Man pages for bhoung/trueskill-in-r
Implementation of the TrueSkill algorithm in R

ausopen2012Australian Open data
DrawMarginEPSILON or draw margin, used to set EPSILON in Parameters
DrawProbabilityCompute draw probability
GaussianGaussian Class with args (mu, sigma) or (pi, tau)
GetPlayerscreate a list of players from a list of teams
ParametersSets three parameters used in the TrueSkill algorithm.
PlayerPlayer: class to hold the skills and names of players
Printpretty print a list ( of players or teams)
TeamTeam: class to hold the names, ranks and list of players
TrueskillRuns the Trueskill algorithm
trueskill-packageImplementation of the TrueSkill algorithm
bhoung/trueskill-in-r documentation built on May 12, 2019, 8:29 p.m.