
Defines functions makeMBOLearner

Documented in makeMBOLearner

#' @title Generate default learner.
#' @description
#' This is a helper function that generates a default surrogate, based on properties of the objective
#' function and the selected infill criterion.
#' For numeric-only (including integers) parameter spaces without any dependencies:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{A Kriging model \dQuote{regr.km} with kernel \dQuote{matern3_2} is created.}
#' \item{If the objective function is deterministic we add a small nugget effect (10^-8*Var(y),
#'   y is vector of observed outcomes in current design) to increase numerical stability to
#'   hopefully prevent crashes of DiceKriging.}
#' \item{If the objective function is noisy the nugget effect will be estimated with
#'   \code{nugget.estim = TRUE} (but you can override this in \code{...}.}
#'   Also \code{jitter} is set to \code{TRUE} to circumvent a problem with DiceKriging where already
#'   trained input values produce the exact trained output.
#'   For further information check the \code{$note} slot of the created learner.
#' \item{Instead of the default \code{"BFGS"} optimization method we use rgenoud (\code{"gen"}),
#'   which is a hybrid algorithm, to combine global search based on genetic algorithms and local search
#'   based on gradients.
#'   This may improve the model fit and will less frequently produce a constant surrogate model.
#'   You can also override this setting in \code{...}.}
#' }
#' For mixed numeric-categorical parameter spaces, or spaces with conditional parameters:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{A random regression forest \dQuote{regr.randomForest} with 500 trees is created.}
#' \item{The standard error of a prediction (if required by the infill criterion) is estimated
#'   by computing the jackknife-after-bootstrap.
#'   This is the \code{se.method = "jackknife"} option of the \dQuote{regr.randomForest} Learner.
#'   }
#' }
#' If additionally dependencies are in present in the parameter space, inactive conditional parameters
#' are represented by missing \code{NA} values in the training design data.frame.
#' We simply handle those with an imputation method, added to the random forest:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{If a numeric value is inactive, i.e., missing, it will be imputed by 2 times the
#'   maximum of observed values}
#' \item{If a categorical value is inactive, i.e., missing, it will be imputed by the
#'   special class label \code{"__miss__"}}
#' }
#' Both of these techniques make sense for tree-based methods and are usually hard to beat, see
#' Ding et.al. (2010).
#' @references
#' Ding, Yufeng, and Jeffrey S. Simonoff. An investigation of missing data methods for
#' classification trees applied to binary response data.
#' Journal of Machine Learning Research 11.Jan (2010): 131-170.
#' @template arg_control
#' @param fun [\code{smoof_function}] \cr
#'   The same objective function which is also passed to \code{\link{mbo}}.
#' @param config [\code{named list}] \cr
#'   Named list of config option to overwrite global settings set via \code{\link[mlr]{configureMlr}} for this specific learner.
#' @param ... [any]\cr
#'   Further parameters passed to the constructed learner.
#'   Will overwrite mlrMBO's defaults.
#' @return [\code{Learner}]
#' @aliases mbo_default_learner
#' @export
makeMBOLearner = function(control, fun, config = list(), ...) {
  assertClass(control, "MBOControl")
  assertClass(fun, "smoof_function")

  ps = getParamSet(fun)
  if (isSimpleNumeric(ps)) {
    lrn = makeLearner("regr.km", covtype = "matern3_2", optim.method = "gen", config = config)
    if (!isNoisy(fun))
      lrn = setHyperPars(lrn, nugget.stability = 10^-8)
      lrn = setHyperPars(lrn, nugget.estim = TRUE, jitter = TRUE)
  } else {
    lrn = makeLearner("regr.randomForest", se.method = "jackknife", keep.inbag = TRUE, config = config)
    if (hasRequires(ps))
      lrn = makeImputeWrapper(lrn, classes = list(numeric = imputeMax(2), factor = imputeConstant("__miss__")))

  if (control$infill.crit$requires.se || (!is.null(control$multipoint.method) && control$multipoint.method == "moimbo"))
    lrn = setPredictType(lrn, "se")

  lrn = setHyperPars(lrn, ...)
berndbischl/mlrMBO documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 1:44 p.m.