
# Slow tests for the pdp package
# Description: Reproducing the California housing example from Section 14.1 of
# Chapter 10 in
#   Hastie, Trevor, Robert Tibshirani, and J. H. Friedman. The elements of
#   statistical learning : data mining, inference, and prediction. New York:
#   Springer, 2009. Print.
# WARNING: This is simply a test file. These models are not trained to be
# "optimal" in any sense.

# Load required packages

# Fetch California housing data
cal <- read.csv("slowtests/california_housing.csv")

# Fit a GBM with the same parameters as in Hastie et al. (2009, pp 371-375)
cal.gbm <- gbm(AvgValue ~ ., data = cal,
               distribution = "laplace",
               n.trees = 2000,
               interaction.depth = 6,
               shrinkage = 0.1,
               bag.fraction = 1,
               train.fraction = 0.8,
               verbose = TRUE)
best.iter <- gbm.perf(cal.gbm, method = "test")

# There seems to be a fair amount of outliers in this data set so we have two
# options:
#   (1) use the quantiles options with specific probabilities;
#   (2) use the trim.outliers option.
# Below we elect to use option (1).

# Partial dependence of AvgValue on MedInc, AveOccup, HouseAge, and AveRooms
pd.MedInc <- partial(cal.gbm, pred.var = "MedInc", quantiles = TRUE,
                     probs = 5:95/100, n.trees = best.iter)
pd.AveOccup <- partial(cal.gbm, pred.var = "AveOccup", quantiles = TRUE,
                       probs = 5:95/100, n.trees = best.iter)
pd.HouseAge <- partial(cal.gbm, pred.var = "HouseAge", quantiles = TRUE,
                       probs = 5:95/100, n.trees = best.iter)
pd.AveRooms <- partial(cal.gbm, pred.var = "AveRooms", quantiles = TRUE,
                       probs = 5:95/100, n.trees = best.iter)

# Partial dependence of AvgValue on AveOccup and HouseAge (together)
pd.HouseAge.AveOccup <- partial(
  cal.gbm, pred.var = c("HouseAge", "AveOccup"), quantiles = TRUE,
  # chull = TRUE,
  probs = 5:95/100, n.trees = best.iter

# Single-predictor PDPs
ylim <- c(1, 3.5)
ylab <- "Partial dependence"
  plotPartial(pd.MedInc, rug = TRUE, train = cal, ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab),
  plotPartial(pd.AveOccup, rug = TRUE, train = cal, ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab),
  plotPartial(pd.HouseAge, rug = TRUE, train = cal, ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab),
  plotPartial(pd.AveRooms, rug = TRUE, train = cal, ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab),
  ncol = 2

# Two-predictor PDP
  plotPartial(pd.HouseAge.AveOccup, levelplot = FALSE, zlab = "",
              scales = list(arrows = FALSE),
              col.regions = viridis::magma(100, begin = 0.4),
              # palette = "magma",
              drape = TRUE, colorkey = TRUE,
              screen = list(z = 140, x = -60)),
  ncol = 2
bgreenwell/partial documentation built on June 2, 2022, 2:54 p.m.