
#' read data in, three columns Name = lab code, Date = radiocarbon age, Uncertainty = error
#' @param dates raw data from Direct AMS lab
#' @export
oxcal_formatter <- function(dates){

# construct OxCal format
oxcal_format <- paste0('R_Date(\"',  gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", dates$Name), '\",', dates$Date, ',', dates$Uncertainty, ');')
# inspect

# write formatted dates to text file
write.table(oxcal_format, file = 'oxcal_format.txt', row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

# find location of text file

# Now 95% ready for pasting into OxCal batch conversion
# at https://c14.arch.ox.ac.uk/oxcal/OxCal.html

# In OxCal, File -> New then click the table view button (fourth along the top, no tool tips on hover sadly!) and paste in the dates between this (without #)

# Plot()
# {
# ...insert dates here...
# };

# Then edit format and settings to return results in BP (before running) and get median and sigma (after running)
# using IntCal 13 curve
# then click File -> Run, then File -> Save As to get calibrated dates in a CSV
benmarwick/Stratigraphy-and-radiocarbon-dates-from-Gua-Mo-o-hono-Sulawesi documentation built on May 12, 2019, 1:01 p.m.