
Defines functions pwhl_stats

Documented in pwhl_stats

#' @title  **PWHL Stats**
#' @description PWHL Stats lookup
#' @param position either goalie or skater. If skater, need to select a team.
#' @param season Season (YYYY) to pull the roster from, the concluding year in XXXX-YY format
#' @param team Team to pull the roster data for
#' @param regular Bool for whether to pull regular or pre-season rosters
#' @return A data frame with roster data
#' @import jsonlite
#' @import dplyr
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @import tidyverse
#' @export

pwhl_stats <- function(position = "goalie", team = "BOS", season = 2023, regular = TRUE) {
  team_id <- pwhl_teams() %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$team_label == team)

  if (regular) {
    season_id <- 1
  } else if (! regular) {
    season_id <- 2

    expr = {
      if (position == "goalie") {

        URL <- glue::glue("https://lscluster.hockeytech.com/feed/index.php?feed=statviewfeed&view=players&season={season_id}&team=all&position=goalies&rookies=0&statsType=expanded&rosterstatus=undefined&site_id=2&first=0&limit=20&sort=gaa&league_id=1&lang=en&division=-1&qualified=all&key=694cfeed58c932ee&client_code=pwhl&league_id=1&callback=angular.callbacks._5")

        res <- httr::RETRY(

        res <- res %>%
          httr::content(as = "text", encoding = "utf-8")

        res <- gsub("angular.callbacks._5\\(", "", res)
        res <- gsub("}}]}]}])", "}}]}]}]", res)
        r <- res %>%

        players <- data.frame()

        data = r[[1]]$sections[[1]]$data

        for (y in 1:length(data)) {

          player_df <- data.frame(
            player_id = c(data[[y]]$row$player_id),
            player_name = c(data[[y]]$row$name),
            team = c(data[[y]]$row$team_code),
            games_played = c(data[[y]]$row$games_played),
            minutes = c(data[[y]]$row$minutes_played),
            shots_faced = c(data[[y]]$row$shots),
            goals_against = c(data[[y]]$row$goals_against),
            goals_against_avg = c(data[[y]]$row$goals_against_average),
            save_percentage = c(data[[y]]$row$save_percentage),
            shutouts = c(data[[y]]$row$shutouts),
            wins = c(data[[y]]$row$wins),
            losses = c(data[[y]]$row$losses),
            so_att = c(data[[y]]$row$shootout_attempts),
            so_goals_against = c(data[[y]]$row$shootout_goals_against),
            so_save_percentage = c(data[[y]]$row$shootout_percentage)

          players <- dplyr::bind_rows(players, player_df)


        players <- players %>%
          tidyr::separate("minutes", into = c("minute", "second"), sep = ":", remove = FALSE)
      } else {
        URL <- glue::glue("https://lscluster.hockeytech.com/feed/index.php?feed=statviewfeed&view=players&season={season_id}&team={team_id}&position=skaters&rookies=0&statsType=standard&rosterstatus=undefined&site_id=2&first=0&limit=20&sort=points&league_id=1&lang=en&division=-1&key=694cfeed58c932ee&client_code=pwhl&league_id=1&callback=angular.callbacks._6")

        res <- httr::RETRY(

        res <- res %>%
          httr::content(as = "text", encoding = "utf-8")

        res <- gsub("angular.callbacks._6\\(", "", res)
        res <- gsub("}}]}]}])", "}}]}]}]", res)
        r <- res %>%

        players <- data.frame()

        data = r[[1]]$sections[[1]]$data

        for (y in 1:length(data)) {

          player_df <- data.frame(
            player_id = c(data[[y]]$row$player_id),
            player = c(data[[y]]$row$name),
            current_team = c(data[[y]]$row$active),
            position = c(data[[y]]$row$position),
            team = c(data[[y]]$row$team_code),
            games_played = c(data[[y]]$row$games_played),
            goals = c(data[[y]]$row$goals),
            shots = c(data[[y]]$row$shots),
            shooting_pct = c(data[[y]]$row$shooting_percentage),
            assists = c(data[[y]]$row$assists),
            points = c(data[[y]]$row$points),
            points_per_game = (data[[y]]$row$points_per_game),
            plus_minus = c(data[[y]]$row$plus_minus),
            penalty_minutes = c(data[[y]]$row$penalty_minutes),
            penalty_minutes_per_game = c(data[[y]]$row$penalty_minutes_per_game),
            power_play_goals = c(data[[y]]$row$power_play_goals),
            power_play_assists = c(data[[y]]$row$power_play_assists),
            short_handed_goals = c(data[[y]]$row$short_handed_goals),
            short_handed_assists = c(data[[y]]$row$short_handed_assists),
            shootout_goals = c(data[[y]]$row$shootout_goals),
            shootout_attempts = c(data[[y]]$row$shootout_attempts),
            shootout_pct = c(data[[y]]$row$shootout_percentage),
            shootout_winning_goals = c(data[[y]]$row$shootout_winning_goals),
            faceoff_attempts = c(data[[y]]$row$faceoff_attempts),
            faceoff_wins = c(data[[y]]$row$faceoff_wins),
            faceoff_pct = c(data[[y]]$row$faceoff_pct)

          players <- dplyr::bind_rows(players, player_df)

    error = function(e) {
      message(glue::glue("{Sys.time()}: Invalid season or no roster data available! Try a season from 2023 onwards!"))

    warning = function(w) {
    finally = {

benhowell71/fastRhockey documentation built on March 1, 2024, 9:23 a.m.