
Defines functions getFeatureImportanceLearner.BaseWrapper getFeatureImportanceLearner getFeatureImportance

Documented in getFeatureImportance getFeatureImportanceLearner

#' @title Calculates feature importance values for trained models.
#' @description
#' For some learners it is possible to calculate a feature importance measure.
#' `getFeatureImportance` extracts those values from trained models.
#' See below for a list of supported learners.
#' @details
#' * boosting \cr
#'    Measure which accounts the gain of Gini index given by a feature
#'    in a tree and the weight of that tree.
#' * cforest \cr
#'    Permutation principle of the 'mean decrease in accuracy' principle in
#'    randomForest. If `auc=TRUE` (only for binary classification), area under
#'    the curve is used as measure.  The algorithm used for the survival learner
#'    is 'extremely slow and experimental; use at your own risk'. See
#'    [party::varimp()] for details and further parameters.
#' * gbm \cr
#'    Estimation of relative influence for each feature. See
#'    [gbm::relative.influence()]
#'    for details and further parameters.
#' * h2o \cr
#'    Relative feature importances as returned by
#'    [h2o::h2o.varimp()].
#' * randomForest \cr
#'    For `type = 2` (the default) the 'MeanDecreaseGini' is measured, which is
#'    based on the Gini impurity index used for the calculation of the nodes.
#'    Alternatively, you can set `type` to 1, then the measure is the mean
#'    decrease in accuracy calculated on OOB data. Note, that in this case the
#'    learner's parameter `importance` needs to be set to be able to compute
#'    feature importance values.
#'    See [randomForest::importance()] for details.
#' * RRF \cr
#'    This is identical to randomForest.
#' * ranger \cr
#'    Supports both measures mentioned above for the randomForest
#'    learner. Note, that you need to specifically set the learners parameter
#'    `importance`, to be able to compute feature importance measures.
#'    See [ranger::importance()] and
#'    [ranger::ranger()] for details.
#' * rpart \cr
#'    Sum of decrease in impurity for each of the surrogate variables at each
#'    node
#' * xgboost \cr
#'    The value implies the relative contribution of the corresponding feature
#'    to the model calculated by taking each feature's contribution for each
#'    tree in the model. The exact computation of the importance in xgboost is
#'    undocumented.
#' @param object ([WrappedModel])\cr
#'   Wrapped model, result of [train()].
#' @param ... (any)\cr
#'   Additional parameters, which are passed to the underlying importance value
#'   generating function.
#' @return (`FeatureImportance`) An object containing a `data.frame` of the
#'   variable importances and further information.
#' @export
getFeatureImportance = function(object, ...) {

  assertClass(object, classes = "WrappedModel")
  lrn = checkLearner(object$learner, props = "featimp")
  imp = getFeatureImportanceLearner(lrn, object, ...)

  if (!check_numeric(imp, names = "unique") && !check_subset(names(imp), object$features)) {
    stop("getFeatureImportanceLearner did not return a named vector with names of the task features.")

  # We need to add missing pars with zero and order them
  imp[setdiff(object$features, names(imp))] = 0
  imp = imp[object$features]

  # convert named vector to data.frame with columns and set NA to 0
  imp[is.na(imp)] = 0L
  imp = as.data.frame(t(imp))
  imp = tidyr::pivot_longer(imp, tidyr::everything(),
    names_to = "variable", values_to = "importance")

    res = imp,
    task.desc = getTaskDesc(object),
    learner = lrn,
    measure = NA,
    contrast = NA,
    aggregation = identity,
    nmc = NA,
    replace = NA,
    local = FALSE)

#' @title Calculates feature importance values for a given learner.
#' @description
#' This function is mostly for internal usage. To calculate feature importance use [getFeatureImportance].
#' The return value is a named numeric vector. There does not need to be one value for each feature in the dataset.
#' In [getFeatureImportance] missing features will get an importance of zero and if the vector contains `NA`
#' they will also be replaced with zero.
#' @param .learner ([Learner] | `character(1)`)\cr
#'   The learner.
#' @param .model ([WrappedModel])\cr
#'  The model.
#' @param ... (any)\cr
#' Additional parameters, which are passed to the underlying importance value
#' generating function.
#' @return ([numeric]) A named vector of variable importance.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
getFeatureImportanceLearner = function(.learner, .model, ...) {

#' @export
getFeatureImportanceLearner.BaseWrapper = function(.learner, .model, ...) {
  getFeatureImportanceLearner(.learner$next.learner, .model = .model, ...)
berndbischl/mlr documentation built on Jan. 6, 2023, 12:45 p.m.