
Defines functions parallelStop

Documented in parallelStop

#' @title Stops parallelization.
#' @description
#' Sets mode to \dQuote{local}, i.e., parallelization is turned
#' off and all necessary stuff is cleaned up.
#' For socket and mpi mode `parallel::stopCluster()` is called.
#' For BatchJobs mode the subdirectory of the `storagedir`
#' containing the exported objects is removed.
#' After a subsequent call of [parallelStart()], no exported objects
#' are present on the slaves and no libraries are loaded,
#' i.e., you have clean R sessions on the slaves.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @export
parallelStop = function() {

  # only do something if we are in "started" state

  if (isStatusStarted()) {
    if (isModeSocket() || isModeMPI()) {
      # only stop if we registred one (exception in parallelStart can happen)
      # the whole following code is full of horrible stuff but I cannot change that
      # parallel is really buggy and the design is horrible
      # a) stopCluster will not work when called via stopCluster(NULL) on the default cluster
      #    Through some envir assign "magic" cl gets set to NULL before it is stopped
      #    via S3 inheritance
      # b) stopCluster will also throw amn exception when none is registered. great, and apparently
      #    we have no way of asking whether one is alrealdy registered.
      cl = get("default", envir = getFromNamespace(".reg", ns = "parallel"))
      if (!is.null(cl)) {
        stopCluster(cl = cl)
    } else if (isModeBatchJobs()) {
      # delete registry file dir
      unlink(getBatchJobsRegFileDir(), recursive = TRUE)
    if (!isModeLocal()) {
      showInfoMessage("Stopped parallelization. All cleaned up.")

  # remove our local export collection (local + multicore mode)
  rm(list = ls(PKG_LOCAL_ENV), envir = PKG_LOCAL_ENV)

  # in any case be in local / stopped mode now
  options(parallelMap.mode = MODE_LOCAL)
  options(parallelMap.status = STATUS_STOPPED)

  # FIXME do we clean up log files?

berndbischl/parallelMap documentation built on Dec. 12, 2023, 1:15 p.m.