pentachotomy. Trichotomy distinguishes three points in the interval: the
#' lowest value, highest value, and center. Pentachotomy adds lower center and
#' upper center to them. As opposite to unilateral, the bilateral context
#' handles explicitly the negative values. That is, bilateral context expects
#' some middle point, the origin (usually 0), around which the positive and
#' negative values are placed.
#' Concretely, the type of the context determines the allowed atomic
#' expressions as follows:
#' * `ctx3`: trichotomy (low, center, high) enables atomic expressions:
#'   small, medium, big;
#' * `ctx5`: pentachotomy (low, lowerCenter, center, upperCenter, high) enables
#'   atomic expressions: small, lower medium, medium, upper medium, big;
#' * `ctx3bilat`: bilateral trichotomy (negMax, negCenter, origin, center, max)
#'   enables atomic expressions: negative big, negative medium, negative small,
#'   zero, small, medium, big;
#' * `ctx5bilat`: bilateral pentachotomy (negMax, negCenter, origin, center,
#'   max) enables atomic expressions: negative big, negative medium, negative
#'   small, zero, small, medium, big.
#' The `as.ctx*` functions return instance of the appropriate class. The
#' functions perform the conversion so that missing points of the new context
#' are computed from the old context that is being transformed. In the
#' subsequent table, rows represent compatible values of different context
#' types:
#' \tabular{llll}{
#' ctx3   \tab ctx5        \tab ctx3bilat \tab ctx5bilat      \cr
#'        \tab             \tab negMax    \tab negMax         \cr
#'        \tab             \tab           \tab negUpperCenter \cr
#'        \tab             \tab negCenter \tab negCenter      \cr
#'        \tab             \tab           \tab negLowerCenter \cr
#' low    \tab low         \tab origin    \tab origin         \cr
#'        \tab lowerCenter \tab           \tab lowerCenter    \cr
#' center \tab center      \tab center    \tab center \cr
#'        \tab upperCenter \tab           \tab upperCenter \cr
#' high   \tab high        \tab max       \tab max
#' }
#' The `as.ctx*` conversion is performed by replacing values by rows, as
#' indicated in the table above.  When converting from a context with less
#' points to a context with more points (e.g. from unilateral to bilateral, or
#' from trichotomy to pentachotomy), missing points are computed as follows:
#' * `center` is computed as a mean of `origin` (or `low`) and `max` (or `high`).
#' * `lowerCenter` is computed as a mean of `origin` (or `low`) and `center`.
#' * `upperCenter` is computed as a mean of `mas` (or `high`) and `center`.
#' * negative points (such as `negMax`, `negCenter` etc.) are computed
#' symmetrically around `origin` to the corresponding positive points.
#' The code `as.ctx*` functions allow the parameter to be also a numeric
#' vector of size equal to the number of points required for the given context
#' type, i.e. 3 (`ctx3`), 5 (`ctx3bilat`, `ctx5`), or 9 (`ctx5bilat`).
#' @param negMax Lowest negative value of a bilateral context.
#' @param negUpperCenter A typical negative value between `negMax` and
#' `negCenter`.
#' @param negCenter A negative middle value.
#' @param negLowerCenter A typical negative value between `negCenter` and
#' `negOrigin`.
#' @param origin Origin, i.e. the initial point of the bilateral context. It is
#' typically a value of zero.
#' @param lowerCenter A typical positive value between origin and center.
#' @param center A positive middle value of a bilateral context, or simply a
#' middle value of an unilateral context.
#' @param upperCenter A typical positive value between center and maximum.
#' @param max Highest value of a bilateral context.
#' @param low Lowest value of an unilateral context.
#' @param high Highest value of an unilateral context.
#' @param relCenter A relative quantity used to compute the `negCenter`
#' and/or `center`, if they are not specified explicitly. The sensible
#' value is 0.5 for context symmetric around center, or 0.42 as proposed by
#' Novak.
#' @param x A value to be examined or converted. For `as.ctx*`, it can be
#' an instance of any `ctx*` class or a numeric vector of size equal to
#' the number of points required for the given context type.
#' @return `ctx*` and `as.ctx*` return an instance of the appropriate
#' class. `is.ctx*` returns `TRUE` or `FALSE`.
#' @author Michal Burda
#' @seealso [minmax()], [lingexpr()], [horizon()], [hedge()], [fcut()], [lcut()]
#' @keywords models robust
#' @examples
#'     ctx3(low=0, high=10)
#'     as.ctx3bilat(ctx3(low=0, high=10))
#' @name ctx

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
ctx3 <- function(low=0,
                 relCenter=0.5) {
    .mustBe(0 < relCenter && relCenter < 1, "'relCenter' must be a number between 0 and 1")
    .mustBe(low < center, "'low' must be lower than 'center'")
    .mustBe(center < high, "'center' must be lower than 'high'")

    structure(c(low, center, high),
              names=c('low', 'center', 'high'),
              class=c('ctx3', 'numeric'))

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
ctx3bilat <- function(negMax=-1,
                      relCenter=0.5) {
    .mustBe(0 < relCenter && relCenter < 1, "'relCenter' must be a number between 0 and 1")
    .mustBe(negMax < negCenter, "'negMax' must be lower than 'negCenter'")
    .mustBe(negCenter < origin, "'negCenter' must be lower than 'origin'")
    .mustBe(origin < center, "'origin' must be lower than 'center'")
    .mustBe(center < max, "'center' must be lower than 'max'")

    structure(c(negMax, negCenter, origin, center, max),
              names=c('negMax', 'negCenter', 'origin', 'center', 'max'),
              class=c('ctx3bilat', 'numeric'))

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
ctx5 <- function(low=0,
                 lowerCenter=mean(c(low, center)),
                 upperCenter=mean(c(center, high)),
                 relCenter=0.5) {
    .mustBe(0 < relCenter && relCenter < 1, "'relCenter' must be a number between 0 and 1")
    .mustBe(low < lowerCenter, "'low' must be lower than 'lowerCenter'")
    .mustBe(lowerCenter < center, "'lowerCenter' must be lower than 'center'")
    .mustBe(center < upperCenter, "'center' must be lower than 'upperCenter'")
    .mustBe(upperCenter < high, "'upperCenter' must be lower than 'high'")

    structure(c(low, lowerCenter, center, upperCenter, high),
              names=c('low', 'lowerCenter', 'center', 'upperCenter', 'high'),
              class=c('ctx5', 'numeric'))

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
ctx5bilat <- function(negMax=-1,
                      negUpperCenter=mean(c(negCenter, negMax)),
                      negLowerCenter=mean(c(origin, negCenter)),
                      lowerCenter=mean(c(origin, center)),
                      upperCenter=mean(c(center, max)),
                      relCenter=0.5) {
    .mustBe(0 < relCenter && relCenter < 1, "'relCenter' must be a number between 0 and 1")
    .mustBe(negMax < negUpperCenter, "'negMax' must be lower than 'negUpperCenter'")
    .mustBe(negUpperCenter < negCenter, "'negUpperCenter' must be lower than 'negCenter'")
    .mustBe(negCenter < negLowerCenter, "'negCenter' must be lower than 'negLowerCenter'")
    .mustBe(negLowerCenter < origin, "'negLowerCenter' must be lower than 'origin'")
    .mustBe(origin < lowerCenter, "'origin' must be lower than 'lowerCenter'")
    .mustBe(lowerCenter < center, "'lowerCenter' must be lower than 'center'")
    .mustBe(center < upperCenter, "'center' must be lower than 'upperCenter'")
    .mustBe(upperCenter < max, "'upperCenter' must be lower than 'max'")

    structure(c(negMax, negUpperCenter, negCenter, negLowerCenter, origin, lowerCenter, center, upperCenter, max),
              names=c('negMax', 'negUpperCenter', 'negCenter', 'negLowerCenter', 'origin',
                      'lowerCenter', 'center', 'upperCenter', 'max'),
              class=c('ctx5bilat', 'numeric'))

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx3 <- function(x) UseMethod("as.ctx3")

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx3.ctx3 <- identity

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx3.ctx3bilat <- function(x) ctx3(x['origin'], x['center'], x['max'])

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx3.ctx5 <- function(x) ctx3(x['low'], x['center'], x['high'])

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx3.ctx5bilat <- function(x) ctx3(x['origin'], x['center'], x['max'])

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx3.default <- function(x) {
    x <- as.vector(x)
    .mustBe(length(x) == 3, "'x' must be of length 3")
    ctx3(x[1], x[2], x[3])

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx3bilat <- function(x) UseMethod("as.ctx3bilat")

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx3bilat.ctx3bilat <- identity

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx3bilat.ctx3 <- function(x) ctx3bilat(2*x['low']-x['high'],

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx3bilat.ctx5 <- function(x) as.ctx3bilat(as.ctx3(x))

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx3bilat.ctx5bilat <- function(x) ctx3bilat(x['negMax'], x['negCenter'], x['origin'], x['center'], x['max'])

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx3bilat.default <- function(x) {
    x <- as.vector(x)
    .mustBe(length(x) == 5, "'x' must be of length 5")
    ctx3bilat(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5])

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx5 <- function(x) UseMethod("as.ctx5")

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx5.ctx5 <- identity

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx5.ctx3 <- function(x) ctx5(x['low'],
                                 mean(c(x['low'], x['center'])),
                                 mean(c(x['center'], x['high'])), x['high'])

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx5.ctx3bilat <- function(x) as.ctx5(as.ctx3(x))

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx5.ctx5bilat <- function(x) ctx5(x['origin'], x['lowerCenter'], x['center'], x['upperCenter'], x['max'])

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx5.default <- function(x) {
    x <- as.vector(x)
    .mustBe(length(x) == 5, "'x' must be of length 5")
    ctx5(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5])

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx5bilat <- function(x) UseMethod("as.ctx5bilat")

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx5bilat.ctx5bilat <- identity

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx5bilat.ctx3 <- function(x) as.ctx5bilat(as.ctx5(x))

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx5bilat.ctx3bilat <- function(x) ctx5bilat(x['negMax'],
                                                mean(c(x['negMax'], x['negCenter'])),
                                                mean(c(x['negCenter'], x['origin'])),
                                                mean(c(x['origin'], x['center'])),
                                                x['center'], mean(c(x['center'], x['max'])),

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx5bilat.ctx5 <- function(x) {
    shift <- 2*x['low']
    ctx5bilat(shift-x['high'], shift-x['upperCenter'], shift-x['center'], shift-x['lowerCenter'],
              x['low'], x['lowerCenter'], x['center'], x['upperCenter'], x['high'])

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
as.ctx5bilat.default <- function(x) {
    x <- as.vector(x)
    .mustBe(length(x) == 9, "'x' must be of length 9")
    ctx5bilat(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5], x[6], x[7], x[8], x[9])

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
is.ctx3 <- function(x) {
    return(inherits(x, 'ctx3') &&
           is.numeric(x) &&
           length(x) == 3)

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
is.ctx3bilat <- function(x) {
    return(inherits(x, 'ctx3bilat') &&
           is.numeric(x) &&
           length(x) == 5)

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
is.ctx5 <- function(x) {
    return(inherits(x, 'ctx5') &&
           is.numeric(x) &&
           length(x) == 5)

#' @rdname ctx
#' @export
is.ctx5bilat <- function(x) {
    return(inherits(x, 'ctx5bilat') &&
           is.numeric(x) &&
           length(x) == 9)
beerda/lfl documentation built on Feb. 15, 2023, 8:15 a.m.