
Defines functions computeD10

Documented in computeD10

#' Compute D10
#' @description This function computes the radiation dose at which only 10% of
#'   cancer cells survive under the exponential model
#'   SF = exp(-alpha * D - beta * D ^ 2) given alpha and beta, where D is the
#'   radiation dose given and SF is the fraction of cells surviving
#' @examples
#' computeD10(c(0.2, 0.1))
#' @param pars parameters (alpha, beta) in equation
#'   y = exp(-alpha * x - beta * x ^ 2)
#' @return \code{numeric} The D10 value
#' @details The units of the returned dose are the inverses of the units of
#'   the alpha and beta passed in.
#' @export
computeD10 <- function(pars) {
  CoreGx::.sanitizeInput(pars = pars,
                          x_as_log = FALSE,
                          y_as_log = FALSE,
                          y_as_pct = FALSE,
                          trunc = FALSE,
                          verbose = FALSE)

  return(.linearQuadraticInv(SF = 0.1,
                             pars = pars,
                             SF_as_log = FALSE))
bhklab/RadioGx documentation built on Oct. 6, 2023, 8:27 a.m.