
Defines functions SurvivalModel

Documented in SurvivalModel

#' @name SurvivalModel-class
#' @title A Generic Container for Storing Mathematical Models of SurvivalExperiments
#' @description An S4 class with a number of predefined methods for
#'   accessing slots relavant to a surival model. More specific model types
#'   will inherit from this class for their accessor methods and constructor.
#' @slot models A `SimpleList` containing one or more model object.
#' @slot validationData A `CohortList` containing one or more `SurvivalExperiment`
#'   objects used to validate the model. This slot is populated by the when the
#'   `validateModel` method is called on a `SurvivalModel` object.
#' @slot validationStats A `data.frame` object containing validation statistics
#'   calculated by the `validateModel` method.
#' @examples
#' data(sampleICGCmicro)
#' set.seed(1987)
#' survModel <- SurvivalModel(sampleICGCmicro, minDaysSurvived=385,
#'   randomSeed=1987)
#' @md
#' @include class-SurvivalExperiment.R
#' @include class-CohortList.R
#' @export
.SurvivalModel <- setClass("SurvivalModel",
    contains='SurvivalExperiment', slots=list(models='SimpleList',
    validationData='CohortList', validationStats='data.frame'

#' Constructor for a SurvivalModel Object.
#' @param trainCohorts A 'SurvivelExperiment' containing training data for
#'   the `SurvivalModel` object.
#' @param minDaysSurvived An `integer` minimum number of days survived to be
#'   classified as a 'good' prognosis.
#' @param ... Force subsequent parameters to be named. Not used.
#' @param randomSeed An `integer` randomSeed that was used to train the model.
#'   Users should specify this when initializing a model to ensure
#'   reproducibilty.
#' @return A `SurvivalModel` object.
#' @examples
#' data(sampleICGCmicro)
#' set.seed(1987)
#' survModel <- SurvivalModel(sampleICGCmicro, minDaysSurvived=365,
#'   randomSeed=1987)
#' @md
#' @import BiocGenerics
#' @importFrom CoreGx .errorMsg .warnMsg
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @export
SurvivalModel <- function(trainCohorts, minDaysSurvived=365, ...,
    funContext <- .context(1)

    if (missing(randomSeed)) stop(.errorMsg(funContext, 'No random seed was ',
        'specied for your model. Please include the value used for set.seed ',
        'when training this model! This ensures other can reproduce your ',

    if (!is(trainCohorts, 'SurvivalExperiment')) {
        if (is(trainCohorts, 'CohortList')) {
            message(funContext, 'Merging trainCohorts `CohortList` into a',
                ' `SurvivalExperiment` with shared genes and samples...')
            .mergeWithNames <- function(x, y) merge(x, y,
            trainCohorts <- Reduce(.mergeWithNames, trainCohorts)
            trainCohorts <- dropNotCensored(trainCohorts, minDaysSurvived)
        } else {
                'The trainCohorts argument is not a CohortList or ',
                'SurvivalExperiment object. Please convert it before building',
                ' a SurvivalModel object!'))

    if (!('prognosis' %in% colnames(colData(trainCohorts)))) {
        colData(trainCohorts)$prognosis <-  # split into high and low survival
            ifelse(colData(trainCohorts)$survival_time >= minDaysSurvived,
                'good', 'bad')

    metadata(trainCohorts)$modelParams <-
        list(randomSeed=randomSeed, RNGkind=RNGkind(),

    SurvModel <- .SurvivalModel(trainCohorts, models=SimpleList(),
        validationData=CohortList(mDataTypes=""), validationStats=data.frame())

#' Getter for the models slot of a `SurvivalModel` object
#' @param object A `SurvivalModel` model object to retrieve the models slot from.
#' @return A `SimpleList` of top scoring KTSPmodels
#' @examples
#' data(samplePCOSPmodel)
#' models(samplePCOSPmodel)
#' @include class-S4Model.R
#' @md
#' @export
setMethod('models', signature(object='SurvivalModel'), function(object) {

#' Setter for the models slot of a `SurvivalModel` object
#' @param object A `SurvivalModel` object to update
#' @param value A `SimpleList` of trained KTSP models
#' @return None, updates the object.
#' @examples
#' data(samplePCOSPmodel)
#' models(samplePCOSPmodel) <- SimpleList(model1=NA)
#' @include class-S4Model.R
#' @md
#' @export
setReplaceMethod('models', signature(object='SurvivalModel',
    value='SimpleList'), function(object, value)
    object@models <- value

#' Accessor for the `validationStats` slot of a `SurvivalModel` object.
#' @param object A `SurvivalModel` object to get validation statistics from.
#' @return A `data.table` of validation statistics for the `SurvivalModel`
#'   object.
#' @examples
#' data(samplePCOSPmodel)
#' validationStats(samplePCOSPmodel)
#' @include class-S4Model.R
#' @md
#' @export
setMethod('validationStats', signature(object='SurvivalModel'),

#' Setter for the validationStats slot of a `SurvivalModel` object with a
#'   `data.frame`
#' @param object A `SurvivalModel` model.
#' @param value A `data.frame` of validation statistics for a `SurvivelModel`
#'   object.
#' @return None, updated the object.
#' @examples
#' data(samplePCOSPmodel)
#' validationStats(samplePCOSPmodel) <- data.frame()
#' @include class-S4Model.R
#' @md
#' @export
setReplaceMethod('validationStats', signature(object='SurvivalModel',
    value='data.frame'), function(object, value)
    object@validationStats <- value

#' Accessor for the `validationData` slot of a `SurvivalModel` object.
#' @param object A `SurvivalModel` object.
#' @return A `CohortList` object containing the datasets used to compute
#'   validation statistics for this model.
#' @examples
#' data(samplePCOSPmodel)
#' validationData(samplePCOSPmodel)
#' @include class-S4Model.R
#' @md
#' @export
setMethod('validationData', signature(object='SurvivalModel'), function(object)

#' Setter for the `validationData` slot of a `SurvivalModel` object with a
#'  `CohortList`.
#' @param object A `SurvivalModel` model.
#' @param value A `CohortList` of validation cohorts for the `SurvivalModel` model.
#' @return None, updates the object.
#' @examples
#' data(samplePCOSPmodel)
#' validationData(samplePCOSPmodel) <- validationData(samplePCOSPmodel)
#' @include class-S4Model.R
#' @md
#' @export
setReplaceMethod('validationData', signature(object='SurvivalModel',
    value='CohortList'), function(object, value)
    object@validationData <- value

#' Generic for retrieving the randomSeed parameter from a `SurvivalModel` object.
#' This should be used to set the seed before model training to ensure
#' reproducible results.
#' @param object An `S4` object to get the seed from.
#' @return An `integer` seed to be used when training the a `SurivvalModel`.
#' @examples
#' data(samplePCOSPmodel)
#' getModelSeed(samplePCOSPmodel)
#' @md
#' @export
setGeneric('getModelSeed', function(object) standardGeneric('getModelSeed'))
#' Method for retrieving the random seed used for training a specific survival
#' model object.
#' This should be used to set the seed before model training to ensure
#' reproducible results.
#' @param object A `SurvivalModel` object to get the seed from.
#' @return An `integer` seed to be used when training the a `SurivalModel`.
#' @examples
#' data(samplePCOSPmodel)
#' getModelSeed(samplePCOSPmodel)
#' @md
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @export
setMethod('getModelSeed', signature(object='SurvivalModel'),
    function(object) metadata(object)$modelParams$randomSeed)

#' Class Validity Method for the SurvivalModel Class
#' @param object A `SurvivalModel` object to verify class validity of.
#' @md
#' @importFrom CoreGx .errorMsg
setValidity('SurvivalModel', function(object) {
    funContext <- .context(1)

    hasSurvivalGroup <- 'prognosis' %in% colnames(colData(object))
    if (!hasSurvivalGroup) .errorMsg(funContext, 'The ',
        '`prognosis` column is missing. Object inheriting from the ',
        '`SurvivalModel` class must contain this column!')
    hasModelParams <- 'modelParams' %in% names(metadata(object))
    if (!hasModelParams) .errorMsg(funContext, 'The ',
        '`modelParams` item is missing from the from the `SurvivalModel`',
        'metadata slot. Please ensure you are using the constructor to build ',
        'your `SurvivalModel` object!')

    return(hasSurvivalGroup && hasModelParams)
bhklab/PDATK documentation built on Dec. 27, 2021, 7:46 a.m.