
Defines functions dataForSummaryFunction

Documented in dataForSummaryFunction

#' dataForSummaryFunction
#' @description Creates a data frame from an object of class \code{holdOutPredictions} that can be passsed to the \code{data} argument of \code{\link{puSummary}} function.
#' @param  x an object of class \code{\link{holdOutPredictions}} or \code{\link{trainOcc}}
#' @param threshold threshold used to binarize the data
#' @param newUn predictions of new unlabeled samples to be used to replace the unlabeled hold-out predictions of \code{x}
#' @param ... other in case \code{x} is \code{\link{trainOcc}}, arguments that can be passed to \code{\link{holdOutPredictions}}
#' @return a data frame that can be passed to the \code{data} argument of \code{\link{puSummary}} function.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(bananas)
#' model <- trainOcc(x=bananas$tr[, -1], y=bananas$tr[, 1], method="ocsvm")
#' hop <- holdOutPredictions(model) # returns aggregated
#' d <- dataForSummaryFunction(hop)
#' hop <- holdOutPredictions(model, partition = 1)
#' d <- dataForSummaryFunction(hop)
#' }
#' @export
dataForSummaryFunction <- function(x, threshold=0, newUn=NULL, ...) {
  if (class(x)[1]=="trainOcc") {
    x <- holdOutPredictions(x, ...)
  if (!is.null(newUn)) {
    x$un <- newUn
  obs <- puFactor( rep( c(1, 0), c(length(x$pos), length(x$un)) ), positive=1 )
  pos <- c(x$pos, x$un)
  pred <- obs
  pred[pos>=threshold] <- 'pos'
  pred[pos<threshold] <- 'un'
  data <- data.frame(obs=obs, pred=pred, pos=pos)
benmack/oneClass documentation built on Dec. 15, 2020, 7:38 p.m.