#' Calculate equilibrium lead solubility, approximating the method of Jurgens et al.
#' @description Experimental implementation of the approach to lead solubility calculation outlined in Jurgens et al.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.8b04475}.
#' @param Pb Concentrations of Pb initially present in solution (micrograms/L).
#' @param ph pH
#' @param dic Dissolved inorganic carbon, in mg C/L.
#' @param phosphate Orthophosphate, in mg P/L.
#' @param phase Equilibrium phase.
#' @param element An element to return the equilibrium concentration of.
#' @param eq_phase_components Additional equilibrium phase components, passed to
#' `tidyphreeqc::phr_input_section` as a list.
#' @param surface_components Components of a surface assemblage, passed to
#' `tidyphreeqc::phr_input_section` as a list.
#' @param new_phase Define phases not included in the database.
#' @param phase_out Add an equilibrium phase to the output. Default is the pseudophase "Fix_pH".
#' @param new_species Define solution species not included in the database.
#' @param output_components Additional output components, passed to
#' `tidyphreeqc::phr_input_section` as a list.
#' @param buffer Substance added or subtracted from the solution to yield the desired pH.
#' @param db The database to use for equilibrium solubility computations. The default is
#' `leadsol`
#' @param print Choose whether to print the input file ("input"), the full output ("output"), or the selected output.
#' Default is the latter.
#' @param ... Arguments passed on to `tidyphreeqc::phr_input_section()` as solution phase
#' components. Concentrations should be expressed in mmol/kgw.
#' @return A tibble with columns representing equilibrium phase, pH, dissolved inorganic carbon,
#' orthophosphate (as P), pe, ionic strength (mu), total concentration of chosen element in solution, and moles of the equilibrium phase
#' dissolved.
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pb_sol_jurgens(ph = 8, dic = 5)
pb_sol_jurgens <- function(
Pb = 1,
phosphate = 0,
element = "Pb",
eq_phase_components = list(),
new_phase = list(),
phase_out = "Fix_pH",
new_species = list(),
surface_components = list(),
output_components = list(),
buffer = "NaOH",
db = phreeqc::Amm.dat,
print = NULL,
) {
pH <- pe <- mu <- `C(mol/kgw)` <- `P(mol/kgw)` <- `Ca(mol/kgw)` <- NULL
if(!is.null(print)) if(!print %in% c("input", "output"))
stop("Valid entries for print are NULL, 'input', or 'output'")
output_components <- if(length(output_components) == 0) {
list("-totals" = c("P", "C", "Ca", "Cl", "F", element))
} else output_components
# solution:
add_species <- tidyphreeqc::phr_input_section(
components = new_species
solution_components <- list(...)
soln <- tidyphreeqc::phr_input_section(
type = "SOLUTION",
number = 1,
name = "water",
components = list(
"Pb" = 1e-3 * Pb / chemr::mass("Pb"),
"pH" = ph,
"C(4)" = if(is.numeric(dic)) dic / chemr::mass("C") else dic,
"P" = phosphate / chemr::mass("P"),
"pe" = 4,
"temp" = 25,
"redox" = "pe",
"units" = "mmol/kgw",
"density" = 1,
"-water" = 1
) %>% c(solution_components)
# phases
pH_def <- tidyphreeqc::phr_pH_fix_definition()
pe_def <- tidyphreeqc::phr_pe_fix_definition()
add_phase <- tidyphreeqc::phr_input_section(
type = "PHASES",
components = new_phase
eq_phase <- tidyphreeqc::phr_input_section(
number = 1,
components = list(
"Cerussite" = c(0, 0),
"Hydrocerussite" = c(0, 0),
"Litharge" = c(0, 0),
"Plattnerite" = c(0, 0),
"Pyromorphite-Cl" = c(0, 0),
"Pyromorphite-F" = c(0, 0),
"Pyromorphite-OH" = c(0, 0),
"Fix_pH" = c(-ph, buffer, 1e6),
"Fix_pe" = c(-4, "O2", 1e6)
) %>%
# add a surface:
add_surface <- tidyphreeqc::phr_input_section(
type = "SURFACE",
components = surface_components
# solid solution:
solid_soln <- tidyphreeqc::phr_input_section(
number = 1,
components = list(
"-comp" = "Hydroxylapatite 1e-12",
"-comp" = "Pyromorphite-Cl 0",
"-comp" = "Pyromorphite-F 0",
"-comp" = "Pyromorphite-OH 0",
"-comp1" = "Cerussite 0",
"-comp2" = "Calcite 0",
"-tempk" = "298.15",
"-Gugg_nondim" = "2.94 0"
# output:
phases <- c("CO2(g)", "Calcite", "Cerussite", "Litharge", "Pyromorphite-Cl",
"Plattnerite", "Pyromorphite-F", "Pyromorphite-OH",
"Fluorapatite", "Hydroxylapatite")
out <- tidyphreeqc::phr_input_section(
number = 1,
components = list(
"-equilibrium_phases" = phases[-1],
"-saturation_indices" = phases,
"-solid_solutions" = phases[c(2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10)],
"-state" = "true",
"-mu" = "true",
"-pH" = "true",
"-pe" = "true"
) %>% c(output_components)
run <- tidyphreeqc::phr_input(
jurgens, pH_def, pe_def, add_phase, add_species, add_surface,
soln, eq_phase, solid_soln, out, tidyphreeqc::phr_end()
if(is.null(print)) {
tidyphreeqc::phr_run(run) %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$state == "react") %>%
pH, pe, mu,
paste0("s_", phases[c(2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10)]), paste0("d_", phases[-1]),
`C(mol/kgw)`, `P(mol/kgw)`, `Ca(mol/kgw)`,
tidyselect::all_of(paste0(element, "(mol/kgw)"))
) %>%
dic_ppm = 1e3 * .data$`C(mol/kgw)` * chemr::mass("C"),
p_ppm = 1e3 * .data$`P(mol/kgw)` * chemr::mass("P"),
ca_ppm = 1e3 * .data$`Ca(mol/kgw)` * chemr::mass("Ca"),
!!paste0(stringr::str_to_lower(element), "_ppb") := 1e6 * .data[[paste0(element, "(mol/kgw)")]] * chemr::mass(element)
) %>%
dplyr::select_if(~ !dplyr::near(.x, 0, 1e-20)) %>%
} else
if(print == "input") run else
if(print == "output") {
# full output:
tidyphreeqc::phr_run(run) %>%
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