
Defines functions c3netWrapper

Documented in c3netWrapper

#' This function wraps c3net implementation
#' This function wraps the c3net call on a gene expression matrix. This takes the
#' transpose of typical gene expression matrix where rows are sample IDs and 
#' columns are Gene IDs in order to convert it for calling the `c3net()` function.
#' @param data Required. A Matrix containing gene expression values with subjects 
#' as row values and gene features as column IDs.
#' @param outputpath Required. Path to save the resulting network
#' @param pval Optional. Currently not implemented. (Default = 1)
#' @export 
#' @return Returns a symmetric mutual information matrix, which is obtained after
#'  implementing C3NET. Specifically, non-zero elements in the returned matrix 
#' represents undirected link between variables. The inferred network may also 
#' be plotted if the argument network is set TRUE.
#' @references G. Altay, F. Emmert-Streib, "Inferring the conservative causal core of gene regulatory networks", BMC Systems Biology (2010) 4:132.
c3netWrapper  = function(data,pval=1,outputpath){
  network <- c3net::c3net(t(data))
  network <- network*upper.tri(network)
blogsdon/metanetwork documentation built on April 27, 2022, 3:53 p.m.