
Defines functions pelt.multivar.norm13meanvar.gamma2.exp4.cost.seglen pelt.multivar.norm13meanvar.gamma2.exp4.cost pelt.multivar.norm.meanvar.cost.seglen pelt.multivar.norm.meanvar.cost pelt.multivar.norm.var.cost.seglen pelt.multivar.norm.var.cost pelt.multivar.norm.mean.cost.seglen pelt.multivar.norm.mean.cost pelt.multivar.norm.sum pelt.exp.cost.seglen pelt.exp.cost pelt.gamma.cost.seglen pelt.gamma.cost pelt.gamma.sum pelt.norm.meanvar.cost.seglen pelt.norm.meanvar.cost pelt.norm.var.cost.seglen pelt.norm.var.cost pelt.norm.mean.cost.seglen pelt.norm.mean.cost pelt.norm.sum pelt

Documented in pelt pelt.exp.cost pelt.exp.cost.seglen pelt.gamma.cost pelt.gamma.cost.seglen pelt.gamma.sum pelt.norm.mean.cost pelt.norm.mean.cost.seglen pelt.norm.meanvar.cost pelt.norm.meanvar.cost.seglen pelt.norm.sum pelt.norm.var.cost pelt.norm.var.cost.seglen


#' Detecting Multiple Changepoints using the PELT Algorithm
#' Calculates the optimal positioning and number of changepoints using PELT.
#' This method uses the PELT algorithm to obtain the optimal number and location of changepoints within a univariate time series. This is done via the minimisation of a penalised cost function using dynamic programming. Inequality-based pruning is used to reduce computation whilst retaining optimality. A range of different cost functions and penalty values can be used.
#' @param data A vector of length \code{n} containing the data within which you wish to find a changepoint.
#' @param pen Numeric value of the linear penalty function.  This value is used in the decision for each individual changepoint so that in total the penalty is k*pen where k is the optimal number of changepoints detected.
#A non-negative numeric value representing the penalty incurred to the cost whenever an additional changepoint in introduced in the model.
#' @param min.dist The minimum distance allowed between any two changepoints. Required to have an integer value of at least 1 for changes in mean, or at least 2 for changes in variance.
#' @param cost The function used to calculate the cost of a given segment of data. The choice of this function dictates the assumed distribution and the type(s) of changes being detected (or simply the generic cost of data if non-parametric). See Details for possible choices.
#' @param sum.stat The function used to generate the summary statistics used by \code{cost}. See Details for possible choices.
#' @param initial.likelihood.value The initial value of the likelihood/cost function.
#' @return The vector of changepoint locations detected by PELT.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Normal observations, multiple change in mean.
#' data = c( rnorm(100, mean=0, sd=1), rnorm(100, mean=5, sd=1), rnorm(100, mean=-1, sd=1), rnorm(100, mean=2, sd=1) )
#' # plot.ts(data)
#' n = length(data)
#' pelt.results = pelt(data=data, pen=2*log(n), cost=pelt.norm.mean.cost, sum.stat=pelt.norm.sum)
pelt = function(data, pen = 2*log(length(data)), min.dist=2, cost=pelt.norm.meanvar.cost, sum.stat=pelt.norm.sum, initial.likelihood.value=0)

  if(is.matrix(data)){ # data is multivariate
    n = nrow(data)
  } else{ # data is univariate
    n <- length(data)

  d = min.dist # minimum distance between changepoints

  #lastchangelike = array(NA,dim = n+1) #array(0,dim = n+1)
  #lastchangecpts = array(NA,dim = n+1) #array(0,dim = n+1)
  #numchangecpts = array(NA,dim = n+1) #array(0,dim = n+1)

  lastchangelike = array(0,dim = n+1)
  lastchangecpts = array(0,dim = n+1)
  numchangecpts = array(0,dim = n+1)

  lastchangelike[0 +1] <- c(-pen + initial.likelihood.value)
  numchangecpts[0 +1] <- 0
  lastchangecpts[0 +1] <- 0

  sumx <- sum.stat(data)


    lastchangelike[1:(d-1) +1] <- NA
    numchangecpts[1:(d-1) +1] <- NA
    lastchangecpts[1:(d-1) +1] <- NA

    for(tau in d:(2*d-1)){
      lastchangelike[tau +1] = cost(tau, 0, sumx) + pen # calculate likelihood from 0 to the d:(2*d-1) points
    numchangecpts[d:(2*d-1) +1] = 0
    lastchangecpts[d:(2*d-1) +1] = 0

  } else{
    lastchangelike[1 +1] <- 0
    numchangecpts[1 +1] <- 0
    lastchangecpts[1 +1] <- 0

  checklist <- array() #stores the candidate changepoint positions
  checklist[1:2] <- c(0, d) #0

  for (tstar in (2*d):n) {
    if(lastchangelike[tstar+1] == 0){

      #if(tstar==7 && all(checklist==c(0,4,5))) debug(cost)
      tmplike <- lastchangelike[checklist+1] + cost(tstar, checklist, sumx) + pen
      if(any(is.na(tmplike))) browser()

      #### Store changepoints and cost function for each tstar ###
      lastchangecpts[tstar+1] <- checklist[min(which(tmplike == min(tmplike[!is.na(tmplike)])))]
      lastchangelike[tstar+1] <- min(tmplike[!is.na(tmplike)])
      numchangecpts[tstar +1] <- numchangecpts[lastchangecpts[tstar+1]+1]+1

        checklist <- checklist[(tmplike - pen) <= lastchangelike[tstar+1]]
    checklist <- c(checklist,tstar-d+1) #c(checklist,tstar-1)
  cp = n
  lastchangecpts2 <- lastchangecpts[-1]

  #return.list = list(lastchangecpts, cp[-c(1,length(cp))], lastchangelike, numchangecpts)
  #names(return.list) = list("lastchangecpts", "cpts", "lastchangelike", "numchangecpts")



#' Calculate Summary Statistics used for Normal likelihood calculation within PELT.
#' Calculates the necessary summary statistics which are to be used as part of the calculation of the Normal likelihood for the PELT algorithm. Not typically used outside of this purpose.
#' An internal function, not designed for use by the end-user.
#' @param data A vector of time-ordered observations to be analysed using PELT.
#' @return A \code{3} x \code{length(data)} matrix. Row 1 contains the cumulative sums of the observations, row 2 contains the cumulative sums of the squared observations, and row 3 contains the cumulative sums of the squared de-meaned observations.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = rnorm(100, 10, 3)
#' pelt.norm.sum(data)
pelt.norm.sum = function(data){
  return(matrix(data = c(cumsum(c(0,data)),cumsum(c(0,data^2)), cumsum(c(0,(data-mean(data))^2))),nrow = 3,byrow = T))

#' Calculate Normal likelihood of data segment, assuming variable mean and fixed variance.
#' Calculates the Normal likelihood of multiple segments of data, as defined by the vector of possible start-points (\code{tau}) and a single common end-point (\code{R}). This likelihood calculation assumes that the variance is fixed as \code{1}, and sets the mean equal to its maximum likelihood estimate.
#' @param tau A vector of locations indicating the possible beginnings of a segment.
#' @param R A single location representing the end of the possible segment
#' @param sumx The summary statistics for the entire time series being analysed.
#' @return A vector containing the cost of the different possible segments defined by \code{tau} and \code{R}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = rnorm(100, 10, 3)
#' sumx = pelt.norm.sum(data)
#' tau = c(30,40,50) # start-points of possible segments
#' R = 70 # end-point of possible segments
#' pelt.norm.mean.cost(tau,R,sumx) # costs for each segment
pelt.norm.mean.cost = function(tau,R,sumx){

  cost = (tau-R)*log(2*pi) + (sumx[2,tau +1] - sumx[2,R+1])-(tau-R) *( (sumx[1,tau +1] - sumx[1,R+1])/(tau - R) )^2


#' Calculate Normal likelihood of data segment with segment length penalty, assuming variable mean and fixed variance.
#' Calculates the Normal likelihood of multiple segments of data, as defined by the vector of possible start-points (\code{tau}) and a single common end-point (\code{R}). This likelihood is penalised by the segment length. The calculation assumes that the variance is fixed as \code{1}, and sets the mean equal to its maximum likelihood estimate.
#' @param tau A vector of locations indicating the possible beginnings of a segment.
#' @param R A single location representing the end of the possible segment
#' @param sumx The summary statistics for the entire time series being analysed.
#' @return A vector containing the cost of the different possible segments defined by \code{tau} and \code{R}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = rnorm(100, 10, 3)
#' sumx = pelt.norm.sum(data)
#' tau = c(30,40,50) # start-points of possible segments
#' R = 70 # end-point of possible segments
#' pelt.norm.mean.cost.seglen(tau,R,sumx) # costs for each segment
pelt.norm.mean.cost.seglen = function(tau,R,sumx){

  cost = (tau-R)*log(2*pi) + (sumx[2,tau +1] - sumx[2,R+1])-(tau-R) *( (sumx[1,tau +1] - sumx[1,R+1])/(tau - R) )^2 + log(tau-R) # log(n), segment length penalty.


#' Calculate Normal likelihood of data segment, assuming fixed mean and variable variance.
#' Calculates the Normal likelihood of multiple segments of data, as defined by the vector of possible start-points (\code{tau}) and a single common end-point (\code{R}). This likelihood calculation assumes that the mean is fixed as \code{1}, and sets the variance equal to its maximum likelihood estimate.
#' @param tau A vector of locations indicating the possible beginnings of a segment.
#' @param R A single location representing the end of the possible segment
#' @param sumx The summary statistics for the entire time series being analysed.
#' @return A vector containing the cost of the different possible segments defined by \code{tau} and \code{R}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = rnorm(100, 10, 3)
#' sumx = pelt.norm.sum(data)
#' tau = c(30,40,50) # start-points of possible segments
#' R = 70 # end-point of possible segments
#' pelt.norm.var.cost(tau,R,sumx) # costs for each segment
pelt.norm.var.cost = function(tau,R,sumx){

  mll.var <- function(x,n){
    neg = x<=0
    x[neg==TRUE] = 0.00000000001 #10000
    return(n*(log(2*pi) + log(x/n) + 1))
  cost <- mll.var(sumx[3,tau+1] - sumx[3,R+1], tau - R)


#' Calculate Normal likelihood of data segment with segment length penalty, assuming fixed mean and variable variance.
#' Calculates the Normal likelihood of multiple segments of data, as defined by the vector of possible start-points (\code{tau}) and a single common end-point (\code{R}). This likelihood is penalised by the segment length. The calculation assumes that the variance is fixed as \code{1}, and sets the mean equal to its maximum likelihood estimate.
#' @param tau A vector of locations indicating the possible beginnings of a segment.
#' @param R A single location representing the end of the possible segment
#' @param sumx The summary statistics for the entire time series being analysed.
#' @return A vector containing the cost of the different possible segments defined by \code{tau} and \code{R}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = rnorm(100, 10, 3)
#' sumx = pelt.norm.sum(data)
#' tau = c(30,40,50) # start-points of possible segments
#' R = 70 # end-point of possible segments
#' pelt.norm.var.cost.seglen(tau,R,sumx) # costs for each segment
pelt.norm.var.cost.seglen = function(tau,R,sumx){

  mll.var <- function(x,n){
    neg = x<=0
    x[neg==TRUE] = 10000
    return(n*(log(2*pi) + log(x/n) + 1))
  cost <- mll.var(sumx[3,tau+1] - sumx[3,R+1], tau - R) + log(tau-R) # segment length penalty.


#' Calculate Normal likelihood of data segment, assuming variable mean and variable variance.
#' Calculates the Normal likelihood of multiple segments of data, as defined by the vector of possible start-points (\code{tau}) and a single common end-point (\code{R}). This calculation sets both the mean and variance equal to their maximum likelihood estimates.
#' @param tau A vector of locations indicating the possible beginnings of a segment.
#' @param R A single location representing the end of the possible segment
#' @param sumx The summary statistics for the entire time series being analysed.
#' @return A vector containing the cost of the different possible segments defined by \code{tau} and \code{R}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = rnorm(100, 10, 3)
#' sumx = pelt.norm.sum(data)
#' tau = c(30,40,50) # start-points of possible segments
#' R = 70 # end-point of possible segments
#' pelt.norm.meanvar.cost(tau,R,sumx) # costs for each segment
pelt.norm.meanvar.cost = function(tau,R,sumx){

  cost <- array()
  cost[which((tau-R) <= 1)] = 0
  x <- R[which((tau-R) > 1)]
  #cost[which((tau-R) > 1)]= (tau-x) * (log(2*pi) + log((((sumx[2,tau +1] - sumx[2,x+1])-(tau-x) *((sumx[1,tau +1] - sumx[1,x+1])/(tau - (x)))^2))/(tau-x)) + 1)

  nn = tau-x
  sigmasq.mle = (1/nn) * ( (sumx[2,tau +1] - sumx[2,x+1]) - nn*((sumx[1,tau +1] - sumx[1,x+1])/nn)^2 )
  neg = sigmasq.mle <= 0
  sigmasq.mle[neg==TRUE] = 0.00000000001
  cost[which((tau-R) > 1)] = nn * (log(2*pi) + log(sigmasq.mle) + 1)



#' Calculate Normal likelihood of data segment with segment length penalty, assuming variable mean and variable variance.
#' Calculates the Normal likelihood of multiple segments of data, as defined by the vector of possible start-points (\code{tau}) and a single common end-point (\code{R}). This likelihood is penalised by the segment length. The calculation sets both the mean and variance equal to their maximum likelihood estimates.
#' @param tau A vector of locations indicating the possible beginnings of a segment.
#' @param R A single location representing the end of the possible segment
#' @param sumx The summary statistics for the entire time series being analysed.
#' @return A vector containing the cost of the different possible segments defined by \code{tau} and \code{R}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = rnorm(100, 10, 3)
#' sumx = pelt.norm.sum(data)
#' tau = c(30,40,50) # start-points of possible segments
#' R = 70 # end-point of possible segments
#' pelt.norm.meanvar.cost.seglen(tau,R,sumx) # costs for each segment
pelt.norm.meanvar.cost.seglen = function(tau,R,sumx){

  cost <- array()
  cost[which((tau-R) <= 1)] = 0
  x <- R[which((tau-R) > 1)]
  #cost[which((tau-R) > 1)]= (tau-x) * (log(2*pi) + log((((sumx[2,tau +1] - sumx[2,x+1])-(tau-x) *((sumx[1,tau +1] - sumx[1,x+1])/(tau - (x)))^2))/(tau-x)) + 1)

  nn = tau-x
  sigmasq.mle = (1/nn) * ( (sumx[2,tau +1] - sumx[2,x+1]) - nn*((sumx[1,tau +1] - sumx[1,x+1])/nn)^2 )
  neg = sigmasq.mle <= 0
  sigmasq.mle[neg==TRUE] = 0.00000000001
  cost[which((tau-R) > 1)] = nn * (log(2*pi) + log(sigmasq.mle) + 1)

  cost[which((tau-R) > 1)] = cost[which((tau-R) > 1)] + log(nn) # segment length penalty.
  #cost[which((tau-R) > 1)] = cost[which((tau-R) > 1)] + log(tau-x) # segment length penalty.


#' Calculate Summary Statistics used for Gamma likelihood calculation within PELT.
#' Calculates the necessary summary statistics which are to be used as part of the calculation of the Gamma likelihood for the PELT algorithm. Not typically used outside of this purpose.
#' An internal function, not designed for use by the end-user.
#' @param data A vector of time-ordered observations to be analysed using PELT.
#' @return A vector containing the cumulative sums of the observations.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = rgamma(n=100, shape=1, scale=1/2)
#' pelt.gamma.sum(data)
pelt.gamma.sum = function(data){

  return( c(0,cumsum(data)) )


#' Calculate Gamma likelihood of data segment, assuming fixed shape parameter and variable scale parameter.
#' Calculates the Gamma likelihood of multiple segments of data, as defined by the vector of possible start-points (\code{tau}) and a single common end-point (\code{R}). This calculation assumes the shape is fixed as some specified value and sets the scale equal to its maximum likelihood estimate.
#' @param tau A vector of locations indicating the possible beginnings of a segment.
#' @param R A single location representing the end of the possible segment
#' @param sumx The summary statistics for the entire time series being analysed.
#' @param shape The value of the shape parameter for the Gamma distribution.
#' @return A vector containing the cost of the different possible segments defined by \code{tau} and \code{R}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' shape = 1 # the shape parameter of the data
#' data = rgamma(n=100, shape=shape, scale=1/2)
#' sumx = pelt.gamma.sum(data)
#' tau = c(30,40,50) # start-points of possible segments
#' R = 70 # end-point of possible segments
#' pelt.gamma.cost(tau, R, sumx, shape=shape) # costs for each segment
pelt.gamma.cost = function(tau, R, sumx, shape=1){

  N = tau - R

  cost = array()
  cost[which(N <= 1)] = 0
  r <- R[which(N > 1)]
  x = sumx[tau+1] - sumx[r+1]
  n = tau - r

  cost[which(N > 1)] = 2*n*shape*log(x) - 2*n*shape*log(n*shape)



#' Title
#' @param tau
#' @param R
#' @param sumx
#' @param shape
#' @return A vector containing the cost of the different possible segments defined by \code{tau} and \code{R}.
#' @export
pelt.gamma.cost.seglen = function(tau, R, sumx, shape=1){

  N = tau - R

  cost = array()
  cost[which(N <= 1)] = 0
  r <- R[which(N > 1)]
  x = sumx[tau+1] - sumx[r+1]
  n = tau - r

  cost[which(N > 1)] = 2*n*shape*log(x) - 2*n*shape*log(n*shape) + log(n)



#' Title
#' @param tau
#' @param R
#' @param sumx
#' @return A vector containing the cost of the different possible segments defined by \code{tau} and \code{R}.
#' @export
pelt.exp.cost = function(tau, R, sumx){

  N = tau - R

  cost = array()
  cost[which(N <= 1)] = 0
  r <- R[which(N > 1)]
  x = sumx[tau+1] - sumx[r+1]
  n = tau - r

  cost[which(N > 1)] = 2*n*(1 - log(n/x))



#' Title
#' @param tau
#' @param R
#' @param sumx
#' @return A vector containing the cost of the different possible segments defined by \code{tau} and \code{R}.
#' @export
pelt.exp.cost.seglen = function(tau, R, sumx){

  N = tau - R

  cost = array()
  cost[which(N <= 1)] = 0
  r <- R[which(N > 1)]
  x = sumx[tau+1] - sumx[r+1]
  n = tau - r

  cost[which(N > 1)] = 2*n*(1 - log(n/x)) + log(n)




# pelt.mv = function(data, pen = 2*ncol(data)*log(nrow(data)), cost.type=rep("normal", ncol(data)), change.type=rep("mean", ncol(data)), min.dist=2, initial.likelihood.value=0)
# {
#   if(!is.matrix(data)) stop("data should be a matrix.")
#   n = nrow(data)
#   d = min.dist # minimum distance between changepoints
#   PRUNE = T
#   #lastchangelike = array(NA,dim = n+1) #array(0,dim = n+1)
#   #lastchangecpts = array(NA,dim = n+1) #array(0,dim = n+1)
#   #numchangecpts = array(NA,dim = n+1) #array(0,dim = n+1)
#   lastchangelike = array(0,dim = n+1)
#   lastchangecpts = array(0,dim = n+1)
#   numchangecpts = array(0,dim = n+1)
#   lastchangelike[0 +1] <- c(-pen + initial.likelihood.value)
#   numchangecpts[0 +1] <- 0
#   lastchangecpts[0 +1] <- 0
#   sumx <- sum.stat(data)
#   if(d>1){
#     lastchangelike[1:(d-1) +1] <- NA
#     numchangecpts[1:(d-1) +1] <- NA
#     lastchangecpts[1:(d-1) +1] <- NA
#     for(tau in d:(2*d-1)){
#       lastchangelike[tau +1] = cost(tau, 0, sumx) + pen # calculate likelihood from 0 to the d:(2*d-1) points
#     }
#     numchangecpts[d:(2*d-1) +1] = 0
#     lastchangecpts[d:(2*d-1) +1] = 0
#   } else{
#     lastchangelike[1 +1] <- 0
#     numchangecpts[1 +1] <- 0
#     lastchangecpts[1 +1] <- 0
#   }
#   checklist <- array() #stores the candidate changepoint positions
#   checklist[1:2] <- c(0, d)
#   for (tstar in (2*d):n) {
#     if(lastchangelike[tstar+1] == 0){
#       tmplike <- lastchangelike[checklist+1] + cost(tstar, checklist, sumx) + pen
#       if(any(is.na(tmplike))) browser()
#       #### Store changepoints and cost function for each tstar ###
#       lastchangecpts[tstar+1] <- checklist[min(which(tmplike == min(tmplike[!is.na(tmplike)])))]
#       lastchangelike[tstar+1] <- min(tmplike[!is.na(tmplike)])
#       numchangecpts[tstar +1] <- numchangecpts[lastchangecpts[tstar+1]+1]+1
#       if(PRUNE){
#         checklist <- checklist[(tmplike - pen) <= lastchangelike[tstar+1]]
#       }
#     }
#     checklist <- c(checklist,tstar-d+1) #c(checklist,tstar-1)
#   }
#   cp = n
#   lastchangecpts2 <- lastchangecpts[-1]
#   while(cp[1]>0){
#     cp=c(lastchangecpts2[cp[1]],cp)
#   }
#   return(cp[-c(1,length(cp))])
# }
# pelt.mv.cost = function(tau, R, sumx, norm.vars, gam.vars, exp.vars, custom.vars, change.type, custom.cost.func=NA)
# {
#   norm.meanchange = 
#   # Summary statistics for Normal variables
#   x.norm = sumx[ , norm.vars ,drop=F]
#   x2.norm = sumx[ , p+norm.vars ,drop=F]
#   x2.residuals.norm = sumx[ , (2*p)+norm.vars ,drop=F]
#   # Summary statistics for Gamma variables
#   x.gam = sumx[ , gam.vars ,drop=F]
#   # Summary statistics for Exponential variables
#   x.exp = sumx[ , exp.vars ,drop=F]
#   # Summary statistics for variables with a custom cost function
#   x.custom = sumx[ , custom.vars ,drop=F]
#   x2.custom = sumx[ , p+custom.vars ,drop=F]
#   x2.residuals.custom = sumx[ , (2*p)+custom.vars ,drop=F]
#   ## Calculating costs ##
#   if(!is.na(norm.vars)){
#   }
# }
# pelt.mv.sumstat.norm.gam.exp = function(data)
# {
#   # outputs the summary statistics which can be used for Normal, Gamma and Exponential distributed data (and others)
#   if(is.null(dim(data))){
#     data = as.matrix(data)
#   }
#   n = nrow(data)
#   p = ncol(data)
#   y = rbind(rep(0,p), apply(data,2,cumsum))
#   y2 = rbind(rep(0,p), apply(data^2,2,cumsum))
#   y2.residuals = rbind(rep(0,p), apply(data,2, function(x) cumsum((x-mean(x))^2) ))
#   # a matrix containing: cusum of data, cusum of squared data, cusum of (data-mean(x))-squared.
#   return( cbind(y, y2, y2.residuals) )
# }

pelt.multivar.norm.sum = function(data){

    data = as.matrix(data)

  n = nrow(data)
  p = ncol(data)

  y = rbind(rep(0,p), apply(data,2,cumsum))
  y2 = rbind(rep(0,p), apply(data^2,2,cumsum))
  y2.zeromean = rbind(rep(0,p), apply(data,2, function(x) cumsum((x-mean(x))^2) ))

  return( cbind(y,y2,y2.zeromean) )


pelt.multivar.norm.mean.cost = function(tau,R,sumx){

  n = tau - R
  p = ncol(sumx)/3

  #cost = (tau-R)*log(2*pi) + (sumx[2,tau +1] - sumx[2,R+1])-(tau-R) *( (sumx[1,tau +1] - sumx[1,R+1])/(tau - R) )^2
  cost.mv = n*log(2*pi) + (sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), (p+1):(2*p) ,drop=F] - sumx[R+1, (p+1):(2*p) ,drop=F])-n *( (sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), 1:p ,drop=F] - sumx[R+1, 1:p ,drop=F])/n )^2
  cost = apply( cost.mv, 1, sum )



pelt.multivar.norm.mean.cost.seglen = function(tau,R,sumx){

  n = tau - R
  p = ncol(sumx)/3

  #cost = (tau-R)*log(2*pi) + (sumx[2,tau +1] - sumx[2,R+1])-(tau-R) *( (sumx[1,tau +1] - sumx[1,R+1])/(tau - R) )^2
  cost.mv = n*log(2*pi) + (sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), (p+1):(2*p) ,drop=F] - sumx[R+1, (p+1):(2*p) ,drop=F])-n *( (sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), 1:p ,drop=F] - sumx[R+1, 1:p ,drop=F])/n )^2 + log(n)
  cost = apply( cost.mv, 1, sum )



pelt.multivar.norm.var.cost = function(tau, R, sumx){

  # tau - single changepoint location
  # R - checklist of multiple possible previous changepoint locations
  # sumx - summary statistics for the whole time series
  # p - number of variables

  #mll.var <- function(x,n){
  #  neg = x<=0
  #  x[neg==TRUE] = 0.00000000001 #10000
  #  return(n*(log(2*pi) + log(x/n) + 1))

  n = tau - R
  p = ncol(sumx)/3

  y = matrix( rep( sumx[tau+1,(2*p+1):(3*p)], length(R) ), nrow=length(R) , byrow=T)
  x = y - sumx[R+1,(2*p+1):(3*p) ,drop=F]

  neg = x<=0
  x[neg==TRUE] = 0.00000000001 #10000
  cost.mv = n*(log(2*pi) + log(x/n) + 1)
  cost = apply( cost.mv, 1, sum )

  #cost = apply( z, 2, mll.var, n=tau-R)



pelt.multivar.norm.var.cost.seglen = function(tau, R, sumx){

  # tau - single changepoint location
  # R - checklist of multiple possible previous changepoint locations
  # sumx - summary statistics for the whole time series
  # p - number of variables

  #mll.var <- function(x,n){
  #  neg = x<=0
  #  x[neg==TRUE] = 0.00000000001 #10000
  #  return(n*(log(2*pi) + log(x/n) + 1))

  n = tau - R
  p = ncol(sumx)/3

  y = matrix( rep( sumx[tau+1,(2*p+1):(3*p)], length(R) ), nrow=length(R) , byrow=T)
  x = y - sumx[R+1,(2*p+1):(3*p) ,drop=F]

  neg = x<=0
  x[neg==TRUE] = 0.00000000001 #10000
  cost.mv = n*(log(2*pi) + log(x/n) + 1) + log(n)
  cost = apply( cost.mv, 1, sum )

  #cost = apply( z, 2, mll.var, n=tau-R)



pelt.multivar.norm.meanvar.cost = function(tau, R, sumx){
  n = tau - R
  p = ncol(sumx)/3
  norm.vars = 1:p
  x = sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), norm.vars ] - sumx[R+1, norm.vars ,drop=F]
  x2 = sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), p+norm.vars ,drop=F] - sumx[R+1, p+norm.vars ,drop=F]
  sigmasq.mle = (1/n) * ( x2 - (x^2)/n )
  neg = sigmasq.mle <= 0
  sigmasq.mle[neg==TRUE] = 0.00000000001
  cost.mv = n * (log(2*pi) + log(sigmasq.mle) + 1)
  cost = apply( cost.mv, 1, sum )

pelt.multivar.norm.meanvar.cost.seglen = function(tau, R, sumx){
  n = tau - R
  p = ncol(sumx)/3
  norm.vars = 1:p
  x = sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), norm.vars ] - sumx[R+1, norm.vars ,drop=F]
  x2 = sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), p+norm.vars ,drop=F] - sumx[R+1, p+norm.vars ,drop=F]
  sigmasq.mle = (1/n) * ( x2 - (x^2)/n )
  neg = sigmasq.mle <= 0
  sigmasq.mle[neg==TRUE] = 0.00000000001
  cost.mv = n * (log(2*pi) + log(sigmasq.mle) + 1) + log(n)
  cost = apply( cost.mv, 1, sum )

pelt.multivar.norm13meanvar.gamma2.exp4.cost = function(tau, R, sumx){
  norm.vars = c(1,3)
  gam.vars = 2
  exp.vars = 4
  n = tau - R
  p = ncol(sumx)/3
  ## Calculate cost for Normal variables (change in mean and variance)
  x = sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), norm.vars ] - sumx[R+1, norm.vars ,drop=F]
  x2 = sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), p+norm.vars ,drop=F] - sumx[R+1, p+norm.vars ,drop=F]
  sigmasq.mle = (1/n) * ( x2 - (x^2)/n )
  neg = sigmasq.mle <= 0
  sigmasq.mle[neg==TRUE] = 0.00000000001
  cost.mv.norm = n * (log(2*pi) + log(sigmasq.mle) + 1)
  ## Calculate cost for Gamma variables
  shape = 1
  x.gam = sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), gam.vars ,drop=F] - sumx[R+1, gam.vars ,drop=F]
  cost.mv.gam = 2*n*shape*log(x.gam) - 2*n*shape*log(n*shape)
  ## Calculate cost for Expoential variables
  x.exp = sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), exp.vars ,drop=F] - sumx[R+1, exp.vars ,drop=F]
  cost.mv.exp = 2*n*(1 - log(n/x.exp))
  ## Sum costs over all variables
  cost.mv = cbind( cost.mv.norm, cost.mv.gam, cost.mv.exp )
  cost = apply( cost.mv, 1, sum )

pelt.multivar.norm13meanvar.gamma2.exp4.cost.seglen = function(tau, R, sumx){
  norm.vars = c(1,3)
  gam.vars = 2
  exp.vars = 4
  n = tau - R
  p = ncol(sumx)/3
  ## Calculate cost for Normal variables (change in mean and variance)
  x = sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), norm.vars ] - sumx[R+1, norm.vars ,drop=F]
  x2 = sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), p+norm.vars ,drop=F] - sumx[R+1, p+norm.vars ,drop=F]
  sigmasq.mle = (1/n) * ( x2 - (x^2)/n )
  neg = sigmasq.mle <= 0
  sigmasq.mle[neg==TRUE] = 0.00000000001
  cost.mv.norm = n * (log(2*pi) + log(sigmasq.mle) + 1)
  ## Calculate cost for Gamma variables
  shape = 1
  x.gam = sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), gam.vars ,drop=F] - sumx[R+1, gam.vars ,drop=F]
  cost.mv.gam = 2*n*shape*log(x.gam) - 2*n*shape*log(n*shape)
  ## Calculate cost for Expoential variables
  x.exp = sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), exp.vars ,drop=F] - sumx[R+1, exp.vars ,drop=F]
  cost.mv.exp = 2*n*(1 - log(n/x.exp))
  ## Sum costs over all variables
  cost.mv = cbind( cost.mv.norm, cost.mv.gam, cost.mv.exp ) + log(n)
  cost = apply( cost.mv, 1, sum )

# pelt.multivar.gamma.cost = function(tau,R,sumx){
#   n = tau - R
#   p = ncol(sumx)/3
#   cost = array()
#   cost[which(n <= 1)] = 0
#   r <- R[which(n > 1)]
#   x = sumx[tau+1] - sumx[r+1]
#   cost[which(N > 1)] = 2*n*shape*log(x) - 2*n*shape*log(n*shape)
#   #cost = (tau-R)*log(2*pi) + (sumx[2,tau +1] - sumx[2,R+1])-(tau-R) *( (sumx[1,tau +1] - sumx[1,R+1])/(tau - R) )^2
#   cost.mv = n*log(2*pi) + (sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), (p+1):(2*p) ,drop=F] - sumx[R+1, (p+1):(2*p) ,drop=F])-n *( (sumx[rep(tau+1, length(R)), 1:p ,drop=F] - sumx[R+1, 1:p ,drop=F])/n )^2
#   cost = apply( cost.mv, 1, sum )
#   return(cost)
# }
benpickering/smop documentation built on Sept. 4, 2020, 1:45 a.m.