
1.3.0 the following changes and additions has been made: + using the replicate average and replicate pooled standard errors has been changed to using weighted average with variance defined weights and the standard error of weighted average. The use of latter has better theoretical grounding and its use is evidenced in literature (Arner E, et al. PMC3402332). + a bug causing each of the models produced by modelGeneExpression to carry a hard copy of molecular signatures matrix (X) and leading to large objects sizes has been resolved. + translateCounts function has been added to ease construction of gene level analysis. + regressionData function has been added allowing to construct analyses using customly pre-processed data. + new vignette has been added showing how to conduct a gene level analysis.


1.1.1 xcore is now released on Bioconductor

bkaczkowski/xcore documentation built on Jan. 26, 2024, 6:24 p.m.