
Defines functions parallelExport

Documented in parallelExport

#' @title Export R objects for parallelization.
#' @description Makes sure that the objects are exported to slave process so
#' that they can be used in a job function which is later run with
#' [parallelMap()].
#' @param ... [`character`]\cr
#'   Names of objects to export.
#' @param objnames (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   Names of objects to export.
#'   Alternative way to pass arguments.
#' @param level (`character(1)`)\cr
#'   If a (non-missing) level is specified in [parallelStart()],
#'   the function only exports if the level specified here matches.
#'   See [parallelMap()].
#'   Useful if this function is used in a package.
#'   Default is `NA`.
#' @param master (`logical(1)`)\cr
#'   Really export to package environment on master for local and multicore
#'   mode? If you do not do this your objects might not get exported for the
#'   mapping function call. Only disable when you are really sure. Default is
#'   `TRUE`.
#' @param show.info (`logical(1)`)\cr
#'   Verbose output on console?
#'   Can be used to override setting from options / [parallelStart()].
#'   Default is NA which means no overriding.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @export
parallelExport = function(..., objnames, master = TRUE, level = NA_character_, show.info = NA) {

  args = list(...)
  assertList(args, types = "character")
  if (!missing(objnames)) {
    assertCharacter(objnames, any.missing = FALSE)
    objnames = c(as.character(args), objnames)
  } else {
    objnames = as.character(args)

  assertString(level, na.ok = TRUE)
  assertFlag(show.info, na.ok = TRUE)

  mode = getPMOptMode()

  # remove duplicates
  objnames = unique(objnames)

  if (length(objnames) > 0L) {
    if (isParallelizationLevel(level)) {
      if (master && (isModeLocal() || isModeMulticore())) {
        showInfoMessage("Exporting objects to package env on master for mode: %s",
          mode, collapse(objnames))
        for (n in objnames) {
          # FIXME 2x envir!
          assign(n, get(n, envir = sys.parent()), envir = PKG_LOCAL_ENV)
      if (isModeSocket() || isModeMPI()) {
        showInfoMessage("Exporting objects to slaves for mode %s: %s",
          mode, collapse(objnames))
        # export via our helper function
        for (n in objnames) {
          exportToSlavePkgParallel(n, get(n, envir = sys.parent()))
      } else if (isModeBatchJobs()) {
        showInfoMessage("Storing objects in files for BatchJobs slave jobs: %s",
        objs = setNames(lapply(objnames, get, envir = sys.parent()), objnames)
          BatchJobs::batchExport(getBatchJobsReg(), li = objs, overwrite = TRUE)
      } else if (isModeBatchtools()) {
        old = getOption("batchtools.verbose")
        options(batchtools.verbose = FALSE)
        on.exit(options(batchtools.verbose = old))
        showInfoMessage("Storing objects in files for batchtools slave jobs: %s", collapse(objnames))
        reg = getBatchtoolsReg()
        objs = setNames(lapply(objnames, get, envir = sys.parent()), objnames)
        batchtools::batchExport(export = objs, reg = reg)
berndbischl/parallelMap documentation built on Dec. 12, 2023, 1:15 p.m.