
bfastmonitor_rasterEngine_tryCatch <-
function(x, startperiod, endperiod=NULL, dates=NULL, cpus="max", sensor="all", formula=response ~ trend + harmon,
                                      order=3, lag=NULL, slag=NULL, history=c("ROC", "BP", "all"),
                                      type="OLS-MOSUM", h=0.25, end=10, level=0.05, datetype=c("16-day", "irregular"),
                                      data_multiplier=1, printErrors=TRUE, logfile=NULL, filename="")
  # Same as bfmastmonitor_rasterEngine() function, but applies bfastmonitor() on each pixel within a tryCatch().
  # If an error is encountered (e.g. lack of data in the history period), -9999 is assigned to breakpoint and magnitude for that pixel,
  # the error is printed to the console (or logfile) and processing continues. If desired, the user can create an error 'mask' by extracting these pixel values after processing.
  # args:
    # x - rasterBrick to be analyzed
    # startperiod - start of the monitoring period (e.g. c(2009, 1))
    # endperiod - end of the monitoring period (e.g. c(2010, 1), or NULL for full time series)
    # dates - vector of dates corresponding exactly to layers of x (if omitted, then function will attempt to extract dates from layer names, if they are Landsat sceneID's)
    # cpus - number of cores to run on (for parallel processing). Default is "max", which is half of the available cores.
    # sensor - limit analysis to particular sensor (Landsat only - e.g. "TM" or "ETM+"; leave as "all" to use all data, or for MODIS ts)
      # possible values: c("all", "TM", "ETM+", "ETM+ SLC-on", "ETM+ SLC-off")
    # including other arguments for bfastmonitor() ...
    # data_multiplier - data rescaling factor; leave as 1 if not necessary
    # printErrors - print error messages to a log file? If TRUE, will be printed to a file called "log.txt" saved in the current working directory.
      # NOTE: printErrors is not yet supported unless a logfile is provided in the arguments, as 'regular' prints to the console in foreach() are not possible
    # logfile - filename for error messages (if printErrors=TRUE). If NULL, messages will be print to console.
    # filename - (optional) filename if resulting rasterBrick is to be written to file
  # modify Landsat time series if preferred sensor is indicated
  s <- getSceneinfo(names(x))
    if("ETM+" %in% sensor){
      sensor <- unique(c(sensor, "ETM+ SLC-on", "ETM+ SLC-off"))
    x <- dropLayer(x, which(!s$sensor %in% sensor))
    s <- s[which(s$sensor %in% sensor), ]
    names(x) <- row.names(s)
  # function to run bfastmonitor() on an array derived from time series brick
  bfastmonitor_array <- function(rasterTS, start, formula, order, lag, slag, history, type, h, end, level, dates,
                                 datetype, endperiod, data_multiplier, ...)
    # rescale data (if necessary)
    if(data_multiplier != 1){
      rasterTS <- rasterTS * data_multiplier
    # modify dims of input array
    rasterTS_dims <- dim(rasterTS)
    npixels <- prod(dim(rasterTS)[1:2])
    ndates <- dim(rasterTS)[3]
    dim(rasterTS) <- c(npixels, ndates)

    if(printErrors & !is.null(logfile))
      sink(logfile, append=TRUE)
    bfm_out <- foreach(i=seq(npixels), .packages=c("bfast"), .combine=rbind) %do% {
      # if there are no values in the ts vector, assign NA's and move on
      # e.g. if the input brick has had a mask applied already
      testNA <- length(rasterTS[i, ][!is.na(rasterTS[i, ])])
      if(testNA > 0){
        bfts <- bfastts(rasterTS[i,], dates=dates, type=datetype)
        # trim time series using endperiod
          bfts <- window(bfts, end=endperiod)
        bfm <- tryCatch({
          x <- bfastmonitor(data=bfts, start=start, formula=formula, order=order, lag=lag, 
                              slag=slag, history=history, type=type, h=h, end=end, level=level)
        }, error = function(err) {
            cat("Error encountered at iteration ", i, ":\n", as.character(err), "\n", sep="")
          x <- list(breakpoint = -9999, magnitude = -9999)
      } else {
        bfm <- list(breakpoint = NA, magnitude = NA)
      return(c(bfm$breakpoint, bfm$magnitude)) 
    # Coerce the output back to the correct size array:
    dim(bfm_out) <- c(rasterTS_dims[1:2], 2)
  if(printErrors & !is.null(logfile))
  # get dates from previous getSceneinfo() data.frame if dates was not supplied in arguments
    dates <- s$date
  # register parallel backend
  if(cpus == "max"){
  } else {
  # make list of arguments to pass to bfastmonitor() within rasterEngine()
  args_list <- list(dates=dates, datetype=datetype[1], start=startperiod, endperiod=endperiod, formula=formula, order=order,
                    lag=lag, slag=slag, history=history, type=type, h=h, end=end, level=level, data_multiplier=data_multiplier)
  # run bfastmonitor() within rasterEngine()
    bfastmonitor_raster <- rasterEngine(rasterTS=x, args=args_list, fun=bfastmonitor_array, debugmode=FALSE)
    bfastmonitor_raster <- rasterEngine(rasterTS=x, args=args_list, fun=bfastmonitor_array, debugmode=FALSE, filename=filename)
  # stop parallel engine
bendv/bfastmonitor.rasterEngine documentation built on May 12, 2019, 10:58 a.m.