
Defines functions isopattern

Documented in isopattern

isopattern <-
  threshold = .001,
  charge = FALSE,
  emass = 0.00054857990924,
  plotit = FALSE,
  algo = 1,
  rel_to = 0,
  verbose = TRUE,
  return_iso_calc_amount = FALSE

    # (1) issue warnings #######################################################
    if(length(isotopes) != 5) stop("WARNING: invalid isotope list\n")
    if(threshold > 100 || threshold < 0) stop("WARNING: invalid threshold; 0<=threshold<100.\n")
    if(plotit != "TRUE" & plotit != "FALSE") stop("WARNING: plotit invalid. TRUE, FALSE.\n")
    if(emass != 0.00054857990924) message("NOTE: You are sure that is the mass of an electrone?")
    if((length(charge) != length(chemforms)) & length(charge) > 1) stop("length of charge does not match number of chemforms!\n")
    if(any(charge == 0) & any(charge != FALSE)) stop("WARNING: charge=0?")
    if(any(is.numeric(charge) == FALSE) & any(charge != FALSE)) stop("WARNING: charge either numeric or FALSE!")
	if(length(charge) == 1 & length(chemforms) > 1) charge <- rep(charge, length(chemforms))
    if(!any(algo == c(1, 2))) stop("invalid algo argument!")
	if(!(rel_to %in% c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4))) stop("invalid rel_to") 
	if(!is.logical(verbose)) stop("invalid verbose")
    if(return_iso_calc_amount == "TRUE") return_iso_calc_amount2 <- 1 else return_iso_calc_amount2 <- 0
    # (2) run isotope pattern generator ######################################## 
    pattern <- list(0)
    for(i in 1:length(chemforms)){
      if(algo == 1){ # = algo_1
        out <- .Call( "iso_pattern",
        s1 = as.character(chemforms[i]),   # chemical formula
        pl = as.integer(1E6),             # number of peaks to be reserved for
        t1 = as.double(threshold),        # relative intensity cutoff
        iso_list_elem = as.character(isotopes[, 1]),  # isotope list: Element
        iso_list_iso = as.character(isotopes[, 2]),  # isotope list: Isotope
        iso_list_mass = as.numeric(isotopes[, 3]),  # isotope list: Isotope mass
        iso_list_abu = as.numeric(isotopes[, 4]),  # isotope list: Isotope abundance
        rtm = as.integer(rel_to),     # 0:relative to highest, 1:relative to mono peak
        rica = as.integer(return_iso_calc_amount2),
        PACKAGE = "enviPat"
      if(algo == 2){ # = algo_4
        out <- .Call( "iso_pattern_4",
        s1 = as.character(chemforms[i]),   # chemical formula
        pl = as.integer(1E6),             # number of peaks to be reserved for
        t1 = as.double(threshold),        # relative intensity cutoff
        iso_list_elem = as.character(isotopes[, 1]),  # isotope list: Element
        iso_list_iso = as.character(isotopes[, 2]),  # isotope list: Isotope
        iso_list_mass = as.numeric(isotopes[, 3]),  # isotope list: Isotope mass
        iso_list_abu = as.numeric(isotopes[, 4]),  # isotope list: Isotope abundance
        rtm = as.integer(rel_to),     # 0:relative to highest, 1:relative to mono peak
        rica = as.integer(return_iso_calc_amount2),
        PACKAGE = "enviPat"
      # parse output ###########################################################
      if(!length(out[[1]])) pattern[[i]] <- "error" else{
        if(return_iso_calc_amount2) pattern[[i]] <- out else{
            out2 <- out[order(out[, 1], decreasing = FALSE),, drop = FALSE]
            colnames(out2)[1] <- "m/z"
            if(charge[i] != FALSE){
                out2[, 1] <- c(out2[, 1] - (charge[i] * emass))  # electrone mass
                if(charge[i] != 1){
                    out2[, 1] <- c(out2[, 1] / abs(charge[i]))  # /charge=z
            pattern[[i]] <- out2
                plot(out2[, 1], out2[, 2], type = "h",
                xlab = "m/z", ylab = "Relative abundance", main = names(pattern)[i])

  names(pattern) <- as.character(chemforms)
  if(verbose) message(" done.")
  # (3) output ###############################################################
blosloos/enviPat documentation built on July 28, 2024, 2:41 p.m.