
Defines functions is_improvement greedy_search

# Ties are resolved randomly.
greedy_search <- function(class, to_include, init, step, dataset, epsilon, k, 
                          smooth, cache_reset = NULL) {
  #  Init loop variables   
  scores_log <- numeric()  
  current_dag <- NULL
  current_score <- -Inf 
  candidate_dags <- list(init)
  #   Get indices of training sets 
  test_folds <- partition_dataset(dataset, class, k)
  train <- lapply(test_folds, function(x) dataset[-x, , drop = FALSE])
  train <- lapply(train, make_cpts_cache, smooth = smooth)
  test <- lapply(test_folds, function(x) dataset[x, , drop = FALSE])
  test <- lapply(test, make_evidence)
  #   Start caches for training sets 
  # TODO: smooth goes directly to cache. 
  # skip asserts during greedy search
  skip_env$skip_assert <- TRUE
  while (length(candidate_dags) > 0) {
    # if max accuracy then break
    if (isTRUE(fast_equal(current_score, 1))) { break }
    #     Score all candidate states
    #     Update each candidate dag on the correct cache 
    #     Get the prediction for each ddag
    #     evaluate 
    scores <- cv_lp_partition(candidate_dags, train, test)
    #     Stop if it is not better than current_score 
    if (!is_improvement(scores, current_score, epsilon)) break         
    #     Make the best dag the current one
    best_ind <- max_random(scores)
    current_dag <- candidate_dags[[best_ind]]
    current_score <- scores[[best_ind]]
    scores_log <- c(scores_log, current_score)
    if (!is.null(cache_reset)) {
      if (length(scores_log) %% cache_reset == 0) lapply(train, forget)
    # Generate all candidates from best state 
    # ...tan_hcsp requires parameters dataset, smooth, and k; the rest do not
    candidate_dags <- step(bnc_dag = current_dag,
                           features_to_include = to_include, 
                           train = train, test = test)
  # Turn assert back on  
  skip_env$skip_assert <- FALSE
  current_dag$.greedy_scores_log <- scores_log
is_improvement <- function(new_scores, current_score, epsilon) {
  (max(new_scores) - epsilon >= current_score) # TODO: Enable relative improvement
bmihaljevic/bnclassify documentation built on March 18, 2024, 8:34 a.m.